Splashtop Remote Desktop for Mac OSX (10.6+) now free usually $9.99 USD.
This app streams the screen from another computer (mac or windows) to the Mac with Splashtop Remote Desktop installed so you can control it remotely. There are always free apps like Team Viewer which do this but splashop is nicely mac and a bit easier to use.
The iOS version is also on sale for $0.99 (usually $9.99 USD) here: http://itunes.apple.com/app/splashtop-remote-desktop-for/id4…
The android version is now $4.99 USD (usually $9.99) here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.splashtop.remote
Splashtop Touch Pad (a remote mouse for iOS) is also free (usually $4.99) here: http://itunes.apple.com/app/splashtop-touchpad/id414383034?m… (but there a lots of free apps like this).
Apparently its a really crappy program atm. But you are getting it for free, which is a license for future updates. Eventually it'll be a really decent app.