16% Off Bottle Opener Ring
Made from stainless steel
Nice smooth edges, no pain when open bottles
The Ring Thing is comfortable to wear
Diameter (inner): about 22mm
Bottle Opener Ring $1.56 w/Free Shipping

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"The Ring Thing is comfortable to wear"
Doesn't sound like it!
This in NOT stainless steel. It will leave black marks on your finger.
And this in the country of twist tops :-)
Not very well-travelled camel, are ya?
The imported beers that many people buy are not twist-tops.
I've been ripping my hands to shread trying to open my latest case of Coronas!
Interestingly, I have found that imported brands that are made locally under licnce also don't have twist tops!
really? you should invest some time watching videos on youtube on how to open beer bottles with chopsticks, lighter or another beer bottle
I like.
LOL at that ebay listing…
"save a fortune on dental bills and key-cutting"
Does it come with bands aids to stop the bleeding when you cut yourself ?
Pfft when I did waitressing/bartending, I opened the bottles with my hands - no cuts or bleeding.
I would have given you a +1 for using the belly button.
Nah I use my belly button for pulling out corks from wine bottles.
Now to find some Cubic Zirconia, engagement SORTED!
great if it works, bleeding finger if it doesn't
was it forged in the pits of mordor? ;)