If Google search disappear tomorrow, what's your alternative search engine?
Google Search Alternative

Not Childcraft?
They would replace Google image search
Duck Duck Go and Yandex
Pretty sure duckduckgo gets it's results from google anyway, it just doesn't log your info, so if google went away (please God!) then ddg probably would as well. QWANT is OK.
DuckDuckGo leverages Bing I believe as do most others.
The only "privacy" search I'm aware of that uses Google backend is Startpage.com, but I found its results to be far worse than DuckDuckGo.
Altavista or Lycos
The best from my heyday
Could you have checked via google?
Oh wait, OzBargain forums seems to be the "new" place to be ;)
very true, can be self-sustaining site now, no need to check anything else :)
Bing for me. I find it works well. There have been a couple of occasions Bing didn't return a result so I tried Google and it didn't return a result either.
So neither works.
or PICNIC issue.
same here. Bing is my alternative, and I use Bing when I'm visiting China.
Ask Jeeves
Dewey Decimal System
(look it up) lolThe guy at work that knows everything. If he doesn't know then it's not worth knowing.
altavista or bonzibuddy
I'd just make a new ozbargain forum post whenever I had question
Post something incorrect about the thing you want to know somewhere online and someone will go out of their way to correct you.
Did you try googling an answer to this?
Google said "post on OzB"
Then OzB said post on google and now OP is stuck in a never ending loop. Good luck OP!
I've recently become aware that there is a project that is like a proxy for google searches. I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to set it up and maintain it. Any opinions? Thanks
https://github.com/benbusby/whoogle-searchNo ads or sponsored content
No JavaScript*
No cookies**
No tracking/linking of your personal IP address***
No AMP links
No URL tracking tags (i.e. utm=%s)
No referrer header
Tor and HTTP/SOCKS proxy support
Autocomplete/search suggestions
POST request search and suggestion queries (when possible)
View images at full res without site redirect (currently mobile only)
Light/Dark/System theme modes (with support for custom CSS theming)
Randomly generated User Agent
Easy to install/deploy
DDG-style bang (i.e. !<tag> <query>) searches
Optional location-based searching (i.e. results near <city>)
Optional NoJS mode to view search results in a separate window with JavaScript blockedUse brave.com or the app, and duckduckgo or whatever floats your boat.
I just searched for the "Best Google Search Alternative" on Google, and Bing was on the top.
ask jeeves
Ironically this actually is good; not sure why you got downvoted, especially when you search something like "why is the covid vaccine dangerous"
This is the result:
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00751-9It just shows you how different the search results are. The science isn't proven yet and we need to see more of the other side of the story.
oh yes, an article from March 2020…
Maybe look at something a bit more recent after almost 8 billion doses have been administered…
Sadly, not that much has changed. We are still running this experiment and hoping for the best.
The data is showing terrible outcomes that cannot be explained by background incidence rates.
Sadly, not that much has changed.
Oh yes it has….
Pretty much only people not fully vaccinated are now in hospital with Covid and in ICU…
@jv: You forgot to mention that the recent data is devastating to the narrative that the vaccine is still effective…
BTW the ICUs are not filled with unvaccinated patients. That's been debunked…
That's why we need the boosters…
Yes, just like the regular influenza vaccines…
That's how the human immune system works…
Friends and Family;
Old Fashioned Search Methods.No seriously, Google is so heavily censored; out of the 5+ million search results they only show around 50 pages of search results, once you click far enough then you see nothing.
Literally, do a search about bargains and look at how many search results there are at the top of the screen. Now click to 10, 14, 18 and so on until the end. It ends quite quickly. There are not 270,000,000 search results.
Stays the same for me.
Funk and Wagnells