I dunno if they added it after gnv9 posted this, but there is referral codes on there now
Here's mine - https://wn.nr/jFw6dd
Used smashman42's link
Mine is https://wn.nr/4hZXFc
Used gilmour's
Mine: https://wn.nr/4hZtdz
Used Magniitude's
Mine: https://wn.nr/hRLQyb
3rd prize can be had from Centre Com for 270 bucks:
Unable to find pricing on 1st and 2nd prize at 2TB.
Used micemeat Mine https://wn.nr/kRGVfP
used chemy's mine: https://wn.nr/4hrjkc
Used gundhawk
Mine: https://wn.nr/BjXNfU
Used CindaaMoon, Mine https://wn.nr/GvjDb5
used chadiwrx
Mine: https://wn.nr/pRhByk
Used easknights Mine: https://wn.nr/GvjE8C
used vadrin mine: https://wn.nr/VR3H64
Used jnsnv
Mine: https://wn.nr/MvEbLQ
Used: Rocko0 Mine: https://wn.nr/zCR7VZ
Used: gamerkonks Mine: https://wn.nr/hRKWnH
Used Piekarz's
Mine - https://wn.nr/mLyJzw
Used Chimpus'.
Mine: https://wn.nr/9vHp9n
used frunk mine: https://wn.nr/QcdTDs
Used Xpaw's. Mine: https://wn.nr/XRzk5n
Used Mrthemoonbear
Mine https://wn.nr/3BPBtg
used anthony's
mine https://wn.nr/zCGxV3
used dave78234 mine: https://wn.nr/Dv7BCg
Used noipster Mine: https://wn.nr/rR5GBd
used gypos mine: https://wn.nr/sRPMDV
Used rachil257 Mine: https://wn.nr/7EkrKC
Used andy88 mine: https://wn.nr/gEzWUj
used kalra71 mine https://wn.nr/FvTzXb
used dfp mine https://wn.nr/YRWhVb
used chronical
Used Wigles Mine https://wn.nr/NvgwjP
Used ezekiel181 Mine: https://wn.nr/bR2VDP
Used Quix98 Mine: https://wn.nr/EvjBkB
Used resa12354's Mine: https://wn.nr/gbkWmt
Used Alirah
Mine https://wn.nr/79yPgh
Used fletch44's Mine: https://wn.nr/Q4MNfs
used nbar mine: https://wn.nr/93CETn
Used cxz106's Mine: https://wn.nr/4EbwWz
used love a bargain mine https://wn.nr/y3sSsg
Used rogue's ref.
Mine is: https://wn.nr/YbCEZP
Used coxymla Mine: https://wn.nr/KKmFCJ
Used nullls Mine https://wn.nr/MH6W5A
Used jazilla’s Mine: https://wn.nr/pFnDjz
Used danielb04 Mine https://wn.nr/xJBnVF
Used nicole145 Mine https://wn.nr/2E94vh
Used i Mine https://wn.nr/MH65Tp
I dunno if they added it after gnv9 posted this, but there is referral codes on there now
Here's mine - https://wn.nr/jFw6dd