• expired

Free Pint of Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough @ Ben & Jerry's


Received this today as part of their email newsletter

Thank you for being such an a-moo-zing fan of ours! We’d love to give you a FREE fresh packed pint of our dough-licious Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough* flavour which you can pick up from your closest Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shop.

All you need to dough to redeem is show this email to any scooper in any of our participating Scoop Shops.

Hurry, this offer is only valid until the 17th of June 2021.
** If Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is unavailable, a selected alternative flavour will be offered instead.

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Ben & Jerry's
Ben & Jerry's

closed Comments

  • +1

    Got it too. Thanks OP

    • +1

      Can you fwd that email to me???

  • +23

    I signed up for the Easter promo, but I think I unsubscribed when they started sharing their political opinion. Even though I agree with it; it's not what I'm after from an ice cream shop.

    • +15

      Yes, I much prefer it when companies keep their political opinions a secret and only express them through donations to power hungry sh*tlords. /s

    • +3

      lol aren't they owned by Unilever now?

    • +4

      Ah yeah the Australian dream. I care about protecting the environment but it doesn't affect me so I'll close my eyes to corruption.

  • +1

    I just signed up… is it too late now? Fingers crossed

  • Never got it despite getting their newsletters. Targeted or unlucky?

  • Can anyone with the email post the list of participating stores in QLD?

    • +2

      The email just says any scoop shop (as per OP). Search here.

  • +7

    So can I just print this screenshot and take it in to the store?

  • Can anyone tell me if it generic email, for those who received it? Thanks

    • Yes, the email is generic.

      • -1

        Can you fwd that email to me???

  • Does the non-dairy taste like the dairy version?

    • +13

      im hoping they dont have it in stock when I go

      • +7

        Tell them you have a no lactose intolerance.

        • +8

          I've not eaten cardboard before but if you are saying it tastes like Ben & Jerry's dairy free range then I might have to give it a go as I quite like the stuff. Just bloody expensive.

    • +18

      Yes, and as a bonus it doesn't require cruelty to animals to produce

        • +20

          Yes, google it.

        • +10

          I think it really is cruel. Not 100% sure but I believe they get dairy cows pregnant and give birth for it to lactate. The milk they produce are then taken for human consumption while the calf would be fed colostrum or milk replacer. Worst thing is that the calves would normally be killed at a young age (specially the male ones)

          Unfortunately, knowing that still has not deterred me from enjoying steak as well as dairy products. I'm trying to reduce my consumption though…

        • Cowspiracy - Doco, comes to mind.

    • I accidentally bought non dairy halo top the other day, tried it last night and its good.

  • -5

    I bought the non dairy version by accident once. I didn't realise and was wondering why the ice cream had gone off and tasted like cardboard hahaha

    • +26

      your not supposed to eat the packaging!

  • Midnight of the 17th of June ?

    • Yeah should be, if someone writes the 17th of June it generally means until 1159pm that day unless stated otherwise.

      • Yep Hopefully, not close to one till than.

    • -1

      Technically the deal ends at midnight the 18th of June

  • -1

    can someone post the actual email somehow, so we have some more chance of getting this, than an ozbargain screenshot :D

    • +14

      A user from NZ on ChoiceCheapies has linked to the email, if you prefer that over the screenshot. It's the same as the AUS email.

      • legend

      • legend

  • Are there any scoop shops left in Sydney?

  • A poor deal compared to this lol https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/456951

    • Hahaha don't start with this again


    • Still have not purchased any of their products in spite of this…

  • +5

    I've never bought anything from Ben and Jerrys in my life because sweet dairy free Jesus the price. But if they're going to keep giving me free stuff, I'm going to keep accepting it.

    • lol we use (in theory) eatclub to get $1 scoops

  • -5

    Can anyone forward the email please, [email protected]

    • Use the ChoiceCheapies link above

  • Made in USA

  • +1

    Just got a pint. This flavour is even worse than the Chips Happen flavour we got during the Easter Hunt game in April

    • +5

      Noted, but that won’t stop us

  • thanks op

  • Just got mine, it's not too bad to be honest but you can definitely taste the soy in there. I still enjoyed it but I guess it depends on how much you hate soy…

    • +2

      but you can definitely taste the soy in there

      I am amazed you can taste the "soy", when it is almond milk based ;-)

      Unless you are referring to the emulsifier?
      But even dairy-based versions use the same emulsifier…

      • +1

        Lol, I believe you. I guess 'Milk substitute'? I would have picked it as soy, but I don't have dairy alternatives very often.. My bad ':)

    • It definitely tastes like milk substitute base.

