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Hidden Hand: Exposing How The Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping The World $13.25 + Delivery ($0 w/ Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon

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Great price for a follow up book to the "Silent Invasion" by the same author. This time focusing on wider, global scope.

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                            • @phoenixpan: Yes it is painful to deal with wumaos trying to gaslight us into the CCP way of thinking but if we seek truth from the facts its quite clear what the true nature of your position is.

                              • -1

                                @Icecold5000: Haha, cold war legacy!

                                • @phoenixpan: Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. We certainly know what you wumaos are about.

                            • @phoenixpan: Yes, corruption is a pernicious influence from low trust societies to high trust societies. Selflessness and Loyalty will suffer. The natural and logical consequence is a transfer of benefit from high trust to low trust. You seem to mock icecold5000 for misplaced altruism. Moral decay (de-moral-isation) is well advanced.

                              Missallocation of resources, compliant or divided population, an economy built on 3 exports iron ore, lpg, coal, a captured political and intellectual class, an empowered and unrestrained fifth column, loss of national identity.

                              No one can blame China for Australia's insecurity and stupidity.

                              Game Theory would suggest that you are both right depending on the society you are in.

                              Betrayal of misplaced trust is always certain.

                            • @phoenixpan: CCP shill

                              • @FKG: Yes yes, everybody who thinks differently than you is CCP. Pathetic.

              • @Icecold5000: NOT THE WAY.

                • @Peterdicky: Not your way you mean. If you want to sell yourself to another cause so be it. If things ever come to a head with China obviously measures will have to be taken to ensure our security.

                  • -1

                    @Icecold5000: Starting with the extreme xenophobes and bigots?

                    • +1

                      @jackspratt: Ah that old CCP trick of accusing anyone who opposes them of being a bigot and xenophobe. Sorry, but the world knows the truth of what happens in chinese concentration camps, murder, torture and rape on a mass scale. Thats what you are defending.

                      • @Icecold5000: You boofhead.

                        So I joined OzB as a CCP sleeper, just so I could shine a light 10 years later on your obvious xenophobia and bigotry?

                        But congratulations on your fevered, but failed efforts to create multiple straw men.

                        • @jackspratt: Since when was the CCP a race or nationality? It’s simply an odious political group who has been engaging in vast human rights abuses since it’s creation and seeks to profit from this exploitation. Next up we’ll have alt righters roll up and claim that immigration to Australia is white genocide.

                          • @Icecold5000: DAN2:39 “After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

                            • +1

                              @[Deactivated]: I remember during the great leap forward Mao told the people to gather all their implements so they could be melted down and used for industrialisation. The end result was that the metal produced was useless and hundreds if millions destroyed their metal implements in backyard furnaces and this idiotic effort contributed to the famines killing tens of millions. China is a false empire of iron that not even its rulers want to live in.

                  • -1

                    @Icecold5000: Stop being a racist Muppet.

                    • -1

                      @Peterdicky: Sure, as soon as you stop being an apologist for a regime which indulges in mass killing, torture and sexual abuse.

                      • -1

                        @Icecold5000: Wow, so you don't want to stop being a racist?

                      • -1

                        @Icecold5000: Wtf do you have conditions for not being a racist? Isn't that basic human decency?

                        • -1

                          @Peterdicky: The CCP isn’t a race. It’s a degenerate genocidal oligarchy masquerading as a govnt. If you support the CCP then you support mass murder, torture and sexual abuse. Time to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself about your values because they appear depraved AF.

                          • -1

                            @Icecold5000: I am not talking about CCP, lol. You silly dollie. Learn to read English.

                            • -1

                              @Peterdicky: Well I am which I have repeatedly referred to. So why do you support mass murder, torture and sexual abuse?

    • +1

      Apparently there are these "self-hating Jews" who stick up for Palestinians, so it's already a thing.

      • -4

        Yeah imagine not wanting to be on the side of an apartheid, genociding regime made up of a set of evil twunts. Muh self-hate.

      • +1

        It may be, if Jew was a race, rather than a religion.

        • Jewish is a race and a religion. Some believe "race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society", whilst others believe "race is a social construct." Either way many jews don't identify as white or black but hold themselves to be distinct. Interesting times do more research.

