This was posted 3 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Optus: First 3 Months Free - Month-to-Month Data Plans (e.g. 150GB $50 Per Month Free for First 3 Months)


Came across this in the My Optus app under "offers"
3 months Free - No Contract, month to month data sim, $0 first 3 months then reverts back to the standard $50 (based on the 150gb data sim plan)

The offer is in the MyOptus App which will open web browser. from there select data sim and sign up to the plan you want. it would make the most sense to choose the 150g data plan since all the plans are all free.

You can try the link i have listed however have found that it does not always work as it may be encoded to customer reference. I have shared with someone else and they were able to access the page, however if they refreshed that page a message came up saying "to check if eligible for this offer check the MyOptus App" so if using the link don't refresh. (If you have the app you might be better off with the app)

Checked the critical information and terms and conditions, could not find anything about a contract term. Critial summary says
Optus Choice Data SIM Plan – Month-to-month…

3 Months Free: New or existing services who purchase or recontract via the My Optus App to 1. a tablet or watch on a device payment plan with an Optus Choice Data SIM Plan or Optus Choice Connected Watch Plan or 2. An Optus Choice Data SIM plan for three months . N/A with other discount offers unless specified. Ends 30/06/21.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    450GB for $0, valid 90 days!
    From T&Cs:

    When you sign up to a month to month SIM plan without a device payment plan, your min. cost is one month of your SIM plan fee.

    So, if we choose to exit after 3 months, we'd need to pay $50.00 (the actual cost of the 150GB plan)?

    • +4

      If you want to pay $50, you'll have 600GB(4 months)

    • +2

      We'll one month Sim free is $0 technically in my books, at least in the first 3 months anyway. So I would assume as long as you cancel before the billing if the 4th month you should be fine.

    • +2

      If you go into the 4th month then yes, assume you would be up for $50

      • Yes, but are you sure we can cancel in the third month and pay nothing? The "min. cost" defined is one month of SIM Plan fee, hence the question.

        • +2

          Being a month to month plan is say you could even cancel after 1 or 2 months and still be up for nothing.

        • +2

          When you sign up to a month to month SIM plan (which includes a plan fee discount) without a device payment plan, your min. cost is one month of your discounted SIM plan fee.

          • @jackofspade: I guess meaning it will cost once off $50 for the first month? Correct me if I'm wrong cheers

            • +2

              @Italkdigital: Discounted SIM plan fee is $0 so min. cost is $0 as long as you cancel at the 3rd month

              • @jackofspade: Ok thanks for that was hoping someone who has signed up could confirm its $0 cost well I think no harm me jumping onto Optus chat and confirm with them, again thanks 👍

    • Anyone else unable to use the sim in their phone? got it delivered in the morning but still hasn't activated. It says SIM NOT PROVISIONED FOR VOICE. I presume that should not stop the data from being used?

    • Any one else received the $50 Bill? crazy and confusing T&Cs.

  • Ordered one, thanks.

    • How did you go lol 👍😁

  • +1

    Thanks for posting… seems too good to be true. I suspect if you cancel in the 3rd month you won't be charged at all… but for $50 will risk it.

    • +1

      How can you confirm, the Terms and Condition states this:

      When you sign up to a month to month SIM plan without a device payment plan, your min. cost is one month of your SIM plan fee.

      Any tips on how we may avoid the $50 cost during/after 3rd month?

      • +1

        I think you're right… could cost me $50 but thats ok

      • I think best state cancel before start of 4th month

  • +1

    Ordered one for the optus sports. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Do you know how long does it take to activate? I joined on $15 plan for optus sports just in case if I have to pay for one month it’s gonna be $15.
      Data is of no use to me because I don’t get Optus network either at home or work

    • Optus sports is is cheap no longer exclusive though, I can't wait to jump ship. My kogan/Vodafone service was more reliable than my experience on Optus. Great value otherwise.1

  • what about SMS and call? all free?

    • +3

      I read the title & it says - Data Sim

      Thanks for posting Op, awesome deal.

      • It mentions tablet only. Does this mean it can't be used in a phone?

        • +1

          It can be used in phone but can't make calls/sms

    • +2

      NO,.. lol its a pure data plan,.. its not a mobile plan with included data

      • But can you pool the data if you also have an Optus postpaid mobile sim?

    • SMS works but says 10c charge, not sure how they charge since I never entered CC details when signing up.

  • +1

    Would this require a credit check?

    • Yes

    • +3


    • +1

      Confirming credit check..
      Illion(credit simple) 30 point hit
      Credit savvy 100 point increase for June ..Optus financial services was the only activity…no idea.

  • Is it easy to cancel Optus plans without having to call?

    • +2

      Easiest way I've found if you don't want too talk too anyone at all,… just port the mobile number attached too data plan over too another provider starter simcard pack but you can easily cancel plan through Optus app talking too an agent online

    • Online chat. Took half an hour though

  • +1

    Giving it a spin. Let us see how it goes. I think they do a credit check.

