Hey parents of OzB
I’ve got a 2.5 y.o. Toddler who we haven’t begun toilet training. Both my folks and in laws think we should try with him but I’m not sure how to if he can’t communicate with us verbally.
Anyone else been in this position and succeeded?
There's no point starting before they are ready. Just means you will be cleaning up accidents until they were ready anyway. Nappies are easier. Don't let your parents pressure you. Boys take longer than girls to be ready and it is quite common for boys to be 3 or 3.5 before they're ready.
Once he is ready try the Oh Crap method and you can have it done in a long weekend.
If you really do think he is ready (can hold on for a long period of time to do big wees rather than lots of little ones over the day, indicates to you when he wants to be changed, goes somewhere private/hides to do number 2) you could try the Oh Crap method this long weekend (June 14 I think). If you don't have good success you can leave it a few months and try again another time. Also it is ok if he can't speak, as long as he has good understanding and can communicate with you somehow. You could get him to tell you when he wants to go by tugging at your sleeve or have a hand signal or an easy word he can say (in the beginning you'll be looking at him and plonking him on the potty when you see he needs to go so you won't need to worry about him communicating at the beginning anyway)