This was posted 3 years 10 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bag for Good $0.15 (Was $0.99) @ Woolworths (Nationwide)

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Greetings everyone, deal number 1000 that I've posted here and seems like a great offer at Woolies starting Wednesday :)

It was originally posted as Selected Stores Only, however from 2nd to the 8th of June, these will be 15c nationwide for World Environment Day as taken from this week's catalogue.

Use this bag again and again. If it gets damaged, we will replace it for free.

As always, enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Congrats on 1000th post! Unfortunately Woolworths bags are awful, smaller sized and stink for some reason. Coles ones are much more useful in my opinion. This applies to both plastic bags and the woven fabric ones.

    • +31

      Does Coles give lifetime replacement like Woolworths does?

      • +10

        Coles doesn't offer replacement for damaged bags like woolies, at least according to my local store in Brisbane.

        • +2

          When I asked Woolworths for replacement they gave me a weird look first before they handed over a replacement for me though.

      • -2

        The red plastic bags certainly yes they'll replace. Not sure about the fabric ones, will find out next trip.

    • +22

      hey Hybroid, Do you work for Coles or the Coles bag manufacturer by any chance? I scored 4 of these Woolies bags for free in the last deal a few months ago and find them to be very useful, easy to pack and spacious….and with free replacement is outstanding.

      • +1

        No relation to Coles or supply chain whatsoever. Not sure how any of what you said is relevant to what I said. Yes, bags are generally useful, it's their primary purpose.

        • +16

          The relevance is that you bagged the Woolies bags as being awful and promoted the Coles bags. I naturally thought you either work at Coles or the Coles bag manufacturer as you are tarnishing the Woolies product While promoting the equal Coles product.

          • +11

            @Logical: It’s called an opinion?

            • -6

              @Hybroid: Oh, I didn't see the IMHO bit in your comment…. Cheers

            • +5

              @Hybroid: Your opinion was not what OP requested and is unnecessary and unsubstantiated.
              This is a good deal and that's all that counts.

              • +1

                @Dr Phil:

                Your opinion was not what OP requested and is unnecessary and unsubstantiated

                "Unnecessary and unsubstantiated" wow…

                Lmao are you for real? They're just sharing their opinion… on a public forum. You can take it or leave it.

          • -7

            @Logical: That’s some leap. Also if op is associated (employee etc) they need to disclose that and a little icon near their name will indicate as such.

          • @Logical: Yeah, people base their decision on where to shop purely on the quality of the cheap shopping bag they supply. πŸ™„

    • +6

      What are you doing with the bags? I've had some of the fabric ones since WA banned single use plastic bags 3 years ago and the are still fine. Also they will replace for free if they do break.

      • -2

        Keep them in car mostly for shopping as never remember to take them from home. They're great for taking clothes to dry cleaner too.

      • +8

        Taking your stinking washing to the cleaner?
        Probably smelly socks too. No wonder they stink mate.

    • -5

      This is the worst deal ever. You have been deducted 250 deals as a penalty.

      • +2

        Nam checks out! Back to quarantine you go..

    • +11

      Fortunately Woolworths bags are perfect, a decent size and don't stink at all.

      • +1

        I have seen many customers with bags full of hair from their pets (making their bags stink, but thats customer's abuse not woolies)

    • +4

      The Coles ones are awkward. Woolies ones have proper flat bottoms!

    • +1

      @ Hybroid Rubbish!
      They do the same job
      A deal is a deal and this is a great deal regardless of your unsubstantiated and needless criticism.

    • +3

      @Hybroid: Don't bag this deal

  • +11

    Happy 1000 post! Thanks for all the deals you posted

    • Yes !

  • +4

    Great deal! Thanks for all your hard work doweyy.

  • +11

    Congrats on the milestone @doweyy. Plenty of your posts have saved me lots of $$$. Take care :)

  • +22

    Deal 1000? You're really packing it in! You've got it in the bag, carry on!

  • +7

    Congrats on the 1000th deal posts doweyy. Huge thanks to you I have saved heaps and snagged some great bargains along the journey

  • +4

    plus 1 for the 1000
    awesome work

  • -1

    World environment Day? Aren't these heavy duty plastic?

    • +3

      The great irony

      • +5

        No, not irony… plasticy.

        • Don't iron these bags - my wife tried to make masks out of one and it melted when she ironed it.

  • +1

    Congrats on your 1000'th!

  • +2

    well done on your 1000th post, happy to pay 15c for this bag no worries.

