First post, I expect a roast… with gravy please.
I just got one of these, seems like a pretty good deal, thought others might like it too.
First post, I expect a roast… with gravy please.
I just got one of these, seems like a pretty good deal, thought others might like it too.
Pepper for sure
Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+
seems like a pretty good deal for Pixel
what benefits do i get from google photos purchasing this? since they are ending the free uploads from next month i guess
I believe you still get free "high quality" uploads with this, I've got that turned on, I'm not sure if it will stop at some stage?
high quality is 16MP photos and 1080p video
Important: If you have a Pixel 5 or an earlier device, you’ll continue to receive free unlimited storage for photos and videos backed up from your Pixel devices.
I’m reading that as: buy this phone and use it to back up your photos/videos taken from other devices for free! 🤑
is it life time?
Yea they might can it, like they did the free pixel uploads
Original Pixel still has lifetime free original quality upload, who is canning what?
None of the released Pixels have been canned. Pixel 2 and 3 never had lifetime free upload for OG quality.
@Bigboomboom: WHat I mean is, that you shouldn't rely on it as a service being free right now, as in by the time you get a new phone, it may not be free etc.
@onlinepred: What do you mean? All the released Pixels have free upload as announced when they first launch and that have not changed. The Pixel 4 will keep free HQ upload and that's period. I get you don't like Pixels but what you said is incorrect.
@Bigboomboom: I'm not sure you understand. I bought Pixel XL, got free unlimited uncompressed photo/video backups. Then got upgraded to P2XL through RMA process, and got the P2XL which also had free unlimited uncompressed photo/video for a set period, then the P2XL died for 3rd time, got Pixel 4, did not offer free unlimited uncompressed photo/video, instead offered compressed backups. I therefore had to pay for storage to continue using the service. Also I like pixels. I am no fanboy though. There’s things I like about them and things I don’t. I will be buying the 6.
@onlinepred: You don't have to pay to use whatever already been uploaded, they are not counted towards storage. Your phone died and you buy newer generation phone, then how is it Google phone for "removing unlimited upload"? Many people still keep OG Pixel to do lifetime unlimited upload.
@Bigboomboom: I would have loved to continue using it, but couldn’t. Also now that I’m tied into google photos, I have to pay for it now. I would have loved a replacement to me pixel xl after the third replacement, but they had no stock.
You have access to some Google Photo editing function that otherwise required Google One subscription.
I actually have received mine, so if you have any questions fire away.
As for the "A grade" I would agree with that, it isn't quite as new, but the flaws are pretty hard to find.
There are ever so slight scratches on the screen, and I mean you have to look at the screen closely with a bright reflection to notice anything.
There is a small ding on one of the front corner edge, again only noticeable by inspection, I don't notice it unless I'm looking for it.
I was, and am still concerned about battery life, it's the first full day after receiving it yesterday and setting it up, but so far, 11:30am for me, it's at 79% with normal use since 6:15
Yea be prepared, the Pixel 4 (smaller guy) has pretty bad battery life in the first place. You can run battery software to find the battery health, but takes time and a few charges to determine.
Yeah, I've seen plenty of reports of people getting better life with the latest updates, but you never know.
also you can get better life by turning off some features you might not really care about, like motion sense.
I would have probably preferred a Pixel 4a for the better battery and longer updates, but you won't get one of those at this price point.
How is the 90hz screen does it feel fast and bright?
It is not that bright since auto brightness does not boost up nits like with 2020 Pixels
Yeah it's pretty smooth that's for sure.
It's bright enough for me, but you might need to google that to find out if it's enough for you comparing it to a phone you know
Do you get unlimited photo uploads to Google?
Or does Google recognise the phone's MAC which could indicate that it's been used in a previously Google account.
For me it's on and working with "high quality" uploads from this phone.
I believe this will continue after it's turned off for non pixel users
Thanks for volunteering to answer.
