Regarding the Allphones/All amazing deals coupon - getting it validated and using them

I have left a rather angry note on the all phones facebook page regarding the deal and they told me to go to this url to get it validated and someone will be in contact with me.

I have done this last night and someone did indeed call me back this morning.

It looks like they took many phones (including the galaxy s 2, droid razor, etc) off the website and increased prices a bit, but there are still some phones available.

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  • Yeah pretty old news if you followed the original thread. Was a bit annoying that they didn't proactively contact customers to let them know the process… I had to chase them as well

  • They stuffed up big time but showed their real concern for customers by not even apologising.

    Sure, there were some fools who tried to rort the system but that still does not excuse them for lying (no stock of that phone sorry… BS) and just fobbing off those that legitimately tried to use the offer.
    It is all written here…..12 pages of it >>>
    Best to read before palying a tune that has been played over and over.

    As for leaving messages on their fb page… HA!!!

  • +2

    ModOriginally posted as a new topic. Moved to existing thread.

    I had made an order on a validated coupon. Found out they would not honor it. Did not even have the courtesy to let me know that they had cancelled the order and suddenly cancelled my coupon without a valid reason.

    In fairness, I have allowed them to deal with it as the first avenue. They did not even have the courtesy to inform me on their own they had cancelled my order.

    I will be definitely be looking at raising this up with the department of trading as the initial avenue. We will consider all legal options.

    We are not making any accusations, but here are some of the details.

    Summary of issues:

    Clause (1)
    They reneged my $200 which they had officially acknowledged they would recognise.
    Clause (2)
    They also reneged and cancelled my order for the phone after accepting my payment and credit card details without informing me
    Clause (3)
    Informing customers they have run out of stock.

    Two issues with this: a) It may be a potential lie. b) They are required by law to have reasonable stock.

    My personal experience of the service from Allphones is that it has been:

    1. Unfair
    2. Terrible service
    3. Mislead and deceived through Bait advertising

    I will give them a fair opportunity and additional time to correct this issue by the end of the week.

    They have already held my order for over 8-9 days.

    Our team will check to see if they have broken any laws.

    This is something which a TV program may be interested in.

    From what I have heard, they have done this to promote their company and gain more exposure to the market. It may be illegal to do so without holding reasonable stock. It may be illegal to continue to sell the phones to customers without the promotional / discount codes as pointed out by other forum members.

    They are now saying that had limited stock. Yet, a number of customers have informed me that Allphones has had significant stock for Samsung Galaxy II phones. In fact, if you walk in to any store it is there.

    Therefore, I believe there is a flaw in their argument and it may be considered by the average person in public as a clear form of:

    Bait advertising
    Advertisements can be factual, sometimes annoying and occasionally funny. In a busy world, they are all jostling for our attention. But the law demands they share one important characteristic. They must not be misleading or deceptive.

    Section 42 of the Fair Trading Act 1987 states that a person shall not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive.

    For example, it may be reasonable for an electrical retailer to have half a dozen washing machines on sale but it would be quite unreasonable for a clothing retailer to promote a special sale on, say, six skirts without disclosing that stocks were limited.

    "Consumers have a right to know exactly where they stand. We don’t have to put up with this type of behaviour."…

    "When it comes to deceptive advertising, a scam called ‘bait and switch’ takes the cake. Unscrupulous traders entice customers into their stores by advertising goods at very low prices but only have a handful of the sale items in stock. When the advertised goods quickly sell out, customers are steered towards higher priced stock or lower quality goods.

    It's unfair, it’s deceptive – and it’s illegal. Retailers must make sure that reasonable supplies of the product are available during sales. What is ‘reasonable’ will depend upon the type of product, the terms of the sales advertising and the previous sales experience of the trader.

    Make your own assumptions."

    We are going through the documentation process and depending on legal advice bring it up with the department of fair trading.

    You are welcome to provide any documentation of your own.

    Anyone who may be interested can register your details here if you feel you have been unfairly treated or misled.

    A website will be set up as well as facebook account so that it is easier to communicate and resolve any potential issues. Looking for volunteers.

    We will analyse this, before jumping to any conclusions and making any representations.

    We will be tallying the number of complaints against AllPhones in a fair and open manner.

    Will also have to look at AllAmazingDeals and the directors/implications and the link to AllPhones.…

  • I noticed the deal has expired/been closed so I thought I'd post here. Just got a call from allphones to say my code was valid, just gave up on it in the end but now I might consider purchasing something.

    Anyone else get a call lately? They said they add new stock all the time so deals might change but I doubt anything good will be available until March.

  • I purchased something with a a valid code and they cancelled the order without informing me. My personal observations was that this was poor service. I wonder if it is bait advertising which is illegal not to have sufficient stock.

  • Allphones is tricky, they removed all their good deals just to spite this offer, I bet come 1 March when the offer expires all their good stuff will come out!

  • +1

    They stuffed up… big time.
    They have never apologised.
    They lie about stock available for outright purchase.
    Yes,… all the stock will appear like a miracle after 01/03/12.
    It was not advertising or a promo… it was far too silly an offer.
    Print out your worthless "genuine authenticated Allphones discount coupon" and hang it in the loo… it may be of use in there? LOL

  • I also received a call about 2 weeks ago saying that they had been 'trying' to get a hold of me to let me know that my code had been validated and all good. I then asked the woman about the SGS2 and I got fed the usual BS that they would "love to sell me one, however there just isn't any stock" etc. It's fairly obvious what's going to happen here, after the promo has finished at the end of this month there will magically be all these new phones placed on the website. Congrats on all the people that got in at the start, however I think from this 'promo' that they won't exactly win many friends in this community!

  • I remember seeing a tv ad a few nights ago advertising the SGS2 outright for $588.

    But then they'll go ahead and feed us some cock and bull story or some lame ass excuse.

  • HTC Rhyme for $499 or $299 with code, at this stage though I wouldn't buy anything unless it was going to cut into allscums profits.

    • How exactly does one order this phone?

      Going through the website, there is no option to add it to the cart.

  • .

  • +2

    They stuffed up… big time.
    They have never apologised.
    They lie about stock available for outright purchase.
    Yes,… all the stock will appear like a miracle after 01/03/12.
    It was not advertising or a promo… it was far too silly an offer.
    Print out your worthless "genuine authenticated Allphones discount coupon" and hang it in the loo… it may be of use in there? LOL

  • +1

    Ooops… it is the 1st of March and there is a phone on there for $329,,, stock must have just arrived???
    Hows that for co-incidence???

  • +1

    Yeh just noticed a bunch of new phones arrive, what a joke..

    Edit: also notice the price of their high end phones is lower!

    • +1

      It is really amazing !!! :-(

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