• expired

[VIC] Melbourne Money Dining Initiative: 20% Rebate with $50-$500 Spend @ City of Melbourne


While receipts need to be timestamped before midnight tonight, diners have until 11:59pm on Friday 16 July to submit final claims. Eligible Melbourne Money claims that are submitted by Friday will be paid out.

We’ve partnered with the Victorian Government to launch a new $8.4 million dining initiative aimed at bringing people back into the city and providing much needed support for our hospitality sector.

Only in City of Melbourne municipality I found the zone here

Diners who spend between $50 and $500 (inc. GST) in Melbourne’s restaurants, cafes and bars will be eligible for a 20 per cent rebate on their total food and drink bill.

The rebate will be available right across the municipality including Southbank, Chinatown, Lygon Street, Docklands, North Melbourne and Kensington and at hospitality venues within sporting, arts and theatre precincts.

The program will open from Friday 11 June 2021, just in time for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. The offer will be on a first-in-first-served basis and will last until funds are exhausted.

How the rebate will work:
You will be able to claim your 20 per cent rebate in four easy steps:

  1. From 11 June enjoy delicious food and drink at your chosen Melbourne restaurant, café, pub or other hospitality venue
  2. Pay for your meal in full and make sure you get an itemised receipt
  3. Take a photo of your receipt and upload it with your bank details via our secure Melbourne Money website
  4. Your 20 per cent rebate will be credited to your nominated bank account within five business days.*

With so many things to do and see in Melbourne over winter, you can make the most your visit and get a great deal on your food and drinks bill too.

Need some ideas on where to eat and drink? Have a look at What’s On Melbourne for some inspiration!

More details will be available when the program launches on 11 June – watch this space.

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City of Melbourne
City of Melbourne

closed Comments

  • +18


    • +1


    • +2

      Well exactly. Amex paid 20% irrespective of value.

      • Hi. What 20% you are referring to?
        The 20% cashback?

        • +1

          Yeah it was actually pretty good - took me ages to get into it. Not quite a substitute for (the real) Shop Small and apparently targeted. But you could use it on the same place twice.


      • I thought this Amex offer only valid until end of May?

        • Yes unfortunately that is correct. :-(

    • +7

      …and this does cater specifically to people who spend $50+ on a meal. Which is not everyone…especially on OzBargain (i.e. "this is the worst kind of discrimination, the kind against me").

      • -6

        How is this discrimination. You choose not to take up the offer. Its not like race, gender, sexualality where you born with it. Only those can discriminate.

        • +1

          Google the quote. Watch the series. Thank me later. ;-)

    • Is it one per person?

  • +20

    Talk about bad timing…

    • You expect the (potential) lockdown to go for longer than 16days? (When this goes live)

      • +9

        who knows
        although the usual disclaimer is Past performance is not an indicator of future outcomes

      • +1

        You expect the (potential) lockdown to go for longer than 16days? (When this goes live)

        I'm not. ???

      • You expect this will be the last lockdown ever for Melbourne?

        • No. Many more lockdowns to come unfortunately.

        • -1

          nope. with the 0 case elimination strategy, assuming a 25 year old fully healthy guy got covid and staying home isolating, they will lockdown 6 million people again.

          this is their strategy.

  • -2

    Can we use it at restaraunts in Highpoint?

    • +4

      hard to eat through a mask

      • how about a breathing apparatus

    • +3

      That's not in the City of Melbourne - have a look at the map in the original post if you aren't sure.

  • +10

    let's hope they contain the outbreak :(

    • +5

      Yeah jokes aside I hope we can get through this and good luck to all the struggling businesses :<

  • +1

    Do you need to be a Victorian resident to participate in the scheme? Or can interstate visitors also claim the 20% rebate?

    • +1

      Anyone can. open the website for more info

      • -8

        To be fair, it's not clear. It says visitors, but by that, they could mean someone who lives in Whitehorse City who's visiting the City of Melbourne.

        Doubt this will be available by the time I rock up in August (assuming Melbourne doesn't go in lockdown #43436

        • +1

          yea.. though I think if they have restrictions on who can apply, they would have addressed it clearly.

        • +1

          It is very clearly stated in the FAQs

            • +5

              @kerfuffle: "All residents and visitors to the City of Melbourne…"

              It cannot be more explicit; there are no exceptions or further qualifications.

            • +2

              @kerfuffle: Where it says "all" ; no asterists or conditions are listed.

  • +2

    Should say from 11th June or when lockdown ends :(

    • We are still in lockdown

  • +2

    I'm not sure that we'll be using this - but it'd be nice to support it. Lots of good food places that need our support - and not just within the Melbourne City Council area.

    I've, sadly, just had to cancel a booking at Hero (@ACMI) for this weekend - interstate visitors not able to travel because their jobs are too COVID-19 exposure-sensitive.

    Bummer :-(

    • +2

      This wouldn't have been valid for your meal at Hero this weekend anyway.

      • +2

        Yes, I know that. I'm making the point that there are lots of unintended consequences and we need to support good businesses where we can. Didn't book Hero in the expectation of any rebate - it is a restaurant that ticks lots of boxes without the need to have the additional support.

        • Whats hero?

          • +1

            @Nananananana: Hero. Seriously good restaurant inside ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) at Federation Square in the Melbourne CBD.

            Go if you like good food, being able to have a conversation without yelling, thoroughly professional waiting staff, a really good small wine selection. Oh, and the food is good. Did I mention the food?

            Not cheap - but we enjoyed the whole experience!

  • It's ok, certainly can't complain about a discount, but I suppose it's not much in the grand scheme and doubt it will spur much spending. By comparison the Entertainment Book often has buy 1 get 1 free meal (though most of the restaurants have gone since COVID).

