Get early access to two of eight editor-picked Kindle Books: Prime members can exclusively choose two Kindle Books in the selection to read for free. Note that the price remains $1.99 each for everyone else.
Title | Genre | Avg. Rating (Goodreads) | # Ratings |
The Mixtape | Contemporary Romance | 4.62 | 13 |
Have We Met? | Contemporary Fiction | 4.42 | 12 |
The Seven Day Switch | Book Club Fiction | 4.58 | 31 |
Choose Me | Thriller | 3.69 | 16 |
Song of the Forever Rains | Fantasy | 3.88 | 8 |
Her Last Breath | Psychological Thriller | 4.8 | 10 |
I Have Always Been Me | Memoir | 5 | 4 |
The Caiman | Children's Picture Book | 4.56 | 9 |
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been a prime member since the beginning but always forget I have access to free Ebooks.