One of my GPU fan stopped working, I found a replacement fan on Ali express, but I couldn't fit the fans properly, I had to cut the cable to reroute, as it was touching the fans. After installing the fan, 5 minutes of using the PC, display freezes, but fans are spinning.
Any idea if it's worth fixing or ordering another fan?
This might be a sign that some other part of your GPU is actually dying, not just the fan itself. Typically a GPU should run even without a fan spinning for more than 5 minutes, since the idle temperatures should generally be low enough that the GPU should still work (in the short term). Have you monitored the temps using MSI afterburner or EVGA precision? If the freezing occurs even at low temps then you know you might have a problem with the GPU itself.
Assuming you have re-applied thermal paste, cleaned the dust off the card and made sure the heatsink is making proper contact with the card, there's not much more you can do to fix the GPU.
You could try removing all of the heatsink and shrouds from the GPU and "reflow" the solder in a oven although this would only fix issues arising from cracked or bad solder joints.
Perhaps sell the GPU as-is?
You might get a lot of money unexpectedly since people are desperate for any kind of GPU. Past listings indicate that they last sold for $80~125. Which is a lot considering the card is 8 years old now.