This was posted 13 years 1 month 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Canon EOS 550D / Kiss X4 Twin IS Lens Kit [18-55mm + 55-250mm] $648.95 Delivered @ ShoppingSquare


Received in email from ShoppingSquare. Beats the DSE deal from yesterday by $47. Prices on these are dropping as I think Canon are announcing a new model very soon in Feb, most likely the 650D.

This is great if you missed out too & don't mind grey stock! Postage to Syd is $99, so postage cost to other states may make or break the deal for you. Also don't know if stocks will hold out; hence 'Daily Clearance' on their site so get in quick!

I'm sure most of you know all the specs by now so I'll save putting them in here.

Long time dweller, first time poster. Cheers!

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closed Comments

  • ~$50 cheaper…

    This is the X4 model so the default firmware supports only Japanese and English. It may default to Japanese initially.

    An X4 body only is around $488. So, $160 more for those 2 lens.

    • +1

      You can get the body cheaper ($369.43) at…

      Was browsing around for the price for the body, looks good.

      • yeah better to buy the body and get some proper f2.8 glass

        • +2

          A beginner does NOT need 2.8 glass at $900. There are lenses available between the 18-55 and 2.8. Again, I don't think anyone will ever use the 55-250 and I would buy the body and 18-55 and then get a better lens later if you are still interested.

        • Hi abacus,

          I don't know much about photography so am curious why the 55-250 won't be used. Would be great if you could let me know why.


        • +1

          the range is a bit weird

          if you have a serious need for telephoto you'd know what you're doing and get a 70-200 f4 or better

          the 55-250 is really just a 'noob toob'

          problem is Canon make the worst 18-55s which really aren't fast enough for anything but sunny conditions

        • that one is only to 200. what's another non L (ie. value) option for longer distance

        • +1

          I think what abacus is trying to indicate that: it is not that the 55-250 lens won't be used at all, but once you start to use your DSLR more, two things will happen.

          • You start to realise how important the lens is. You will also realise both kit lenses are very average.
          • The 55-250 lens does not offer the quality to justify the constant switching of the lenses.

          The reality is that Canon is trying to clear the Twin Lens Kits. Most of your DSLR friends who know a fair bit about DSLR would generally not recommend a twin lens kit to you. Most of them would advise a body + a better lens.

        • So I guess I'm asking for a recommendation for tele that if I don't get the 55-250 IS (which I thought had OK reviews).


          Swap option -… Has great reviews

          Single, non-swap option -…

        • Thanks netsurfer :o)

        • I am only a rookie when it comes to DSLR. But my friends recommended a more flexible standard zoom lens (e.g. 24-105mm f/4 L - that is a L series lens though). A cheaper alternative is Tamron 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 VC PZD (if you are want mid-long range zoom and budget is a bit tight).

          Generally, you need a lens that's good for general purpose. Changing lenses all the time isn't something you want to do (especially at the beginning). You normally change lens because that lens serves a good purpose.

          Based on my calculation, for the twin lens kit, you are basically paying $120 for 55-250mm lens. That lens is a lens that semi-pros and the pros won't even touch (same goes for the 18-55mm kit lens). People would generally recommend putting that $120 into better use - towards a better lens.

        • +1

          I disagree that the 55-250 IS lens is not good.
          It is an excellent lens for money. Sharp with effective IS. Even though not very fast, it's sharp enough for decent zoom photography ( but not action ).
          It's unfair to compare it to lenses that cost $1000+, but even than it's reasonable.
          It shouldn't be compared against the Canon 70-200 F4 or better which is $1500++

          The focal length range is the full-frame equivalent of 88-400mm - which covers medium to long telephoto range
          A good use for a beginner photographer is as a portrait lens or good lens for the 'visit to the zoo' shots.
          Takes nice 1/2 body portraits, too long for group shots. Nice Bokeh.

          Here are some reviews of the lens

          The basic 18-55 lens is not so good, and can be replaced with a Tamron 17-50 2.8 or similar later.

        • I am not saying the 55-250 is not good. With a APS-C (not full frame body) you have to multiply focal length by multiplier, (probably around 1.5 for this camera) giving you a range of 83-375.

          See here for examples.… Note that the standard lens is 50mm, which is approx what the eye sees.

          I am saying most people would not use that length. If your kid is playing soccer and you want a close up of him it is great. If you don't mind taking the body and 2 lenses (one of which is quite large) out on a picnic with you and trying to change lenses so you don't drop anything and are trying to keep dust out of both lenses and want a close up of your baby 50 metres away then all is good.

