This was posted 3 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12 Month PlayStation Plus Subscription $59.95 (Was $79.95) @ Paypal (PlayStation Store/JB Hi-Fi/Amazon/EB Games/Harvey Norman)


Sony will most likely update sometime during the day.

I knew about this deal a few days ago but can finally reveal it.

PlayStation Plus subscriptions will be discounted by 25% from June 1 via the Playstation store. As this is a Days of Play promotion, you can expect the same discount to be available at retailers such as JB Hifi, Amazon and EB Games.

Good time to stock up!

Full credit to Bill-bill Kun -

I also note that this reduction of -25% is valid in all countries which offer the Playstation Plus. It is therefore a worldwide promotion (valid for example in Brazil or Turkey).

Mod: Click here to check your PS Plus Expiry Date

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia
Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +2

    very nice. i like!

  • +3

    Good through Dec 2022 for me….maybe another year, why not :P

    • +2

      That's only 18 months. You should always be near the 3 year cap. You never know when they'll jack d price.

      • What 3 year cap? My current sub goes through until 2030

        • You're right. I mixed up Xbox Game Pass, which is capped.

          • @The Value: Yeah, MS capped that because of the $1 gold to XGP conversion I think. Wish they didn’t, it would have been great to get 10 years of game pass ultimate using that hack.

  • +18

    Isn't it 30% of at Target according to the other post

    • +2

      Yep, post link here for anyone that wants to take a look:

    • +1

      Yeah but I can’t find that deal online and I’m in lockdown 😟

    • +2

      My nearby Targets at Mandurah and Rockingham WA had no discounts

  • So worth it!! Time to stock up!!

    • Thanks for that

  • Damn, I was hoping it was going to be today. As I've just got my PS5 and now in lockdown in VIC. :~(

    • +9

      Just to let you know games that are free don't require PS+ to play online I.e. Rocket League, Call of Duty Warzone, Apex Legends, Fortnite to name a few.

      • Is this for only the current period or is it always free? (Playing online)

        • +2

          Those games mentioned are always free.

          • +1

            @Shenannigoat: Awesome, had no idea. Thanks!

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Basically any game that is free to play (you don't pay anything to download it) you can play online without PS+ although I don't have a PS5 they possibly may not have that for them but I would doubt they would have changed that.

      • What about genshin impact?

    • +4

      Do a 14 day trial :-)

    • Take a look at this post, might help you out:

      • Lockdown in VIC, can't visit physical stores.

        • -2

          Click and collect is available though. Maybe call store and ask whether gift cards can be picked up

    • Chivalry 2 Beta was just released

  • If I buy the card at JB. How long do I have to activate it? Don't have a PS right now, will be buying a PS5 in the coming months.

    • They don't have an expiry.
      Alternatively you could make an account online and redeem the card on the web store. Then claim Mays free games

      • +2

        It is unsafe to tell people that. Mine last year had 1 year expiry (written on the printout). The staff also told me 1 year expiry.

    • +1

      Depends on which one you purchase. If you purchased from EB games for example (maybe you have some EB world credits), it could have a 12 months expiry. Bought one last year from EB and there is an expiry date printed out the piece of paper (12 months).

      Some other ones might have a longer expiry. Check with the retailer.

      • Thank you. Will buy it and keep it till I buy a PS5 in the next 6 months

        • +1

          What is reason you are not getting a PS5 now?

          • @BuyOrNot: Because I just got a Ryzen 3700x with a 2070Super gaming PC gifted to me. And all the games that I want to play are on PC anyways for the time being.
            Waiting for the new Horizon before buying the PS5.

  • +2

    Thank you OP. Time to stock up.

    Just in case someone asks, you can stack 'em.

  • +2

    I buy mine at ebgames with Suncorp discount giftcards. 8% off

    • Been down to 6% for a while.

      • Unionshopper is still 8% though

        • For those who have access to the Reward Gateway program through their employer it is also 8%

  • Stuck between buying ps5 and Xbox ,don't buy many new games anymore ,what's the Xbox equivalent 12 months too this? Coming from a PS4 at the moment

    • GP Ultimate is more of an equivalent to this. But it’s gonna cost you $16 a month I think. Until they increase the price. XB live gold games aren’t the equivalent anymore. They suck too much to be compared.

    • +1

      XBox GamePass Ultimate - the OZB way was to buy XBox Live Gold 12 months when discounted and then do the convert. I've only managed to get mine (XBox Live Gold 12 months) for $55 each. Other OZBers might have gotten them cheaper.