Does it comes with the usual google warranty of 2 years ?
and is Kogan a reliable site to buy phone as some of the feedback comments about kogan specially when it comes to phone isn't great.
I don't know about the 2 year Google warranty, the listing says 12 month Kogan warranty.
Can't really comment about Kogan reliability, my phone arrived and is as described, still going fine.
Pretty good deal, my only qualm is the 64GB of unexpandable storage.
Yeah, it was the main reason I moved on from it to the S21 256gb
I have the Pixel 4xl (1/2 price through cancelling a Vodafone contract in the first month and paying out value of phone). It's a good phone, without being amazing. Good photos, early updates, decent screen. Battery is pretty average, no expandable memory (like most now) and I feel the Wireless charging connection isn't great.
All up, good phone for the price
Stay away from Google Pixel 4. Changed 5 of these under warranty from Google due to overheating problems. Still have the 5th one though, that for some reason doesn't heat up that much. An underperforming battery is another issue
Lol @ changing 5 and still sticking with the same phone
s/he is a keeper
Until you have to change it… 5 times.
QA with Pixels definitely seems inconsistent. I've had 3 (1XL, 3 & 4A) with not an issue with any of them. Meanwhile my brother in law got the 3 and had to replace it about the same amount as you did because of various issues.
Keep in mind the battery life is not good from factory, and who knows how degraded the battery will be when you receive it being a refurb.
Been using the Pixel 4 64GB since October 2019, and I'd say the only noticeables are (as mentioned by a couple of comments above) the terrible battery life, and low as storage (especially if you play a couple of games on your phone).
Battery life is battery life. You will pretty much HAVE to charge your phone every single day if you are a moderate (or heavy) user. It'll probably last a couple of more days if phone calls are all you do.
Storage wise, the phone is completely unusable for me if Google ever decides to get rid of unlimited Google photo storage. It's completely dependent on it. My next phone is definitely going to be 256GB or above.
With that being said, the Snapdragon 855 handles everything you expect a phone to handle, and any bugs I ran into weren't too devastating. So other than the above two points mentioned, I really have had no reason to buy a newer phone, so I'm still using a P4 today.
Would I have bought the Pixel 4 with my current knowledge/experiences on the phone?
I would have definitely gone XL with more storage. -If my budget allowed it.
check your combank rewards, I have $30 off Kogan with a minimum spend (cant remember the amount) which this price would exceed.
Pixel 4 is garbage
No fingerprint scanner
Battery life is poor
no micro sd slot
Any idea if this will get the Android 12 upgrade in the coming months?
Yes it will.
Support ends October 2022 so it is expected to get Android 13 too next year.
I got given one of these for work, it's a great phone, everything flies, however as people have mentioned battery life is lacking for people who use their phone a lot, it used to just get me through a day on most days, but at times I was charging at night when I got home. Also while the pictures come out great, it doesn't have an ultra wide camera which I think is a must on a $400 phone, considering we are picking up TCLs and Vivos for in the $200 mark, and they also have big batteries that wipe the floor with this.
TBH its more polished than the Pixel 5. Good deal.
Haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nephew is banished
Foot off chair banished or foot on chair banished?
2 big differences.
Good deal if you can get Kogan First free trial. I have an Amex offer expiring tomorrow too (spend $100 get $20) so if others have that it may be good to pay with Amex. Personally I pass on Pixel 4 due to battery life and no fingerprint scanner.
Damn I was about to sell my Pixel 4, was hoping to get at leas $400, guess I got no chance then!
I would still give it a go at that price on Gumtree, they seem to sell for about that there.
I had one of these. The camera was absolutely top-tier for photos, and decent for videos. It has a 2800mAH battery, which I most often had to charge during the day. Really really weak battery. It also does NOT have a fingerprint reader, opting for the WAY more annoying 'Face-ID' system, which will have you screaming "Open, you f**k! This IS my face! I only have ONE FACE YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" in public places. Something to consider before buying :)
What flavour gravy?