More new promo codes for Celsius just announced on their AMA!
These codes stack with the referral codes -
Deposit $250k min. for $2,500US in BTC Reward - 3 month lock [BTC2500]
Deposit $25k min. for $600.00US in BTC Reward - 3 month lock [BTC600]
Deposit $400 min. for $50.00US in BTC Reward - 1 month lock [BTC50]
All General deposits, for any supported coins listed in the Celsius Wallet including stablecoin deposits
Lock-up period varies, you hold the asset on their wallet app for the minimum time frame, if you withdraw it will cancel your promo code.
Enter the promo code in the promo code section of the app!
They also released their new web app
Thanks! Polymatic is currently earning 14% PA interest, well worth throwing $1k in there for the long term