• expired

PAY WHAT YOU WANT - The Humble Bundle for Android (and Windows, Mac, and Linux)


Just woke up to see an email from Humble advertising their newest bundle.

Seems like a solid deal for any Android users out there… Games for your phone AND your computer!

Make sure you beat the average so you unlock 'World of Goo' too!

Extract from the email:

Pay whatever you want to get four excellent games for Android mobile devices, as well as any Windows, Mac, and Linux computers you have: Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Osmos, and EDGE. Customers who pay more than the average will also receive World of Goo, an indie classic and an Android delight!

All these games would normally cost around $60, but we're letting you set the price! This collection of games is DRM-free and redeemable on Steam. Don't forget, you can donate a portion of your purchase to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Child's Play Charity.

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • Excellent selection of games. Thanks OP.

    Well worth beating the average (currently $5.00) to get World of Goo as well.

    • +2

      Now $5.66 - the average seems to be increasing as people beat it for World of Goo. Nice strategy in order to get increasingly larger donations.

      • -5

        that's what I thought as well. Donations will keep on increasing to beat the average and hence the average will increase as all donations are above average. Ozbargainers keep it down by donating 100s of 1c donations and buy more when the average goes down due to these donations

  • +2

    I woke up to the email as well… unfortunately got beaten to it

    The games seem decent, and if you get in early, its nice to keep getting the new things they add (like more games or soundtracks)

  • +1

    Especially worth while if you haven't got World of Goo. This game works really well on my Xoom.

  • I have these on pc but bought 'em again for my XOOM :-)

  • +5

    Lol, for a second there I thought the Chux company was offering games… I was a little "Wait, what?".

    • +2

      come on… i made the logo colours different :P
      honestly cant remember how that nickname came about… i have nothing to do with cleaning…

      • Lol, I have no idea what the colours are. I don't think we even use Chux products here, I just take what I'm given and to what I'm told when it comes to that.
        I knew you didn't (after a second anyway), just got hit with the double take ;)

    • +11

      I think it is quite excellent, a great balance of design, information and interaction.

      Yes there is no neon sign saying "push here buy" but this site is different to most in the options it gives the purchaser, and for those who can't read [lets assume I mean non-english native and not just lazy] a video does cover it all in an entertaining way.

    • -1

      It's a fact that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had this guy, Orte, in his mind when he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.

  • +4

    If you pay the minimum $1 for the steam keys , or 1 cent for the android games you will be given any bonus when/if the bundle updates and not have to beat the average but you will miss out on world of goo.

  • how do i get these on my android after purchasing on my pc?

    • +3

      There are detailed instructions after purchasing.

    • Thanks

  • Just purchased, thanks OP :)

  • Anyone else having the problem that on your android device you click it then it comes up with the 'WebPage not available?

    • +1

      had that once, go back a page and click the link again.

      when in doubt, restart, fixes most IT issues

      • i figured it out, I had set dolphin browser to user agent: ipad. i set it to android and it fixed it

  • +3

    Done and done! The Android side of it sold me. I'm not much for gaming on my PC nowadays, mainly considering it's a POS laptop.

    • I had some of these on PC, but don't play them there (I have better games there).

      But these sorts of games are perfect for a minute of smartphone play. Bought.

  • Android got it across the line for it to be worth paying above the average. No problems installing, could even download to PC then put on phone later.

  • Sweet, just paid $6 and got world of goo, seems average still below that

  • +1

    I have so much love for Humble Bundle. Even more so now that are including soundtracks. I LOVE SOUNDTRACKS :D:D

  • +2

    Just a note to some Android phone users, some of these installs are quite big! Those with limited install space (HTC phones) might want to keep this in mind before buying.

    Anomaly - 153.4 MB

    EDGE (Classic) - 23.2 MB
    EDGE (Extended) - 23.1 MB

    Osmos (Mobile) - 15.6 MB
    Osmos (Tablet) - 16.9 MB

    World Of Goo - 46 MB

  • +7

    6 hours and no-one doucheishly bragging about paying $0.01? Pleasantly surprised, OzB.

    • +1

      Probably because you don't get steam keys for paying under $1 anymore.

  • My Android's gonna get filled up tonight!

    • +6

      that sounds dirty…

  • Too bad they couldn't implement it with Android Market.
    Oh well, purchased anyway.
    Hope they include updates.

    • +1

      It's DRM free. That's a good thing. Install on as many devices as you'd like.

  • I just bought the pack and these games are quite fun (although World of Goo isn't very fun to play on PC) :D
    PS: Found out because I was subbed to Total Biscuit lol

    • +1

      TotalBiscuit is my go to guy for indie game reviews. Very very good.
      Though I don't agree with your view on World of Goo. Love that game!

  • AWESOME FREE Games for the whole family, even my Schmecel cuz will get this promo!

  • +1

    Update: Toki Tori was added to the Humble Bundle

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