• expired

2 Months Free 4G 100GB Mobile Plans (Normally $69/Month) for New & Existing Customers with Active Services @ Aussie Broadband


Just received and email for all Aussie BB customers

Hi there,

Calling all Aussie Broadband customers! 😉

We think you’ll love some of the upgrades we made to our mobile plans, so we have an awesome deal coming your way to help celebrate the launch!

📱 Pick up one of our new 4G mobile plans and enjoy 2 months FREE on us!

Check your emails/account

T&C's https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/forms/legal/2-months-free…


  • Aussie Broadband are offering a promotion to eligible new and existing customersfor 2 months free on their mobile service when switching an existing Aussie Broadband service to our new plans or adding a new mobile service.

  • The promotion applies to new and existing Residential and Small Business Aussie Broadband customers*

  • *An existing customer is defined as an individual who is the legal owner of an active service with Aussie Broadband at the time the offer is applied.

  • The promotional discount is based on the plan that you select to upgrade to (4G Voice Bundled 5GB plan = $19.00 discount for 2-months, for example)
    and will expire immediately if the plan is changed to a non-supported plan within the first 2 months that the Optus SIM card is active

*SIMs not activated within the promotional period (4/05/2021 to 30/07/2021) will not be eligible to receive the 2 months free discount.

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • I understand it that you must be an ABB customer/member also.

    They are moving from a Telstra supplied mobile service to Optus and I have been told by a rep that you need to move by the end of the year either way.
    As the Telstra service will be gone.

  • Their mobile plans are not quite good though.
    60GB for $49 per month, 100Gb for $69.
    Anything particularly special about them? Coverage?

    • Anything particularly special about them?

      Ummm It's Free :)

      • introductory offers are a trap

        • It's no lock in contract so hardly a trap if you change provider when you're ready - I just happened to be over a 12 month telstra contract so am looking to move away for a month before going onto a Boost deal - so works well for me

          • @urbancartel: So new or existing ABB customers can get the 100GB plan for 2 months and leave within 2 months paying nothing?

            Aussie Broadband reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to remove your
            access to this program if you breach our fair and acceptable use policy, or
            we have otherwise formed the view that you are scamming this program.

            • @netsurfer: Can't see why not - it's an offer to try the service - they're not going to force you to stay connected

            • @netsurfer: Not sure what this means, exactly:

              • Discounts will be applied automatically to customer bills for the relevant period once the Optus SIM card is activated
              • The promotional discount is based on the plan that you select to upgrade to (4G Voice Bundled 5GBplan = $19.00 discount for 2-months, for example) and will expire immediately if the plan is changed to a non-supported plan within the first 2 months that the Optus SIM card is active

              edit: also as far as I can see they don't say you'll get the FIRST 2 months free, so just be careful if you are intending to port away within the first 2 months.

              • @andresampras: It depends on ABB's mobile system. It could be similar to their broadband system in that it gives you an option to decide when to switch plan, either immediate or at the beginning of the next billing cycle.

                However, ideally, one would port out a day or two before the second month is finished.

  • +1

    They would need to pay me to switch from Telstra's network to Optus'. Optus is rubbish outside of urban areas.

    • +2

      No network is perfect, in my place, T is the worst among the three. O and V are at the same level much better than T. Find the one fits your needs is the point.

  • Optus network? no thanks

  • -1

    Lol, Optus network.

    No thanks. I'll stay with Boost.

    • Do you make these comments everytime a telco deal gets posted that isn't your network of choice - i'm with Telstra too but i'm happy to save $50 a month the next 2 and if it's no good i'll port to Boost

      • I'm not prepared to save a small amount of money in exchange for pissfarting around changing providers, re-doing settings/voicemail, etc, only to port back 8 weeks later. And suffer worse reception for those 2 months.

        Some things are just not worth it.

        If someone loves Optus, then knock yourself out.

        • +4

          yeah i just don't know if coming on OzB sharing your mobile life story is really that constructive to the deal - but hey if you feel better for getting your Optus gripes off your chest, then i guess you've knocked yourself out!

          • @urbancartel: A lot of users are just sharing their opinions about how the optus network experience has been for them. Maybe even their disappointment that ABB is going with Optus instead of Telstra. As an ABB user, I'd have preferred the Telstra network as well.

            I was on Optus for 15 years but switched when the service was awful for me in the Richmond, VIC as well as at Docklands. Tried Vodafone after that, which was the worst experience ever for me. Switched after just 10 days. Currently I'm with PennyTel (Telstra network) and it's been smooth sailing… so far. That being said, I do miss the Hoyts Discount tickets through OptusPerks.

            While I'm sure a lotta users appreciate you bringing the offer to their attention, as a long time Ozbargain member, you also need to be ready for the inevitable, what you may consider to be, strong opinionated comments :-).

            • +2

              @JackOfNoTrade: Oh I totally get the strong opinionated comments - i'm also a long time member/poster.

              What I don't get is 3 comments in a row commenting about the network - it's like they read it and add the same comment which adds nothing really.

              Where were all the comments in this post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/626096 which is also Optus network?

              At the end of the day my point is, yes i get it Telstra is the superior network (i'm on it myself) but i'm not going to comment on every deal that isn't the Telstra network as i'd be commenting most days.

              Anyway, thought it was worth sharing


        • If you don't like Optus coverage at home, you can always move to take advantage of this deal.

  • I thought it was on the telstra wholesale, what happened? also, someone explain to me what IDD is?

    • International Direct Dialing

  • Imagine if ABB struck a deal with One Plus! I would switch in a jiffy no matter which provider

  • So could I sign up and then port out after 2 months and not have to pay anything for the 2 months?

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