My son was hit by a car while crossing a signal on his pushbike. Fortunately, he is okay apart from a bit of shoulder pain and a few scratches on his arms and legs.
The car that hit his bike was being driven by a P plater (red). The car ran a red light and hit my son's bike's rear wheel while he was crossing the road and he fell onto the road. My son managed to get the rego of the car and I have reported this to the police.
There were a few kind people who attended to my son and asked him if he was alright. He is still in a bit of a shock. Have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to see about his shoulder.
Is there anything else that needs to be done in this kind of scenario?
Thanking in advance.
PS: edited to pushbike to avoid confusion.
Did he get any of the details of any witness that saw the accident? I can see the next thing being that the P plater will say "the biker crossed on a red…" and then it is down to the whole "he said, you said" fight.
Make sure you tell the Dr. it was from a vehicle accident, bike v. car and that a record needs to be kept in case this turns into a CTP issue in the weeks to come.