Pro membership is usually $20 a month, but with this deal you get 15 free trades with your membership, bringing the effective pro cost to $8.13/month without any tax deductions.
Membership should be tax-deductible (check with your financial advisor first).
If you claim this in your tax, your final price will be:
Incorrect calculation by OP
32.5% tax bracket: $240 - $78 - $142.5 = $19.5 ($1.625 per month)
37% tax bracket: $240 - $88.8 - $142.5 = $8.7 ($0.725 per month)
Correct calculation
Tax deduction on membership fee is reduced by the value of the "free trades"
32.5% tax bracket: ($240 - $142.50) * (100%-32.5%) = $65.8125 ($5.48 per month)
37% tax bracket: ($240 - $142.50) * (100%-37%) = $61.425 ($5.12 per month)
Note the 15 trades must be used within 12 months.
I find their website/platform is decent, even without pro membership. Their mobile app is a little lacking (its an export of their website), but you can't beat the $9.50 trade price.
Pro membership includes all the standard features plus:
View and target other portfolios
Advanced stock research
Advanced portfolio analysis
Unlimited Refinitiv news
If you are new make sure you use a referral code when you signup - it gives 5 free trades ($47.50 value) & 3 months free pro membership ($60)
I find that Selfwealth platform doesn't give live pricing comparing with Superhero, there is no point to join their paid membership. There is a lag between 10 -15 mins for share price to be updated.