Just saw this in a Domayne catalogue i received yesterday.
Some comparsion prices:
Big W - $198
EB Games - $249
GAME - $239
Harvey Norman - $237
I believe this is the cheapest deal around at the moment for a 4GB console.
Just saw this in a Domayne catalogue i received yesterday.
Some comparsion prices:
Big W - $198
EB Games - $249
GAME - $239
Harvey Norman - $237
I believe this is the cheapest deal around at the moment for a 4GB console.
Harvey Norman had them at $148 (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60572), now they're listed as $237 though: http://www.harveynorman.com.au/xbox-360-slim-4gb-console-bla…, so I guess $168 isn't too bad.
Indeed they did have them at $148.
I had to pull myself away from the pile of them and convince myself that I didn't really need one to add to the PS3 and Wii combo at home. How many consoles does one dude really need?!
I don't have enough time to play the games I already have!
Dunno how you managed to convince yourself of that. I've got all those consoles already (but my 360 is the fat model) and if I see a 360 slim at $150 or less again I'm picking one up. I wasn't sure last year and have regretted not doing so.
$168 is still a pretty awesome price. If I didn't have a 360 yet I'd be on this without doubt.
Same here, PS3 (came with the TV) and Wii. Can't justify an XBox :( I've got tons of games to finish on the consoles, so no need to bring my over-purchase of PC games during STEAM sales into it…. ;)
Best price at the moment in vic, ps microsoft annn no new xbox to at least 2013, so will be current for 2 years+
That's a good news.
Who can point me to a link where I can learn about X-Box 360, and which model does what? I don't understand why they need internal memory, external hard drives, slim vs fat, etc etc.
And I cannot for the life of me understand why a X-Box needs a hard drive, since I assume that's not for storing "game backups" LOL
Currently we have a Wii with a 1TB USB HDD hanging off it, but I know absolutely NOTHING about X-Box. I'd like to learn the basics before making a purchasing decision.
Chillax bro.
Wiki can be your friend.
Check the "Comparison of features" section:
Always chilln' here :-)
But let's treat each other as a community of friends, rather than a bunch of trolls, eh?
Share the bargains, and share the knowledge too.
Those were my recommendations :)
Seriously - the first two links from that search gave you exactly what you asked for. The first in a very friendly format, the second had all the technical information you could ever want.
That's why I gave you a link that specifically addressed your question - believe it or not, I used the keywords for a google search that I made sure was relevant to the information you were querying.
But yes, I was also being a smartarse.
Anyway - Chill, peace, truce.
Clearly we need a "Let Me Google That AND Click I'm Feeling Lucky For You" site, since apparently now people don't even look at the search results.
Oh hey, lmgtfy does that too, "&l=1". Happy :-)
The X-Box 360 S (Slim) are the only ones available for purchase new now. They are black; either matt or glossy instead of white matt. The slim models are more durable than the white ones, the old ones overheated a bit and was called the Red Ring of Death (RRoD). The slim models have wireless n capability built in, rather than purchasing a plug in device. Slim models all have HDMI output. They draw less power than the earlier models (almost half compared to the original). They are cheaper for Microsoft to produce.
The various sizes of hard drive can be used for various things:
- It's for storing save games.
- You can install a game to the hard drive so it loads quicker than from disc.
- You can copy movies to it and play them through the X-Box.
- When connected to the internet you can download DLC's (add-ons for games), movies, trailers, demo's and arcade games. Plus a few other things.
I use my X-Box as a media player mainly and for the occasional game. I have my X-Box connected to my network and I stream my movies to it from my computer. The X-Box is connected to my TV that is nicer than my monitor and has a couch in front of it so it's more comfy than sitting at my desk. Media streaming to the X-Box is very popular.
You can 'hack' X-Box's, newer ones are harder to do so though as they fix those work arounds when they release a new one.
Thanks heaps, FabMan
Personally I wouldn't bother using an X-Box as a media streamer/player, as it is not capable enough compared to our dedicated networked media player.
Seems that the 4GB machine is a bit like the iPod Touch 8GB, a bit of a toy for entry-level newbies? Is the hardware identical between the (newer) versions, so you can add a HDD to the 4GB at a later time?
Personally I wouldn't bother using an X-Box as a media streamer/player
Be aware that the 360 can be used as a Media Center Extender, making it a front end to a Windows Media Center PC, meaning your have full control over the tv tuners and EPG etc on the pc ; )
Yes, you can add a HDD later to the 4GB version. However it is external, you can add one internally but there is a little work involved.
I like to install my game to minimise the disc spinning and making noise. Also I think the game runs smoother when installed. I could be wrong though.
After years of using our Wii with "installed games", the concept of using discs for anything except the initial install is a bit foreign to me. All our Wii discs and cases live in a box in our garage!
I was a bit shocked when I saw the last comment at the end of the MS X-Box video about the hard drive, where the guys says "note that the original game disc must be in the machine while playing a game from the hard drive".
So I think I need to find out whether I can modify a X-Box like we have done to the Wii, so that we don't need the hassle of the game discs.
USB/eSATA HDD ISO Loaders: Wasabi X360S & X360Key…..disc free gaming, abit pricey though, but well worth it!
More details? Google is ur friend…nuf said.
whilst i don't have a link…most people use the hard drive for downloads. ie. downloaded games, clips, movies etc.
i have an old 20gb hard drive on my white xbox and i use hardly anything of it for saved games. although there are some save games that require a decent chunk of hdd space.
i guess i'll leave u to do ur own research, but I'd be happy enough with a 4gb.
I think some games NEED a hard drive installed (the 4GB doesn't count as it's flash) so heads up about that.
Thanks! Just got one, impulse buy, hoping it's a liteon
liteon disk drive?
Dude I think you're getting confused with the old Xbox 360's. I'm guessing you're talking about the firmware hack on some of the CD drives. Pretty sure that doesn't work on these SLIM's.
search for Xk3y …
too expensive… >$100!!
I would rather have a home-brew solution. Oh well, I prefer computers anyway.
I bought this last time from Harvey norman but then managed to get a Xbox 360 4 GB with kinect and a game for $199 from MSY :) thankfully harvey norman refunded me , but yea for $168 its a decent price
didnt know MSY selling Xbox
they are not anymore, they were clearing them out
Was waiting for one with Kinect Bundle, but got this one as its a good price.
Now can any of the SMART , SAVY and AVID gamers point us to a good deal with Kinect sensor and some games.
Watch for weekly specials
Ebay is probably my favourite as you can get used games for great prices from the UK.
Halo 3:
Gears of War 2:
Just watch OZB every day and in no time you'll build up a nice library. Kinect sensor deal will show up eventually. Just wait for it… OZB always comes through!
Seems they have removed the page. I'm guessing it's expired/sold out.
It's on Page 3 of the catalogue http://www.domayneonline.com.au/217420-stocktake-sale.html expiry is the 12th of Feb.
can this be purchased online?
Can you run xbmc on this 4GB model? If so i'm getting one!!!
The link is broken, or the product is removed from the website,
Not sure if still available in store.
Got mine today (that was quick!). It's a Lot No. 1140X. According to internet thats a Liteon DG16D5S, not moddable (yet?).
Harvey Norman had them for around $148-$158. Bought one from them a couple of weeks ago, so maybe worth a phone call to Harvey before Domayne