  • +1

    Awesome, have signed up just to get access to Optus Sports to view the Euro Cup!

    • -2

      Hi wondering how did you sign up? through webpage or through agent through Optus chat? and do you know if you got charged the minimum $50 everyone's mentioning above or will be? much appreciated cheers thanks

  • The best part of any Optus deal, is the constant spam calls from overseas scammers trying to sell you solar panels.

    Optus copped a record fine for it, and it still happens today.

    • +6

      Been with Optus for a couple of months on a prepaid sim and haven't received one spam call.

      • Give it time

      • +3

        I receive at least one a week! I’ve been with Optus post paid mobile for many years

    • +1

      We have had 3 optus mobiles on plans for over 10 years now. Never had 1 spam call for panels on any of the mobiles :)

      • Me too over 4 years with them, was your prepaid plan a new mobile number or something?

        • Sorry for delay. Not new number. 12 month contract at the time.

    • On coles mobile (optus network) But yes i do get scam calls/messages like at least 2 times a week

  • +3

    Also from T&Cs:
    ENDLESS DATA: Included in eligible plans and automatically applied to all services on the same account that share data. Data slowed to max 1.5Mbps if shared allowance reached. Usage while slowed is unmetered.

  • Has anyone used these Optus data SIMs? Do they come pre activated? If not, how long do you have to activate one? Thinking of ordering a couple for home internet…

    • I'm sure they activate automatically once they are delivered too your address (but I could be wrong I think that happens when ordering a device with plan) so maybe you get too activate it once it arrives

      anyway the deal ends 30th of June 2021 end of this month so either way I'd say you'll have too activate by then anyway too receive the deal, yeah I'm guessing you want to order early too not miss cut off date so great question

      • "3 Months Free: New or existing services who purchase or recontract … An Optus Choice Data SIM plan for three months . … Ends 30/06/21."

        It's "purchase" by "30/06/21". No mention of activation anywhere in T&Cs or CIS. I guess they expect the service to be activated in 30 days, similar to their MVNOs.

  • +16

    Just spoke with Optus via Chat:

    Me: I am asking: when exactly I should contact you to cancel the service and avoid any monthly payments of $50?
    Agent: In the 3rd month.
    Me: So before the 4th month starts?
    Agent: Yes.
    Me: Anyway, let's presume today is the start day of my new plan. Do you confirm that if I cancel until 10/09/2021, I don't need to pay anything?
    Agent: Yes, you are right.

    Hence I believe we are good to go and try 3 months for free. Have a screen shot of that chat just in case.

    Thanks a lot OP.

    • Awesome.

      • +1

        i bet the guy on optus was shaking his head at us ozbargainers haha

        • I believe he was pretty busy ordering this sim for himself at the moment I was talking to him

  • chat to live chat via optus app:
    agent said this is prepaid sim plan, he/she from post paid team cant confirm anything. strange?

  • +1

    It doesn't work with mobile apparently, only tablet or watch

    • What, really? How do they identify its not a tablet?

    • +1

      I've heard that many times from Optus chat that simcard will only work with tablets or modems but have always worked in all my mobiles, I'm assuming they think cause it only provides data it's only meant too be used in a data device,.. yes in your mobile you can't make calls with a data only sim so maybe that's what there referring too or confused about

      • +1

        they clearly said that it won't connect on mobile so I won't take the chance

        • +1

          Same same with Telstra. If it is put into a phone they deactive the service. My suggestion is for everyone to buy a little 4g modem. I did for about $100 and it is great.

          • @m2pic: A phone can be used as a modem, so dont understand why Telstra has the right too deactivate a simcard (unless your mistaken) anyway its never happened too me with both Telstra and Optus, I'd certainly complain too Telstra about it as you are using the simcard in your mobile too hotspot "data" the sim card can't do calls anyway, very strange if deactivation is true with Telstra

        • Incorrect. Been using a data sim on a mobile for 2 weeks now.

          • @hash88: I put it in my mobile and it works, but cant activate personal hotspot. Any ideas how to do this? I get a message asking to contact support, but not able to get to them either on phone or even chat !! Thanks!

            • @Dealking: Try another mobile? Mines in a samsung galaxy s10+

              • @hash88: Silly me - thought optus was blocking it. Was able to finally contact support and all she asked me was to restart my phone and it worked .. haha
                Thanks for your time!

        • I'm using on my Note 10 5G plus now on my Note 9 as have 3 of them to swap over when I've used up 150gb on one of them,. so certainly all sim cards work fine on both my Samsung mobiles

        • They certainly don't know what there talking about best believe people here on Ozbargain cause these online chat calls centres are from overseas, some of them have no idea at all about mobile technology

  • Anyone that chose an eSIM had theirs delivered yet?