  • +9

    I work at Coles and I reckon these are the easiest bags to pack into lol

    • -1

      I friggin hate the Coles ones so much.

  • +11

    Am I the only one that's ended up buying the thicker reuseable 15c plastic bags far too often and end up using them like disposables? Probably take longer to break down than the original thin style?

    I do end up using a lot less bags in total, but I have a box full of the 15c ones now.

    • +2

      I always forget my bags and end up adding to my collection. I'm hoping they have a week where we can get store credit and turn in our closet full of plastic bags. Would have been perfect in conjunction with this deal.

    • +3

      If they sold biodegradable bags, I would buy them, but apparently they aren't allowed.

      I end up throwing these in the trash eventually, like any other bag.

  • +1

    Congrats on the 1000th :o

  • +1

    congrats OP, time to stock up :)

  • +3

    Congrats πŸ™‚ gave the deal pos vote #200

  • +1

    Congrats on 1000th post πŸ‘

  • +1

    Kudos on your 1000th post doweyy, may there be many more. πŸ‘

  • +1

    Congrats! These were already on sale at Woolworths Bakewell NT today!

  • +1

    Congrats OP!

  • Dont want any bag with spray painted words on it, they eventually will drop off.

  • Not for me I find it convenient to buy the 15c or 30c bags when I don't want to use a trolley .

    • +2

      Then just buy this instead of the plastic one, because you can reuse it anytime later (You aint gonna be spending any more $$ to get this, instead may be 15 c cheaper than the 30 c bag you are somehow talking about which who know is what bag)

      • +1

        I pay nothing for the plastic ones. I either pick them up when I see them blowing around the ColesWorths carpark, or I get them out of the overflowing wheelie bins at Tomra machines. (I don't know why someone who would go to the trouble of recycling plastic bottles for 10 cents would also discard brand new 15 cent ColesWorths bags, but it saves me money so keep it up!)

  • +1

    Thank you & congratulations! πŸŽ‰

  • +1

    Congrats on your 1000th post!

  • +1

    Congrats on your 1000th Deal Posted πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • +1

    Thank you and congrats OP !

  • +1

    Congrats doweyy, and thanks for the awesome work!

  • +1

    I’ve found the Coles shoulder bags for $2 are the best grocery bags.

  • Never had to buy one of these bags, but have still managed to accumulate about a couple fo dozen of them over the years. somehow. and it would be bad for the environement to throw them out wouldnt it? πŸ˜…

    • +1

      they were free when they were phasing out the rubbish bags

  • +1

    Congrats on the 1000th post Doweyy - have scored many a good deal from your posts!

  • I want you bag…for good

  • Which can hold more? This or plastic 0.15c bags?

    • +3

      The plastic ones can hold more, although if you try to cram too much they'll develop tears easily, I find

  • Might need like 20 of em, to fit in all my things

  • Are they making a loss on these at 15 cents?

    If these shopping bags had no branding I might consider it but even then I don't like these.

  • Overall, I prefer the Woolies bag, but I do like the padded handles of Coles bag

  • I wish Woolies would put prints like the grapes and avocado again on their bags as the plain green ones are just sooooooo boring! πŸ₯²

    • Why grapes and avocados? What do you have against bananas and cucumbers?

      • +1

        Nothing! I love big ripe bananas and juicy cucumbers especially after they have been washed before eating. πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

        • +1


  • +4

    Bags used to be free

    • +1

      Not in Kings Cross

      • +1

        And if they were, you wouldn't want to touch them…

  • Grabbed some of these just cause they are cheap - what we use are the Woolies freezer totes - 25L, very well insulated, and zip top. Cool stuff, ice cream etc, is good for an hour or more in these. Very robust. Normally $10 on sale for $8 at the moment,.

  • Limited to 5 per order.

    • I just bought 10 of them.
      Christmas presents sorted.

      • Strange, I placed an online order today and was only allowed 5

        • Prob cause I went to the shop physically.

  • this is a true ozbargain deal

    • The true Ozbargain deal was when it was free in March :)

      15c I will take it though.

  • I think this has been ozbargained as can't find any close by in Melbourne

  • got 20, should i get 20 more

  • +1

    Financially these make sense, but according to this article you have to reuse them at least 50 times and ideally 100 times before they start to benefit the environment.…

  • My local Woollies had a tag stating this ended 8th June, but I went in today, and this is on-going - next expiry 15 June

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