I just logged on the officeworks looking for a new office chair, and I think they have had a major stuff up, with chairs from as low as 33 cents. I ordered 6 fabric chairs for $14 posted, as many are online only. get in quick and let's hope they honor it.
Officeworks has had a big stuff-up, Office chairs from 33 cents!
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Darn they fixed it up
all gone..
Out of stock now :(
Damn, no sooner had paypal finished my order then I get an e-mail saying this item can't be back-ordered. Sorry guys, looks like we missed this one.
lol Good try!
Lol good try bad luck…. Thanks for posting anyway just in case it worked out
Good Try
lol..missed it too
The Officeworks clearance tag should be renamed to "baited you lulz"
Generally when it has run out of stock at officeworks they put a crazy price on it, rarely do they actually have stock.
I would bet that they have some automated pricing system that lowers the price when they're low on stock that's marked, "do not re-order". And from time to time, it goes nuts.
ozbargined, thanks for the heads up though
Bad luck again. I missed out yesterday's Galaxy Tab :(
They've always had chairs on there for a few cents that are out of stock. I've noticed that they seem to come up and look like they're in stock when you browse their mobile site, but are always unavailable on the main site
Maybe they have a problem deleting things from their catalogue!
Has anyone actually ordered one?
Don't know how this got positives when it ran out of stocks in minutes.I certainly don't expect positives, as even i get anything, but i guess people appreciate someone trying to alert them of a good buy, even if it doesn't work out.
but i guess people appreciate someone trying to alert them of a good buy
We have have so many dodgy deals lately i personally would prefer to see less non deals on ozbargain. a bit of effort to test the deal and at least to wait to see if it can actually be bought ie waiting for order confirmation or at least checking with the store.
That being said Ozbargain would be the same without some dodgy deals or cotd
i agree, if its not a good deal that ppl can actually act upon, then please don't give a positive.
the whole point of the system is to positive good deals, not to give positives just for trying. i'm not deterring ppl from posting deals, i'm just deterring ppl from giving positives so easily.
i saw this 2 days ago but no stock so didn't bother posting.
Same here… see this sort of thing all the time. Nil stock and clearly an error… why waste peoples time.
damn missed out
lol that's not the price for the chair but the mesh support. I hope you haven't ordered.
edit: Someone removed their comment to which i replied to.
Is that possible?
i think as i was typing my response it got removed.
I actually paid full price for this exact chair at Officeworks after a week of using it the plastic handles fractured where the bolts go through nearly ended up horizontal :-( So I can understand why they would be chucking them out .don't waste your 33c
Can you post your checkout reciept? we may be able to claim in-store
There is no actual receipt that can be used, its a no deal
Edit: Rang OfficeWorks, Only 4 left Australia Wide, An all are floor stock.
In obsure locations?
all christmas island
Says $1.46 for me at the moment but out of stock
can a pricing error be termed as a bargain?
It doesn't appear to be a pricing error though it's not really a bargain from the fact that it is near impossible to get it at that price.
there is a $7.98 one which is available on back-order
That's just the mesh thing. The chair is NOT included
Phew. Thanks for that, had 10 in the cart
saw this 2 days ago and it was ALREADY OUT OF STOCK!!!
why posting something that isn't available?
Because it didn't say out of stock until I had already been through checkout, and I was doing both Ozbargain and checkout at the same time in hopes of maximising the amount of people that could take advantage of it before what I thought was an error was discovered. No need to get angry.
The OW site does this all the time. Some noobie rushes in breathlessly with some unbelievable clearance bargain, but in the end it turns out that there are only a handful, if any at all, units available.
It's just the way the OW stock system works, the price gets automatically reduced, and nobody, except perhaps the manager of a particular store can tell you if there is any stock at all.
The problem could be mitigated if:
- A receipt or photo of the price tag and the location of the shop is posted, or
- The poster has completed checkout of the item if buying online.
And OW clearance posts should always be viewed with huge caveats.
I used to work at an OW (Yes, I am hanging my head in shame) and the pricing system is set up exactly as you have described - any price that isn't .99 opr even is probably a clearance item, and the ID Code will have a trailing S (Sell Through) or Q (Quit Stock). If you see the price tags coming off the printer and you are quick enough, you can run around the shelves and grab all the cool stuff before the customers get their grubby hands on them - 50 Blank DVDs for $3 (When they were selling for $47 a spindle), MP3 players for 66 cents etc…
Bought myself a $499 camera for $86 and a $299 Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for $17. It was the ONLY benefit of trading my time to be in that soul destroying emporioum.
I've returned to work there again!
There is also a D (Deleted) code. It goes S, then D, then Q in order of how long they have been on quit cycle. Once all are gone there is an X code (allows returns).Most of what Greenpossum said is right, except, anyone with a scanner gun (not a cash register!) is able to check stock levels. Most stores have about 6, but they go flat by the afternoon meaning staff have to constantly play "swap the recharging scanner".
From my experience, as long as you are polite, most staff will be more than happy to help, even if their store wont get a sale out of it. Arrogant/rude customers can expect less than average service.
You can even go in/ring and say "I saw this amazingly cheap thing, here's the product code. Could you find out who, if anyone, has them?" and most team members will say "sure" and look it up.
If NOBODY GOT THIS Bargain and it was Out of Stock 2 DAYS AGO how is it has 29 positive votes which puts it on the OZB Homepage to attract more dupes … lolz?? /:
At least the OP could've edited the OP to say it was NOT AVAILABLE!
Yeah I agree, good job on the OP trying to get a good deal, but its not one, people probably didnt even read the first few comments.
I agree, a mistake isn't a deal, credit to a company if they honour it, but they're only doing it to save face, and since this didn't get any sales, i would be suspicious that it's a shill, i saw that add within one minute of it being put up, and they were out of stock then.
Totally agree, how dare the OP try and make others aware of a possible cheap deal, that guy is a totally selfish wanker.. Poor form OP, I signed up to Ozbargain to try and pay full price or RRP as often as possible. You are a real piece of work mate!
So, have some people above forgotten why the are on Ozbargain in the first place? I bet the majority of whingers above created an account here or found the site for this exact sort of deal, a pricing error with the thrill that the Seller might even honor the price. Leave the OP alone already.
I'm sick of Officeworks doing this.
What does their rep have to say on the matter. It happens far too often to just be a mistake.It needs fixing… Now!
outta stock.. however they have another one for $8 !! still a steal
If you mean this: http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/products/Furniture/Chai…
That's not a chair, its just a mesh back attachment thingy.
Wow, the 3rd person that is totally blind.
Says out of stock for me :(