    • Ordered at approx 6pm, still waiting confirmation email and esim profile setup

  • +1

    Critical information summary says this is a postpaid plan. I assume they will do a credit check ?

    • +1

      They ask a lot of employment details so probably

    • Robin, one of the floor superisor, just checked and said it is a prepaid.
      could you share where is the "Critical information summary" please?

      • +5

        It's postpaid

  • Signed up for esim. Will give it a go. Thanks op for sharing!

  • Ordered one, but got a temporary order number, subject to checking. Does anyone else got this as well?

    • +1

      Yes, as it is postpaid.

  • Mine says it'll reverts to $25 for sim after 3 months. I will be cancelling before this! Getting for optus sports.. do i need to wait for final confirmation? Thanks OP

    • Mine says it'll reverts to $25 for sim after 3 months.

      That’s because you got the 50GB Plan instead of the 150GB Plan.

  • You have been given a temporary order number as your order has not yet been confirmed, due to further processing required by the Optus sales team. Orders cannot be tracked with a temporary order number.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Ordered and pending Optus review. Even if it is rejected it’s worth a try.

    I played around with a tablet 12 months repayment plan. The way the promotion is worded it gave me the impression that I could get the tablet first 3 months free. It ended up with a data sim plan and I only get the data sim plan first 3 months free. I think someone messed up and allowed the data sim first 3 months free by itself when it should go with a watch/tablet plan.

  • Anyone not already with Optus able to access this through the Optus app? I got as far as signing in (was previously with them) and then met with a banner message about contacting their support team. No option for me as a
    "new" customer to even see this 'offer'.

  • just got one thx, even though Im a customer, they still want to do the credit check ?
    non customers try the web site - its available there too-…

  • +1

    I think I just received confirmation of the order, ie it has progressed past temporary stage.

    "Hi xxxx, thanks for saying yes to Optus. We've received your mobile broadband order for 0402xxxx, your order reference is 24xxxx. You can view your order at"

    no mention of further checks or approvals, honestly thought Optus would reneg on this so all good so far.
    edit: email confirmation of order arrived so definitely a goer

  • +2

    Optus PR and management is really screw up, waste me and their ops the whole morning……

    This offer was actually activated since 7th June. CS only got updated today. I walk into a store to get a data plan just to tap unto my data pool without knowing this offer and I don't know if the store guys know about it but free offer was not mentioned to me!! So I got signed up to a contract without the free 3 months offer which I find out when I got home. jump straight on to chat this morning and agentsss (yes three of them) has no idea and eventually I give up and demand to refund the contract I sign and I will submit a new online order and was then put to the cancellation team. Only then this person look around and find the offer, good on him!! Sad thing is the store man fail to inform me the free offer nad I was sign up to the 15GB plan and with the free 3 months, I am changing to the 150G offer. There is no way to change the existing contract so back to cancel, refund and create a new contract.

    Only if this company can communicate with their staff properly and train the retail staff to get the customer on the best deal, this will never happen.

    Optus WebDev is also F up. Why you put it in the app and use encoded URL for the link when the process allow new customer to sign up. The agents who don't know about the offer keep arguing it a targeted offer because they can't open the coded URL and get further puzzled when I send them the screenshot in incognito mode with the order clearly stating new customer!!

    • First world problems are strong with this one.

      • 100% sure customer and retail stores are going to have a field day the way they roll this out.

  • +2

    Received email confirmation today as well as esim instruction. Setup very straight forward on my s21 ultra. No need to use the optus app. I was not optus customer.

    Speed 150/10 approx. Not very impressive tho due to my area maybe

    • I just received those emails too. When trying to “confirm” my email it takes me to App Store to download but then nothing. We’re you able to confirm your email? Thanks

      • +1

        I just clicked "It starts with yes" and after verfication it downed the profile to my samsung automatically. All i needed to do was turn on sim 2 in settings. I wasn't asked to go to app store or anything

        • must be iOS implementation or something. I figure out why that 'activation' link wasn't working, my Adguard server was blocking it. Once unblocked, it went through but esim didn't work. some issue with Optus or may be I tried it too many times and broke it.

          Optus support has raised a ticket for it to be fixed.

          I want to try 5G on my iPhone 12, my Telstra plan doesn't include 5G

          thanks for your reply and confirmation

  • thanks op A credit check wasnt worth a hit on my file so i got one for the wife instead. forgot to go via cash rewards do they even pay any cash back for a data sim?

    • Cashback % x $0?

  • has optus perks ended? are movie etc offer now under "" for you"" ?

    • -1…
      Q: Will remain active?

      A. Yes, will remain active and customers can still access discount movie tickets with Hoyts.

      • Wrong, the website isn’t active.

        • OK the link was from ‎10-08-2020

    • +1

      Yes Optus perks has ended.

      But you can still get discounted Hoyts tickets by clicking through the first page of the Optus app down the bottom under the heading entertainment.

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