Can someone please advise me if the cut is deep?
Here are some photos:
Can someone please advise me if the cut is deep?
Here are some photos:
I concur
Good advice
i've seen cases like this before. unfortunately you need a new car. sorry OP
Especially if the bump was hard enough to cause any of the indicator fluid to leak.
I think its shoes flew off too. He's dead Jim.
Cut the flap off and post another picture.
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8 hours 30 min ago
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Can someone please advise me if the cut is deep?
The first cut is the deepest.
Tyre is stuffed.
OP, curious, at what speed did you hit the curb?
Once there's sidewall damage on the tyre, it needs replacing.
Once there's serious sidewall damage on the tyre, it needs replacing.
sidewall damage is serious, no matter what level. Any damage weakens it, which means it's at risk of a blow out.
But hey, you do you.
There’s damage and there’s damage. Replacing a tyre for some slight damage is wasteful. The OP pic show damage I would replace. The previous similar post I would not.
I believe as it is on the side wall and so deep it's likely you need a new tyre.
Just curious if we all say no don't change the tyre and then you have an accident due to a tyre blowout and kill someone , are we all liable ?
Yes of course, OzBargain is a highly regarded source of any life advice and if we are ever wrong we are all going to gaol!
Need to attach disclaimer language to my responses :
This does not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek legal advice or other professional advice in relation to any particular matters you or your organisation may have.
Isn't it free to take it to bobjane/jax tyres to get someone physically inspect it?!
No chords visible. It looks like it's only damage to the rim protector.
I'd need to look properly but I'd probably run it and monitor
this is exactly what the mechanic told me.
Hi everyone, thank you for all of your advises, I went to my local repairer and they said it is just the rim protector that got cut through.
Unlike the other OP, this looks like it needs a new tyre.