Pet Insurance

A couple of trips to the vet today has reminded me that we still haven't done anything about pet insurance. There seems to be so much info to sift through with the various companies that it all becomes a headache, and put off until another day …. and then you forget to do anything about it.

Can anyone recommend or advise against any particular company? Being able to have our dogs treated at a reasonable cost if something comes up is obviously a big requirement, as, I guess, is customer service. Having a sick or injured animal is stressful enough without having to deal with obnoxious or non existent customer service people.


  • I've got insurance for my dog, suffering from Addison's Disease and hence requiring treatment once every 25 days. The insurance company, insuranceline was the best valued pet insurance when I got him but since my dog is now not insurable due to his illness, I can't really shop around and choose the best one at this time. However, I can say that I have had no problems claiming from Insuranceline. With my current policy, I get 80% back from vet bills and all I have to do is fill up a form and get the vet to sign it off, send it to insuranceline and a cheque arrives in the mail about a week after.

  • Thanks for that - a percentage payment for each treatment would certainly have its benefits over something that is capped at a certain amount (few hundred) for the year like many seem to be.

    • There's a maximum amount that can be claimed per year for my policy. I think it's something like $8k for illness, but we've never reached that amount even when he was first diagnosed and hospitalised. Also, he's not covered for general visitation to the vet - e.g. monthly checkups and de-worming as it wasn't worth it when I was comparing policies.

  • -2

    Just keep a syringe full of Somulose or Tributame handy, that is the cheapest pet insurance.

  • that is the cheapest pet insurance.


    Not really if I then have to fork out for another dog and two years of weekly sessions with a psychologist or worse.

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