*Discounts & prices displayed are available to Kogan First Members only. Start your Free 14 Day Kogan First trial. Cancel anytime. $5.99 / 30 days. Limited Time Offer. T&Cs Apply. The savings/discounts shown above represent the maximum possible saving available for the product/s shown. The reference price for these savings are (1) the price at which we have previously sold the product (‘Was’) to non-Kogan First members (2) the price at which an Australian retailer has recently advertised the product or an equivalent international version (‘Don’t Pay’) or (3) a price nominated by the manufacturer as their recommended retail price (‘RRP’). You can find more information about the Was, Don’t Pay and RRP prices for these products by clicking through to the landing pages and hovering over these prices.
$20 Credit When You Spend $100+ with Openpay @ Kogan

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Yes, and checked out using the app.
Ok I can't see any t&c's whether delayed credit or instant ( not working on mobile) .
Anyway I'm not with this Mob so will wait for a 1st Member to be successful .
Didn't work.