I read on abc someone imported an European EV from Japan iirc.
I read on abc someone imported an European EV from Japan iirc.
Wait until someone else imports it with the steering wheel on the correct side for this country. It will save you a lot of money.
Would like to see the crash rating first though.
Would like to see the crash rating first though.
I'm going to go with 4-skull-and-crossbones out of five….
Can import anything if you have the coins and the right contacts.
Side note… lol @ how comically small the wheels are… :D
I suspect getting I registered will be difficult. Being hat cheap it probably won’t have a lot of safety features. Aren’t things like airbags and stability control mandatory now in Aus for new cars?
Look like a death trap, won't be able to register it
Smart car is more of a death trap than this. This look like typical cube vehicles in Japan.
yes but the smart car was a thing 10yrs ago where it complied with laws 10 yrs ago and was pushed by mercedes benz to pass
its like saying an EH Holden is a deathtrap… yes. but that's what it was like in 1964
if you import a car like this China EV then it has to conform to ADR laws today, 2021 so yes it will never pass
the govt likes to think of cars as in how much damage they can do to you and your family and then they have to pay for medicare
so they flat out will not pass unsafe cars
Seems like it'd be a fun little car to throw around.
I don't think the concept would work as well in Australia though - China has many cities and towns that force low speed driving (cities with gridlock traffic or towns with narrow backalley "roads"), so speed and safety isn't as big as a concern. Plus Chinese drivers are really, really good at squeezing their cars into every square centimetre of road available without crashing them.
I don't think we have any places similar to theirs - even Sydney gridlocks spill over to freeways in a few minutes, and our towns have big, open, hilly, high-speed roads. You could potter around inner-city suburbs perhaps?
It can be imported but it'll need a compliance check done on it and a lot of work will need to be done to make it legal for Aussie roads. Also remember that China is right-lane driving so it'll need to be converted too.
You'd be safer on a motorbike, on a highway in India….
This reminds me of the Mighty Boy or the Ignis by Suzuki. (I feel old). lol
Is King Kong missing a Roller Skate?
if its not the sevs register you need to own it for 1 year in the country before you can import it as a personal import
dont even bother
whats realistic is a leaf or nv200
a dacia spring or something uk market but there's a strong lobby group in this country stopping you from importing even though we have no industry here
Glue a bunch of tin cans together and stick some wheels on, you'll approximate fairly closely the build quality and safety of this fine vehicle.
Any luck with trying to get things into Australia my Wife currently back in China at the moment, I heard that these could come in if no one is selling them in the retail market but I think I'm worry more about the Ancap rating but if you can get them on the road here for $7500, I rather see these than those smart vehicles.
they arent road legal and never will be
so unless you own a giant golf course were you can putt around (so to speak)
Good luck with safety features.
You'd be mince meat in a crash with this thing.
Yes it the main reason why we can't bring cheap vehicles into Australia you can see that we no longer bring in the Chery from China because that a 3 to 4 ancap rating and I think its must be closer to a 5 these days. I still think if China does making it with the 5 ancap safety rating and make the km around 140km speed these will sell for an EV market as it will get Australians wetting there toes, even if the price tag is $19,990 that a great EV enter point here.
I even doubt that.
To get to a EuroNcap 5 car with say any decent range and you're getting into the base end of BYD entry hatchback and that's a real car at $30k. You need 7 airbags + the full abs dsc tc etc. drive electrics.
These Wuling EVs are not "real cars"… I ask people at work WTF is the go with these electric no safety EVs and they are designed for elderly chinese folks who need some transport OR local food delivery… they're on a special license that means they cant go on hwys.
So unless NSW wants to implement such a license this wont ever happen.
I heard in the US there's some dispensation for low speed EVs as an offshoot of golf carts and you can run them there on public roads. But this is Aust. where nothing fun or new or anything is taken up.
Yes BYD B6 is most likely the vehicle to come out of China and will be $35K after on road cost. Still a great price and they are saying close to 400 to 500km range but I have a feeling around 300 to 330km real world range. I've contacted BYD in Australia but I haven't heard back from them as yet. They setting a store in Sydney very soon and I hope by Q2 - 2022 will have them available for sale.
Good luck getting an import approval.
Good luck getting it registered as LHD.
Hey OP. Indonesia is selling these now. Might try your luck. It 30,000 AUD plus for the long range and left hand drive like here. Wuling air ev is the model name
Of course you can import it.
Are you wanting to drive it on the public roads as well ?