      However, GamePass Ultimate has another twist. You can get the nice $1 deal if you don't mind creating a new account regularly and Microsoft do re-offer that to people with elapsed subscriptions from time to time. Furthermore, Microsoft generally runs a $1 / month deal when they have a new first party exclusive. For example, for Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Sea of Thieves, and Crackdown 3, $1 / month deals were all there.

      Then, there is Microsoft rewards, which you can exchange for GamePass Ultimate. And, if you elect to allow recurring payment (temporary, can turn off afterwards), you often get another bonus month. So, if you don't mind not having constant GamePass Ultimate, there are ways to get dirt cheap deals. Before I went the XBox Live Gold and convert to GamePass Ultimate, I generally don't spend more than $5 on GamePass per year (and I generally have close to 6 months of GamePass Ultimate via $1 for 1 month or 3 months deals).

      One thing though, the "free games per month" portion XBox Live Gold / GamePass Ultimate is getting worse. Mostly because Microsoft is targeting the GamePass portion of the service (which is the part most people care about nowadays).

      • Where you finding the 12 month gold for $55? $80 from JB is the best I am finding atm

        • This deal: (~$50)
          I bought 2 (from 2 separate stores). First store actually had 3, but I only bought 1. A couple of days later, I decided to get another and bought one at another JB store. Normally, I would miss out on those deals, but that particular one was not easy to find for most JB staff.

          Wait for better deals to come up. Honestly, I don't feel I am better off. I was quite happy with $1/month or 3 months deals for 2 years. Sure, I only get around 6 months of GamePass Ultimate per year (paying ~$5 per year), but GamePass $1 deals were available around Christmas - New Year every year so far. Now, it is basically $50 for a year.

    • I ran with a Xbox One and bought a PS5 this generation.

      PS5 comes with about a dozen free PS4 games that you can play for free, you can also play your PS4 games on it. If you get the PS Plus subscription you get a few games a month (quality varies greatly).

      Xbox Series X has GamePass which is basically a leader in the area. You get access to a LOT of games for a monthly fee, they usually put new first party releases there Day 1, and you can also play on PC with the subscription with a slightly different set of games with the same subscription.

      Just as I jumped from MS to Sony, I think you'd be well served to swap to Xbox this generation to try their exclusives, as well as being able to take advantage of game pass to try a lot of games without having to buy them.

      • +4

        I did the same thing - with Xbox since the 360 and jumped to PS5. I found gamepass lacking in quality titles, alot of old games and forgettable ones to make up a sense of "value".

        I'd rather play a smaller amount of quality exclusive ps4 games than sift through mounds of trash.

        • +3

          "I'd rather play a smaller amount of quality exclusive ps4 games than sift through mounds of trash"

          I just finished God of War for the first time. What a stellar experience that was.

    • +1

      Coming from a PS4 at the moment

      You can play your PS4 games on the PS5. (I'm guessing you have a backlog of games like the rest of us Ozbargainers.)

      • Yes I do ,but would love to play command and conquer and the new age of empires coming soon which is Microsoft only

        • Isn't Age of Empires IV MS Windows only? According to wiki, it is Microsoft Windows only. Will Microsoft put it in GamePass right away? Anyway, there should be $1 GamePass Ultimate deal around Christmas.

          Honestly, whether you want to go PS5 or not depends on whether you want to play those exclusives. However, it is starting to get more interesting as Uncharted 4 is going to be on PC later on. Eventually, Horizon II - Forbidden West will be on PC.

          Or, do what I do, get all 3 (PC, PS5, Series X).

          • @netsurfer: Is there anything you do specifically with the Series X? I've got a PS5 and PC and figure with GamePass I've got most of the games that come to Xbox anyway

            • @Intoxicoligist: For me, a few things. However, they are honestly all minor. PC + PS5 is actually a sensible choice.

              • GamePass still has a lot more games for console vs PC. Also, it does allow me to buy the cheapest version. For example, a few cheap deals on RDR2 for consoles.
              • Quieter than my PC, and UHD blu-ray player (I did buy a "hackable" BD-ROM drive for PC ($75) which I managed to flash the firmware to read UHD blu-ray discs. However, even on an intel based system, I still cannot get intel SGX to work properly. On my AMD, as far as I know, it is a no go. That said, a workaround is to rip it to disk and playback - but that's annoying).
              • HDR gaming is easier. Also, Quick Resume is handy.
              • GamePass rewards - I think you can only get them done on the console. But, honestly, you end up wasting a lot of time playing a bunch of dumb games by indie developers.

