This device is perfect for saving money while using the air conditioner / heater during this cold winter.
Some benefits / Functionalities include:
- Switches off your Air Con when nobody is there to use it
- Saves you money by not using your power when you don’t need it
- Helps the environment by using less electricity without compromising your quality of life.
- It has a "learn" function meaning it can learn the infrared Off signal from any infrared remote control.
There are different modes that a prebuilt in the device to suite different situations including:
Mode 1 - 24 hour detection mode - Detects body movement at all times and emits the "OFF" command to turn off the A/C when no body up to pre-set time threshold is detected (timeframes 2, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 & 140mins).
M2 - Night Set Mode – Allows the A/C to stay on when the room is dark and there is no movement
M3 – Comfort Timer Mode – Allows the air conditioner to be set between certain hours to keep it on or off no matter if there is movement detected. The unit will work as M1 mode out of pre-set time.
These are selling on lloydsonline appliances etc QLD auction and going for $2 as somebody bought boxes of them.