          As mentioned above the 24-105 RANGE (a beautiful and relatively expensive lens) or one that is wider and longer eg 18-200 is ideal for 95% of beginners photos. Even the 18-55 which converts to 27-83 is ok.

          I really recommend an external flash that bends in the middle so you can bounce off the ceiling.

          Remember that an in-focus photo from a SLR is much, much better than from a cheap point and shoot. Ask a friend who is a photographer.

        • Deleted… someone else already replied.

        • +2

          This "go big or go home" attitude towards DSLR photography is complete bollocks.

          The 550D/X4 is the most versatile budget prosumer DSLR out there, even more so if you install Magic Lantern firmware.

          If you are a beginner with no prior glass/lens investment (nikon/sony/canon/etc) and less than $1000 budget, this 550D with 18-55 and 55-250 is an excellent starter kit. Professionals will espouse the benefits of expensive glass, but that won't matter much if you don't know exactly how to utilize the glass; getting good shots is 50% being at the right time/place, 45% knowing how to use your gear, and 5% fancy kit.

          Here's a sample of what a basic 550D + 55-250 can do, handheld shot on an overcast day at the zoo:

      • +2

        Looks like extra $108 for shipping in Oz.

        This might be another option at
        Canon EOS Kiss X4 Digital Camera Kit 18-55mm IS Lens 550D T2I
        Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lenses
        Total $592 delivered.

      • Deleted. dupe

      • To waterproof - you forgot to factor in the postage - which is more than $100.

        • You're right, I didn't include the shipping because it varies state by state. More than $100 is for express. It can arrive from 1 - 3 business days max once the order has been confirmed/processed. You can opt for standard, which is less pricey but its 1 - 3 week delivery i believe.

      • I just ordered an X4 and 18-55mm IS lens from them. Came to $500 total including express courier delivery. By far the cheapest price around to my knowledge.

  • +1

    Damm it! Cheaper price again.

    • Bet 'some' ppl are kickin themselves now…anything to save a dollar.

  • +3

    Will give ShoppingSquare the benefit of the doubt for this one even though shipping is ridiculous.

  • Does anyone compare the price between "Direct import from Aus Company" and "Direct import of Direct import" (i.e. buy from non-aus company)?

    Please shred some light.

    • +2

      JB Hi Fi Direct Import - I am still waiting for my lens - 3 working days and still counting.

      Direct Import from HK seller - Delivered in 2 working days.

      That said, in terms of warranty, Direct Import from Aus company is better. I can go and complain to JB easier. Direct import form HK seller - after you have the item, unless you also bought the expensive extended warranty… don't expect much.

      So, Aus company importer still better. BUT, price wise… HK sellers have better deals. You get what you paid for basically.

      • Did you get a Tax Invoice from JB HiFi with a GST component included in the Total amount payable?

        • +2

          No… I wouldn't expect one - that's the whole point of direct import - no GST.

        • Just want to clarify - because someone negative vote my comment.

          The no GST is basically about JB Hi Fi trying to counter against eBay and online shops overseas. Please read why JB Hi Fi setup Direct Import - they want a level playing field. ATO is okay with it.

          To whoever negative voted my comment - I hope you have never purchased an item from an non-Australian seller (even Amazon or Amazon UK counts). If you had, you also did not pay GST.

          And mate, JB Hi Fi Direct Import still costed me more (I could save $$$ if I elected to buy from an HK seller)… but I am willing to pay a bit more $$$ to an AU company - assuming it is not 25%+ more.

  • Anybody had experience of the SS Australian Guarantee process?

    Edit: anecdotal reports indicate that Kogan basically replace the item (so quick turn around) One has to wonder how long it takes ShoppingSquare to process claims?

    • I had a lens replaced, it tooks some days, but still good engought for the money. I saved at least $400 than local seller.

  • thnx guys just ordered one really pissed off last night by couple of minutes.

  • Better deal than last night's crazy 5 minutes sale.

  • +2

    eek Is this a better deal or not?

    ah well I kinda feel safe with DSE

    • +1

      This is cheaper, and they actually have stock.

      • +2

        I won't vouch for that, considering ShoppingSquare's history.

  • Sorry accidentally hit return, the question was, are these definitely IS lens? Can't really tell from the description

    • +1

      Below the "Promotional Offer" it says:
      Daily Clearance- $549.95 Canon EOS 550D (KISSX4) KIT 18-55mm IS & 55-250mm IS DSLR Camera

      • Ah yes you're right and I noticed all the photos say image stabilization

    • I think the photo of the box reads IS.