              The main reason: I had XBox One X and through EB games trade-in deal, I basically paid $100 out of my pocket for Series X. Rest is through trading in my One X, extra controller and some games. It's just too hard to say no to $100 upgrade for a Series X. Same goes for PS5, but that upgrade (from PS4 Pro) I paid $50 (because I was on the last pre-order batch).

    • You got a backlog of PS4 games that you can play on PS5, it's a no brainer to get PS5.
      Plus m$ will never have quality games like Sony/Nintendo

    • I don't think you can go wrong either way, but Xbox equivalent is 4 times more expensive, but more games. If you have all the time in the world, get an Xbox. If you don't, get the PS5.

  • -1


  • Can you purchase a few of them, and activate them at the same time, to stack up playing years?

    • +3

      Yep. I’ll often buy a few to keep ahead of price rises.

      • How many is the max you can stack to?

        • Only one way to find out. Otherwise wait for one to end before redeeming another one.

  • +2

    I’m subscribed til March 2023 but I’m going to stock up more. What’s the limit on the number of stacks you can apply?

    • 3 year cap

      • It can’t be a 3 year cap, as I’m currently stacked until July 2030

  • +1

    can I buy more than 1 and stack?

  • +2

    I wonder if EB would price match the target deal?
    Will check when they release their deal

  • I knew about this deal a few days ago but can finally reveal it

    You were beaten to the punch back here

    Time to stack a few so I don't have to worry about it for another few years.

    • +5

      Wasn't really a secret, Sony have been doing this same promotion at roughly the same time every year for the past few years.

      I've only ever bought PS+ during DoP and was just waiting for this year's one to top up.

  • +4

    I knew about this deal a few days ago but can finally reveal it.

    Why did you have to hold the secret? What if someone bought full price ps plus between the time u knew and the time you post?

    • +7

      What if someone bought full price ps plus

      Then they would need to hand in their Ozbargain badge.

  • +1

    Just another question might sound silly but … if you have 2-3 months on psplus on PS4 , them months would straight transfer over to the ps5 if you bought a ps5 and logged in with your PlayStation details?

    • +2

      Yea. Straight through.

    • +2

      Yes. PS+ is for all platforms (PS3,4,5,Vita etc) irrespective of where you activated it. Its linked to the account only.

  • What should i do…
    My ps+ runs out tomorrow….
    And i have this week off, so ill be doing alot of gaming and need ps+ for the next few days until this sale is on…. =(

    • +4

      Make new psn account 14 day free trial to get you through until the sale starts :)

      • Might try this, thx.
        Didnt know you get a free trial with new accounts!

        • IIRC you need to link a card to it though. Wasn't always the case but people started making a new account every fortnight to take advantage of it

          • +1

            @Shekster: Use a virtual visa card some banks do them and card number changes every 24 hours

  • If your subscription lapses for 3 or so days, do you lose your game library of past monthly free games?

    • +10

      you will gain back the access to the previously claimed PS+ games once you renew the subscription

      • Cheers for the info!

  • Might wait to see what cd keys offer for the us PSN in next few days

  • Very nice! Probably need to resub too!

  • +1

    Combine it with the cashrewards $5 cash back, buy the PlayStation store gift card

    • Buy the Thrill gift card (exchange for Playstation gift card) for an extra 0.5% off.

  • +6

    If anyone needs a card and can't manage to get 30% off let me know and pm me and I'll do a run for tomorrow.

    • +1

      Not all heroes wear capes

  • Anyone able to assist in getting it before 1st of June? Haha. Want this month games

    • This months games were released on the 6th of May..
      So im assuming it starts on the 6th of every month…

      • Oh sweet. No stress then! Thanks!

      • +1

        I thought they were released like on the fourth?

        Pretty sure they release first Tuesday of each month, meaning June will be the 1st that they release on.

        • My bad… must have been May 4th.
          Which was also a tuesday.

    • Oh cool. I lost hope that I'd miss out on this May's games.

      So if I buy the sub on June 1, the May games should still be available? Keen to try Wreckfest.

  • Target is 30% now as the other post mentioned. Just grabbed from chatswood

    • Can you please share receipt? or what did you say / show to get 30% off. Thanks

  • xbox game pass has 7 day keys that are very cheap. Do PSN have something equivalent?

    • Nope. There is limited once off free trial per account, but no 7 day voucher (minimum is 30 days I think).

  • stupid question, but I am assuming the PlayStation store is not offering physical cards so would that allow "stacking"? or stacking strictly refers to physical cards from JB Target Amazon etc?

    • You can buy several years worth of PS plus, not sure there's a limit

  • Anyone know the cheapest way I can get access to my PS+ save games? Seems a shame to buy a years worth when I only want 5mins. I've used the free trial before.

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