My Colleague at Work Flosses While Sitting Next to Me

Hi everyone.

My colleague at work does flossing while sitting next to me. Every day after lunch he does flossing at his desk. It's really uneasy and yucky feeling for me.

But how I can politely tell him to do this stuff in the washroom etc?
Any suggestions on how I can ask him to stop it etc?



    • This is an excellent suggestion, I'll use this if I ever get annoyed by something (small) someone does in a workplace. Best case scenario you avoid it, worst case you tell management.

  • +2

    I suggest eating carrot and lettuce and getting it stuck in your teeth everyday and smile at him while he flosses.

  • Does he do it with a mirror in front? If not, maybe say to him, aren't you better off flossing in the bathroom with a mirror? Perhaps he'll get the hint

  • Don't they need to rinse after flossing to complete the cycle?

    Very reasonable to ask them to go to the bathroom than not

    • Drink a glass of water to rinse?

      • Ya but most people don't eat their waste

  • +1

    Does he just use one of those Piksters and does some quick cleaning? Lol I do that…

    • Plot twist : you are OP's nemesis, and this whole thread is about you and your behaviour.

      • Haha I was worried for a second, then I realise that due to COVID our office enforces strict separation of desks so I don't have anyone near me. Plus I work most days from home.

  • +1

    Just go to the toilet while he flosses. Or just tell him. Just say “do you mind cleaning your teeth in the bathroom? I don’t like it” how hard can it be

    • +1

      What if he replies:
      "Yes actually I do mind"

      • -1

        Then go to the toilet while he flosses, or do something else in those 30seconds

    • "… I don't like it. I've already told my Internet friends on Ozbargain and they know bikies."

  • +1

    I floss my teeth at my desk, in the car, and bathroom.

    Cheaper than paying the dentist.

  • I’m here just thinking about it that Bluey Episode.

  • +1

    as long as he is at least 2m away and not directly facing me it probably wouldnt bother me.

  • What's the problem exactly? People use toothpicks after meals at the dinner table and no one has an issue with it?

  • Buy him a late valentines day card and say what beautiful white teeth he has. Perfectly flossed.

  • Borrow some floss string from him saying you got something stuck in your teeth so have to go to bathroom to floss?
    Tell him you don't want to do it at the desk as it might offend someone

  • Have you ever coped a female colleague sprays deodorant onto her armpit next to me sitting in the office after her lunch break power walk? Otherwise just move on.

  • OMG, you can floss without a mirror? wow, oh can you do that in the bathroom please. LOL

    • Flosser uses webcam and monitor instead of mirror :D

  • -1

    watch porn hub and volume to the max

  • All I see is the beginnings of world wide idiocracy, one OzB forum post at a time.

  • The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.

  • +1

    I would tell him to stop as a OHS matter if you don't get on with him - if you get on with him, tell him you don't like it. Work is full of colourful people -one used to dry shave at his desk, another had two sets of false teeth depending what he ate and kept one pair soaking in a glass on the desk, one had a catheter and used to put their piss bag on desk, one had a central line for cancer treatment and would flash it…the only person that ever gave me the shits was a bloke who would clear his throat and spit in his bin …

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