Here's your chance to upgrade from the edifiers.
Good price including delivery. Reduced price appears to only be for the black units.
KEF Q350 $749 Delivered at Digital Cinema

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You realise these are passive? You need to allow few hundred for a decent stereo amp
Oh ouch!!!! They are so expensive for tiny speakers!
KEF sound though…
Sorry dude, not going to entertain your passive aggressiveness. Have a great day
Exactly! But let's go one step further. You also need a DAC. All $1150 (although we are ripped off when it comes to brands like KEF in this country) goes in to the speaker.
This is the same brand that makes what is widely considered the best dollar for dollar audiophile speaker in the KEF LS50 Meta. You're getting some of that technology here.
Wouldn't it be better to get the LS50?
@onlinepred: Absolutely if you can afford it. But your comment is like saying wouldn't it be better to get a BMW M3 instead of a 330i.
This is an award winning speaker in its own right.
FYI I did consider this speaker before going for the B&W 607 S2s but the final choice is often driven by the deal you can get at the time. I got the B&Ws for $850 and they are widely considered the best speakers below $1500. Plus they come in a nice scandi oak colour that the wife was OK with :)
@C0mbat: OH fantastic! I was auditioning a few B&Ws to replace my old Jamo stereo setup. I decided I would wait for the Wharfedale Denton 85th to go on special after hearing them haha.
Best speakers below $XXXX is subjective, I think Elacs hold the title for that, but I am not a fan of their fatiguing signature, and prefer a warmer one.@onlinepred: It's absolutely subjective so take your point :) I didn't get the chance to audition either side by side so I went with the online consensus, which definitely pointed towards the B&Ws. Plus you don't get many Elacs around that price range that look like they were designed in the 21st century so they definitely don't look as good :)
@C0mbat: Yea appearance is a key factor for me. I was also looking at Klipsch the Fives due to the online consensus and appearance, but they were bad IMO. It's why I always audition these days.
Any good deals on the meta?
@lasterato: Haha, doubtful. You should probably consider the Meta a good deal at its $2500 rrp. But buying second hand LS50s would be a better way to go.
@C0mbat: I have LS50 W's… which I currently use as my desktop speakers (coz why not) and they are, as you suggested, a MUCH better proposition for the $$ and are often on special.
Tempted to get these to match my Q650c
I've listened to many of the KEF Q series and found them very subdued (I'm told that is very typical of British speakers), but also lacking the detail that the marketing material raves on about. I don't get why they sell centre speakers when they don't seem suited to HT at all.
I'm probably half deaf, but flame away. :D
"The signature innovation places the tweeter in the acoustic centre of the midrange and bass cone,"
Seriously? Seriously?
I must say I've never seen that idea before. Think of the ramifications - high fidelity speakers small enough to put under the dashboard or back shelf of a car…
I thought they come with grills when sold through Australian retail stores (not Amazon). I bought a set of Q350, Q150, Q950 for my theatre room setup about a year ago from digital cinemas and all came with grills.
These speakers work good for me and this is a great price for the Q350.You may be right, edited post
Lol, have you heard them side by side? I have
90% doesn't care of the population doesn't care about good sound, probably. Even a cheap SMSL amp powering these KEFs would blow out $200 Edifiers, and most will be able to tell. They might not care, but they can tell. And oh, it's audiophile btw
That's for sure, but don't forget that there are the S3000pro at around $500 that compete against some of the best bookshelves more than triple the price, especially for home theatre use.
We have an audio file in the room
Audio Files live on your hard drive and this shows your depth of knowledge on hi-fi equipment.
Hey don't knock the ad18's they power my bw 683 just fine :)
While I will agree with the notion that there is diminishing returns when it comes to spendy speakers, you can easily tell the difference between edifiers and these speakers.
the idea you are regurgitating is that most people cant tell the difference between a good quality MP3 and a CD, which is mostly accurate.
decent speakers such as these make that task much easier however.
I have a pair of edifier s880dbs (rrp $395) in my office and then a pair of B&W 607S2s (rrp $995) in the living room and the difference is night and day. I'm not saying the Edifiers are bad but they really can't match the B&Ws.
Speakers is not just about the "subtle tones" blah blah blah. Different brands have different flavours in the sound signature.
It's like giving someone exotic milk chocolate VS Cadbury milk choc. Majority may not care or can tell the subtle flavours in the cocoa, but I assure you most can tell that one is sweeter than the other.
Any recommendations four the amp? For a small study setup?
I have these and think they are amazing
I spent $4k on the Kef LS50 wireless when they first came out , had major quality and app issues. Would never spend that money again , when with the current technology you can get just as good sound with something like the S3000 pros , that are on ebay now for $699.00.
I almost pulled the trigger on the KEF LSXs but then read all about KEFs terrible App which cripples the user experience. Plus more moderns active speakers like the Klipsch Fives come with HDMI which was important for me due to them driving the TV sound. However, aside from the App (which should make you think twice about buying their active speakers) I don't think that there is any doubt that the KEF LS50 is dollar for dollar the best audiophile speaker. I ended up with the Sonos Amp and the B&W 607 S2s and it's an amazing combo. If I could have stretched I would have got the Bluesound Powernode 2i (recently replaced by the N330) instead of the Sonos.
If one was to upgrade from the edifiers, they prob wouldn't spend just a few hundred more haha ;-)