    • +4

      Opposing communism doesn't make you racist. Though, CCP propaganda will always call criticisms racist.

      • Opposing communism makes you capitalist, or one of the previous stages of human deelopment that want the status quo of exploitation ;)
        Why would you oppose what people choose to do for their future?

        • 😂

      • Tell me you know nothing about the economy without telling me you know nothing about the economy.

        • +1

          Make a coherent comment and I might tell you something.

    • +2

      A brotherhood of man?

      • +3

        Imagine all the people
        Sharing all the world

        • +3

          You may say I'm a dreamer
          But I'm not the only one
          I hope someday you'll join us
          And the world will live as one

      • There is only one brotherhood


        • why is there no mention of Yuri there?

    • +8

      Fewer conflicts yes. But what you described would become a totalitarian state in no time.

      • Why ?
        You can still have a fair democracy government.

    • +1

      I think humans work naturally well in teams.
      One country sounds like a rudderless mess to me

    • +2

      let me introduce two things, "Civil War" and "corruption"

      • Vietnam
      • Korea
      • Indonesia
      • China (Tibet/HK/Xinjiang vs CCP) (Nationalist Party vs Communist Party)
      • Myanmar
      • USA
      • Mongolian Empire
      • CCCP => Russia
      • Ireland/UK
        … many more

      that's not to say what happen when you start reaching for a one world nation too,

      • Nazi
      • Imperial Japanese
        … many more

      but don't let me stop you. Manifest your own destiny ;)

    • +2

      Religions would like a word in this single government.

      • You can still have multiple religions in single government.

    • That's nice, now in reality that will never happen so lets talk about something a little more practical.

    • Don't know why you are receiving so many hate negs :'(

      • +1

        Guess I am too optimistic.

    • Have you not seen the rogue's gallery called the UN? Them ruling us, no thanks.

      • How is the UN ruling us?

        • +1

          I didn't say they are currently ruling us. The UN is the best example we have today of what a future world government would look like. Corrupt, unaccountable and distant, empowering the worst nations on earth with equal voting rights. Your vote in a one world government will count for literally nothing. Other examples of corrupt world bodies IOC and FIFA.

    • That's a recipe for more corruption and would only further the influence of Western institutions by imposing Western values and policies benefitting the wealthy. Each country needs to tailor policies for their own people. We can't even get that right at present. It's physically and economically impossible to concurrently manage the whole world properly.

      • Humans are intelligent creatures. Surely we can come up with a democratic system that would prevent corruption.
        If we can't manage ourselves, then its only a matter of time before our human race perish through nuclear war.

        • Humans are intelligent creatures
          Individual humans might be, but the crowds are not.

  • +16

    Gentlemen… This is democracy manifest.

  • +13

    Reminder than calling your political party something doesn't mean you are that thing. North korea calls themselves democratic ffs.

    • +11

      And our government call themselves Liberals! Which always confuses the heck out of non-Australians during political discussions.

      • +2

        It’s the same in Scandinavia. Parties with “Liberal” in their name are classical liberals (i.e. free market conservatives), rather than social liberals.

      • We use the term liberal correctly. Its only americans that use it improperly; I urge you not to copy their mistake.

    • +4

      Much like the Nazis. Nearly everyone forgets or ignores the "socialist" in National Socialism.
      Technically, it makes them a product of the left-wing.

      • +1

        That's a rather twisted view to look at either left or right wing but whatever floats your boat.

  • +5

    Would the author be like permanently banned from entering China or let him enter but wouldn't be able to get out

    • +9

      Banned from China most likely. Unless they have family there, then it could be many many things to their family.

      Which is why a lot of people born here but have family in China are likely neutral/pro China.

      • +8

        Or just completely silent out of fear for their family members.

        • -1

          Which is the wise thing to do.

  • +4

    I quite enjoyed this book.

    It's a story about love, deception, greed, lust… and unbridled enthusiasm.

    You see, Xi Jinping was a simple country boy… you might say, a cockeyed optimist. Who got himself mixed up in the high-stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.

    • +1

      i like your romanticisation of this book.

  • -6


    • +2

      finally the pinkies and wumao start flooding in.

  • Everyone needs to buy an extra cheap Xiaomi screwdriver set, it will take the mind of all of this CCP worrying lol

  • +5

    If people could remember that the actions of a government is not of its people (especially in places like China), that'd be great.