    • I'm the same; it alone wouldn't tempt me to go to the area to dine out specifically.

    • +1

      You can probably combine this with entertainment book. No evidence otherwise I'll try it at least.

  • Where can the rebate be claimed and what can it be used for?
    You are able to claim a rebate for eligible items bought in store only at hospitality businesses (restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs) within the City of Melbourne municipality.

    So Macca's qualifies as within the map ?

    • Seems to qualify but it's a tall order to meet the minimum $50 of spending at Maccas.

    • i don't see why not lol

  • +9

    For the real bargain hunters out there, I checked with the City of Melbourne and can confirm this definitely stacks with other discounts (Eat Club, happy hour, etc.) provided it meets the spending and other requirements.

    So if full bill comes to $150 with 35% Eat Club discount + 20% rebate = $ 67.5 (after rebate).

    Ripper deal!

    • So BOGOF with 20% off gift card and rebate 20% rebate = 32%

      • +1

        If the final total bill is $50+ and meets the other requirements, yes.

        Is it ethical and within the spirit of the scheme? Probably not…..

        Can you do it? Yes you can!!!

    • +17

      Go back to watching Sky and reading the Daily Telegraph, little boy.

      The grown ups are talking.

      • -1

        not everybody who finds these harsh restrictions ridiculous at this point is bigot or extreme right winger. educate yourself. and don't forget the breached human rights. you cant leave and enter Australia at the moment even if you are a citizen, you have to wear a mask in the middle of the bush, you cant visit your relatives in hospital, you cant travel out of nearby your home.

    • +3

      Good lord. What's got you so worked up you're looking to start a fight on a bargain forum under '20% rebate for dining out'? Get yourself a box of chill pills and take 6 or 7.

  • The program will open from Friday 11 June 2021, just in time for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. The offer will be on a first-in-first-served basis and will last until funds are exhausted.

    Won't be able to get in anywhere and 3hr waits for take away. Funds will be exhausted by Sunday lunch time at the latest. Makes good headlines, then it will be tumbleweeds in the city again!

    • +1

      or people will get really mad when they submit a big bill and end up with no refund

  • -8

    lockdown again over someone sneezing. What a joke.

  • Odds on lock down ?

    I'm 75% with the Indian variation in play .

  • Looks good

  • Wondering if the payment with a gift card will count? I.e. dining at Crown and paying with Crown gift card.

  • Is $50 minimum spend on one receipt or can I combine receipt?

  • Sounds like a call for dumpster dives!

  • -6

    How kind of the Government to give people their own money back. Sick of these schemes. Just tax people less to begin with instead of making people scamper for some of their own dollars back in their pockets.

    • +8

      That doesn’t help at all. The whole point is to encourage spending, reducing tax simply increases saving, or spending in the wrong areas (gambling, alcohol).

      Same thing happened when US companies got a tax break, ended up become stock buybacks instead of encouraging investment.

      Your comment isn’t very helpful, or we’ll researched.

  • +1

    What's on everyone's list? I reccomend torrisong (bento platters) and will check out ima project cafe (also bento platters). Easy to spend $50+ for two.

  • +1

    Nice of them to extend this offer to all visitors to the city.

    Unlike NSW who only gave the $25 Dine and Discover vouchers to residents of NSW.

  • +5

    Aaaannnddddd we're in a lockdown

    • +3

      Still works for takeaway.

    • +2

      Aaaannnddd the offer hasn't started yet

      • +1

        Yes and hopefully in 15 days, we will be all good to go.

  • +2

    Looks like this deal will actually be usable this week 😅

    • I went to my local store and they refused to sell me any gift cards. Maybe because they are attached to a Coles store.

      • Rang another one and they say they do sell them.

        • I don't think you can claim the money for buying the voucher/gc

          • @SaberXLancer: Sorry, somehow those posts came up here. Wrong thread.

  • +3

    I'm guessing you have to be within 25kms of the CBD to utilise this though…

    • +3

      Remember it's 25km radius, not 25km distance by google maps…

      • I'm just inside the "ring of steel" so I still can't reach the CBD :( I was hoping to use the promo on one of the fancy restaurants I usually consider too expensive. Oh well. If only they would change it to any restaurant in VIC…

  • Well this is great, I'm going to spend a couple of days in town this weekend and have got two fancy meals already lined up - and you can claim more than once :)

  • -4

    lol. locking the entire state over and over again just because a few people are sick isolating home and then giving away these vouchers. beyond ridiculous. people are moving away from Melbourne. both governments turned Australia into a prison, they killed Melbourne.

    • +7

      I hope people that don't take COVID seriously move out of Melbourne! It would be a wonderful unintended consequence of COVID to weed out stupid people from Melbourne.

      • -3

        enjoy your non-existent human rights. you cant even visit your relative in a deathbed in a hospital at the moment because there are 0 cases today. lol.

        • +6

          Enjoying them, thanks! Hope you enjoy your move.

      • -1

        If free to be a bedwetter and hide inside your home with your mask on. And if you believe the BS from useless Sutton and the pathetic Vic govt, then you really are stupid.

    • -2

      Well said Baldur. And thank god more people are waking up now to this Pathetic Vic govt and useless Sutton.

      • +1

        2 months ago, australians were making fun of the states. states are back to normal yet we cant even dump our rubbish without government's consent.

        • +1

          Yup, USA, most of the EU, and UK are pretty normal now. They can travel to each other's countries. Closer to home, why can't Victoria adopt NSW's approach ?

    • I think there is always two sides of the story. I would very much like my young family and parents be safe in this sort of environment where everyone takes Covid overly seriously.

      Perhaps because my job is not affected.

      Happy for everyone who doesn't like it to leave tho…. :)

  • -1

    Hack is to use the same receipt for everyone on the table.. Your meal will be practically free

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