  • do the "scoop shops" in the movie theatres allow for pickup? The nearest to me is the one in Blacktown which is listed as a scoop shop but still attached to a theatre (I'd rather go there for my free ice cream than a standalone store like Chatswood… with tolls I think that'd run to more than the cost 2 pints)

    • I got a pint from one at a cinema last time.

      • sweet, thanks!

  • I got the email too! Just came back from the B&J Surfers Paradise shop and denied me saying that i needed a barcode?? I don't think there was supposed to be a barcode?

    • There's no barcode.

      Maybe they are getting confused with this from a couple months ago. Although that was a QR code.

  • Tried to show screen shot and link to Ben and Jerry shop in Burwood, but she insisted that i show the email for the newsletter.
    Can anyone fwd the email to me???

  • Nothing in my range RIP

  • Where in Brisbane is this avialable please? I have the email but cant find a shop

  • +1

    Thanks Op, found the emailburied in my inbox.
    Showed the scoop person the email on my phone and they apologise for being out of stock and offered mocha substitute. It was delicious :)

  • +1

    Used the link to above and redeemed a pint! Thank you Ozbargain community!

  • +1

    used the ChoiceCheapies link above and redeemed a pint at Wetherill Park Hoyts today!!

  • +1

    Chatswood was offering strawberry cheesecake as an alternative.

    • We received mocha

    • Oh wow thanks, I'll need to head over there tomorrow. I popped into Newtown store today and was only offered lemon sorbet as an alternative.

  • Burwood Brickworks offering about 5 different alternatives - got the coconut 7 layer

  • +3

    The one at CBD Melb will refuse to serve you if they've run out. Will tell you to come back another time.

    • Yeah I got this yesterday

    • +1

      Looks like they need retraining at Melb CBD. The email clearly states if Non-Dairy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is unavailable, a selected alternative flavour will be offered instead.

    • Just went down and can confirm this, store will tell you it’s sold out and turn you away.
      No alternative offered contrary to the newsletter :/

      • +2

        So why not speak up? Tell them that the newsletter clearly states an alternative flavour should be offered. That would be worth sending an email to Ben and Jerry's about.

        • I agree, I should have spoken up about it. They were a little patronising, so I shamefully walked away. No ozbargain spirit :(

      • Alt was sold out too/didn't exist. I was researching for later and overheard convos.

    • Yeah there's a waitlist, for Flinders. There's a list of alternative flavours but they too were sold out.


      We went up to Melb C and the girl said we can pick any flavour! Half their flavours aren't in stock including signiture chunky monkey, but still plenty to choose from. We had the mint.

      This was today.

      • Melbourne central store is a pretty sad state half the stock is never there or full

    • +1

      I went to Flinders Lane this morning and they mentioned they were out of that specific flavour so I could pick any of their other options. I received a pint of my choice rather quickly thanks to a friendly staff member and left very happy. It might be worth trying again?

  • Cheers! Blacktown was out of the dairy-free so I got to choose. Staff are nice there too, and didn’t look too closely at my phone ;)

  • Managed to get one today, thanks OP! Crazy there's no barcode for them to scan either, not sure how they're keeping track with redemptions?

    • +1

      they can, because they have to enter the redemption / scan out the ice-cream, they definitely will keep an record on this : )

  • Anyone had any luck at Sunnybank Qld this time? Last time for Easter they told me they weren't a participating store

  • Last day tomorrow, better go and get mine. I heard from some people that Chatswood ran out of containers yesterday and told customers to come back next day. Apparently they have been flooded with people claiming multiple times. Hopefully can get some tomorrow.

  • got coconut with fudge and nuts, cant remember the name of it but very creamy and good

    • Got sorbet.. pineapple and passionfruit, very average :(

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