      • +1

        Sorry, I pressed negative accidentally and don't know how to cancel the vote.

        • +2

          I've + it to balance it out now :o)

  • yes definitely IS lenses, I ordered mine in the last ebay sale from them for $ 769 two months ago. i actually confirmed with them before paying, they promptly confirmed. cant complain with the dropped price as it took excellent photos on my trip to India

  • +3

    I wouldn't recommend this as shoppingsquare has bad reputation with deals like the SGS2 delivery times long delay. The DSE although $50 more at least you know its a proper retail shop and you do get refund if they have no stock.

    • my exp with ss has been good, however the camera did take 9 days to be delivered due to some problem with DHL refused to carry device with the battery in it. i would definitely recommend the Dicksmith deal though for sake of local warranty and option to buy extended warranty.

  • "Your order has been packed and is awaiting collection. You will receive an email with shipping information this evening which will enable you to track your order.

    Please note that tracking links may not work until next business day.

    See you next time online or in-store!

    The Techxperts at Dick Smith"

    $50 for Australian warranty, free canon sensor cleaning and having the camera in 2 days and not 30. Thats $50 im glad to pay

    • Yeah, even if I knew of this offer yesterday I would've gone for the Dick Smiths one. $50 isn't that much for peace of mind and having it sooner.

  • I think DSE deal was better, even it was dearer. $50 difference for Australian warranty is worth actually more than $50, when things go bad.

  • +1

    Buyer beware Shopping Square

  • Does this camera have that plastic feel as well?

    • yes, all canon DSLRs lower than X0D are very plastic feeling in hand, thats the only reason I use nikon.

  • I reckon it wont be long now before HN & JB offer something similar or better.

    • Waiting for similarly good deal on 60D, 7D or even 5Dmk2 :P

  • +1

    Just out of curiosity, where's everyone getting their extra lenses from? Not too fussed about local or grey imports, as long as it's from a reputable company. Thanks for any advise, ta!

    • Yes I would like to know too!

    • +3

      Basically, two methods (this is based on what my DSLR guru friends told me):

      1. You happened to travel overseas to US or HK (or other Asian countries). You buy them while you are overseas. Obviously, do your research before hand.

      2. Shop around - (d d photographics, camera paradise, US sites, even AU retailers - JB, Michaels, Camera House etc…). That's what my DSLR friends told me. The key is (especially with Canon L series lenses) that you need to have a fair idea how much a reasonable price for the lens is. Then, you consider whether the price difference is worth the hassle getting it overseas vs locally. There is no one particular place that's always the cheapest.

  • i buy 0ne

  • FWIW, Ted's currently has the 550D body advertised for $550. Worthwhile considering if you want to pick your own lenses.

    • +4

      I wish that's how all camera pricing worked.
      Then the 5D would be $5!

  • -4

    postage price is $99. That's horrible.

    • +1

      If item is shipped from within Aus then SS are ripping off through postage, if from an international location cost seems right if it is by express. In the end its the total cost that matters really…

      Have to agree though way too expensive.

    • +2

      everytime i saw a deal attrated massive postive votes but someone jumped out to neg it, one word popped up in my mind: troll!

      not saying someone here is, but grab_ur_freebies explains very clearly.


    • Umm, the $650 in the heading was including shipping…

    • Cheaper perhaps, not necessarily better.

  • I missed out DSE deals! Should I buy this.??? Has been tossing for few days and it seems the SS deals is waiting for me to buy. Lol. Suggestion please?

    • +1

      That's a long time to be tossing.

      • Worth the wait thou… Just got a call from DSE and they gave me the same deal due to the website crash. Woohoo…. Thanks to those who shared about sending a complaint to DSE. :)

  • This is still available,

  • had a good experience with shoppingsquare

    first of all this is a pretty good deal for those wanting the twin lens kit and i had purchased it on a whim. however after doing a bit of further research i decided that there was no need for me to have the 55-250 and that i would be better off buying the body and a separate lens so i decided to ask for a refund.

    shoppingsquare replied within the day and refunded the full amount.

  • Just got word that it would take 10-15 working days to arrive. Doesn't bother me, but I think this might have been a deal breaker for some people … personally I think the Dick Smith deal in the end was probably the better and safest purchase.

  • Just recieved my parcel so far all gud finger cross…

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