Lookin for a laptop with at least a 17.3 inch screeen (can be larger)

Im looking for a laptop for my wife. She is not a game player so something mid range would do. She wants a large screen. I would probably want 4 or 8 ram, wireless,bluetooth and other normal things..any suggestions?


  • I bought a Medion 17" from Aldi last year - decent well spec'd machine - I see Aldi in Melbourne City still have a few for $899 at the minute. Aldi's 60 day return policy makes for a comfortable purchase experience.

    • yeah i've heard medion's quality is not bad.

  • samsung makes value for money 17.3 inchers. what's your budget?

  • About $1000 odd can be a bit more..thanks caulfieldguy and kermuffle!

    • have a look at centrecom website to get an idea of normal prices, then shop around online to get the best deal. price engines such as getprice, shopbot etc. will help, and staticice.com.au is your best friend.

      i'm surprised more ppl aren't giving you suggestions! a lot of seasoned bargainers on this site.

  • 17" screen = wow! Every time I see one of those large laptops I think to myself that the person would probably have been better just buying a normal desktop PC and a decent screen.

    The problem (in my mind) is that whilst 17" is massive for a laptop, it's tiny as a normal computer screen and unless you spend big $$ you have some crazy low resolution (often not 1080p). So you end up lugging this massive lump of laptop around but don't really end up with a very good screen resolution anyway.

    If eyesight is the problem (which it is for me now days), I'd get a smaller laptop and a separate screen to plug it into. That way, you get transportability and the option of great viewablity when it's needed. Our 10" netbook is transformed and works great on a 23" monitor!

  • Thanks to all…went and bought the Aldi Medion 17 inch…wife loves it on day one…$899 at Bundoora..

  • Yeah threw this out 3 years later.

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