    • +1

      CCP = bad
      Chinese people = good

      • Where does the Prime Minister of Malaysia and martial arts fit into this?

      • -2

        Technically the citizens are complicit. But what do they know under the control of propoganda and the Great Firewall. We're all enemies to China.

      • -1

        Is that why Asian in general are getting stabbed and stomped on?

      • -1

        CCP very very bad, Chinese girls good

    • +6

      This goes both ways. I have family and friends back in Mainland China, and any time I mention anything even approaching criticism of the Party, they howl me down and tell me I’ve been brainwashed and betrayed my people, even bizarrely accusing me of racism.

      I’d be perfectly happy if they also managed to separate Party from people.

    • +1

      Lest we forget the poor democratic chinese that were slaughtered by their own government in 1989.

    • The Chinese people trust their government much more than before after the success of covid response and the poverty eradication program.

  • +3

    Probably printed in China

    • +2

      Hardie Grant do domestic Australian printing.

      In fact, paperback printing is something that Australia has a decent local industry in.

  • -5

    Ah yes, the red scare mk.ii

    • +3

      Western communists always think they will be Mao and his oligarchs in the revolution.

      What they don't realise is that they will just be the average person who has to eat their deceased family and friends to survive when policies like The Great Leap Forward fall apart and a significant portion of the population starves to death in the worst possible way.

      • +2

        We've never seen true communism. Modern China is actually an authoritarian capitalist economy and society. A very successful one at that. The exception to this is that following the economic reforms, they claim to maintain policies promoting social development. That claim is extremely questionable considering regional China is drowning in poverty and a huge burden on economic growth.

  • +4

    China has every right to grow and expand but the way they are going about it is a bit sketchy.

    This time it's not the same as when the USA became a superpower, everyone has nukes and one mistep could lead to huge destruction. The power dynamic is NOT the same.

    Not every country and leader will respond logically to economic coersion. Eventually someone will pull the trigger with terrible consequences for all.

    I also totally don't get the Taiwan thing. If China's business opportunity and living standards have improved so much Taiwan will want to rejoin themselves eventually? No need for sneaky tactics and disinformation. Hawaii , US Samoa, Guam etc joined USA without force.

    Finally this 'century.of humiliation' should not be punishment for the the entire world. Many countries have only just recovered from the destabilisation of ww2 and have never meddled with China and they wanna start this shit again?

    Anyway the rise of China was obvious given their geographic position/ intelligent resourceful population. The West just thought they would fall in line with democracy very naively. China's central government seems to be working just fine atm, the top leadership actually care about the nation not just recieving bribe money.

    • +5

      I also totally don't get the Taiwan thing. If China's business opportunity and living standards have improved so much Taiwan will want to rejoin themselves eventually?


      • +1

        The anti-China party called Kuomintang has been losing power every election since democracy started in Taiwan

        • The dodgy DPP is the anti china party. In comparison the KMT still believes in one china.

      • Thanks for posting this! I was going to but just didn't have the time.

        'The 1993 Apology Resolution by the U.S. Congress concedes that "the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and […] the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum". Debates regarding the event play an important role in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.'

        Not sure what RoeJogan had been smoking, but I'm guessing he's on LSD, either that or he consumes Murdochs propaganda machine

        • +2

          "Hawaii …. joined USA without force."

          So OP is full of sh*t 😂 "without force"… my a** 😏

          Not to mention Puerto Rico


          • +1

            @samehada: Let's also not forget the Philippines a quarter of a million dead there

            Interesting read here
            'As special counsel Robert Mueller continues his probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, we take a look back at Washington’s record of meddling in elections across the globe. By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions. We speak to former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, author of “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq."'

  • +2

    Think I'll wait for the movie.

  • And you didn't think Nixon's 1972 visit to China didn't culminate in the signing of an agreement … it's almost 50 years exactly … a jubilee of sorts.
    Leviticus 25 is about the forgiveness of debt every 50 years.
    My prediction is China won't receive their foreign reserves.
    Cue the political rhetoric - the local pollies, miners and developers have made bank, knowing it would one day end in tears or conflict.
    "War is the continuation of politics by other means."

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