[Unobtainable] Epic - Free - Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration - Epic Store

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Mod Note: Unobtainable Deal. The free game was Among Us.

Another great freebie from the Epic Store

Today the mystery freebie is likely to be: Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 year Anniversary

At least that is what appeared for a very quick moment on their French page.


Source/Proof: https://imgur.com/a/WLHJBFL and https://file.io/2jMH38dwkWtI and https://easyupload.io/4v5av9

UPDATE: Sorry, guys this seems to have been postponed for the time being due to the leak by Epic France which obviously should not have happened. Sorry for getting your hopes up! But good chance it will happen soon - my guess is it will be one of the other two Mystery Games. In fact something similar happened last year during the same time with Ark Survival. Re the spelling differences: One is English Epic and the other Epic France.

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  • +2

    Croft Manor is the best DLC. Must Play!

  • +5

    Best freebie from Epic Games I've seen in a while imo

    • +10

      Remember GTA V

      • That feels like forever ago to me

        • It was more than a year ago at this point (!!) So I don't blame you

  • -5

    Will never play this game but hey, if I didn’t get something when it was free I would need to turn in my OzBargain license

    • +3

      Can we please stop seeing this post every week?

    • +2

      this one's actually worth your time.

  • +1

    Damn only bought this a few weeks ago as part of a sale to have it on steam. Already played/owned the game as I bought it launch day on the Microsoft store using regional pricing

    • You and I pal. I bought it with the last $5 cashback from Cashrewards from Fanatical for $7.39 on 12 May. ;-)
      Did not pay attention but all good as I still have the key which I can give to a friend now.

      • I think I paid $8 and didn't even get cashrewards :(. Activated as well but oh well win some lose them.

        • Still a quality game worth playing imo, for what little you paid. Should be no regrets!

  • Was looking to get this on fanatical when it was like 8 bucks. Glad I waited cus this is a real deal here!

  • -5

    i have hard time leave steam, or running 2 platform, so i just let go all this good deals feels bad/weird.

    • +5

      Really, you have not claimed any of the nearly 200 freebies??? I am not sure if I should admire your will power immensely or whether you are absolutely crazy?!?? ;-)

    • +1

      I think i have 5 platforms. I launch every single game from gog galaxy and it's amazing!

  • I have this game in my Steam account but who can refuse a freebie

  • +3

    Great storyline and atmosphere

  • +2

    Awesome freebie if real. I played this with the xbox game pass and found it surprisingly very good.

  • +1

    Another EPIC free giveaway.

  • +1

    Waiting for Cyberpunk become free.

    • I am not sure that will happen but +1 for the huge amount of optimism and wishful thinking.

      • 3 years later…

        • It’s still broken

  • +1

    My favourite of the trilogy. The motion capture on the faces was stunning. And I think it actually got worse on the sequel due to a lawsuit with the software they used I believe.

  • +1

    Looks like it's Among Us?

    • Looks like this deal will get unpublished

  • Currently, I see "Among Us" as the free "Mystery Game" that was unlocked.

    I did a search for "Tomb Raider" to see this deal, but it came back as "No results found
    Unfortunately I could not find any results matching your search."

  • I am confused. Why is a "leak" three days before causing a postponement?

    I guess the question is where are you getting your info from that it wasn't just a business decision

    • +2

      It all started on Reddit - link 1, link 2.

      Look closely at these two Facebook posts. The NBA is the official one and the one below is from Reddit. Notice how the way MEGA is displayed? You can confirm via the Epic Twitter account how the word MEGA is used.

      Also, the word "S'abonner" (subscribe in English) appears beside the Epic name. I have not seen a subscribe option beside the page name on a Facebook post.

      • +1

        I get. Just more why are we blaming the leak as the cause of the delay - what extra info is everyone looking at to make such a claim

  • Can mods start giving temp bans for posting rumours as deals to farm votes? Site is turning to shit.

    • +1

      The votes are redundant once its moved to the forums

      • +1

        Yeah fair enough. My point was more that there is no disincentive for these paid posters to not spam every rumour they hear. If even 1% of them are true they still get more votes than if they had not posted any rumours.

    • -1

      1 post in a year. Great to see you contribute a lot to the community….
      I vote to ban people who like to complain about content but have little contribution…

      • +1

        Yeah… you realise these guys get paid to post right? He hasn't made 4914 posts out of the goodness of his heart. If you're happy with him getting paid to make false posts then I'd be more than happy to make some false posts to increase my contribution to this community.

        • One false post and you're dead

        • -1

          are you a liberal?

        • -4

          Now, that is interesting! Who do you think pays me?
          I know you are new but I would not be spouting false and defamatory information here.
          Neither do I nor the other posters on this website get paid by anybody to make any posts. We are not paid by Ozbargain and we are not paid by anyone else. In fact, getting kickbacks from the deals you post, is prohibited here.
          Don't believe me? Ask scotty, the found and owner of this site - he should know if he pays us, shouldn't he?
          Ask any of the mods. Ask the other poster such as Being Askhole, nocure, save50, tightarse, dealbot, skido etc.

          Don't spread lies. And always remember, just because you cannot imagine contributing to a community for free, it does not mean that others feel the same way.

          Plus, by the way, it was not a rumour. It was posted by Epic on their French site and it was postponed/cancelled due to the mishap (see Conan where that happened, too).
          Maybe also check my posting history. I have posted many cryptic Epic deals correctly in the past (see the Christmas bonanza in 2019).
          Don't you find it a bit "bold" attacking the person with over 5000 posts when you have 1?

      • @puglife: +1 for your comment! Wish I cold give +100000 votes (from all the votes I have been farming for my retirement in Florida!).

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