My Listing Was Removed But Why?

I am newbie to ozgargain and just published my first listing today. Just 1 hour late, it was removed. The reason was

My shop is selling lingerie only (doesn't have any toys or Pornograpy). According to the rule, lingerie is ok. But why my listing was removed? Could someone help me with it please? my shop is here: Mod: Removed URL

Mod: Moved to Announcement/Feedback forum.


  • Nudity mate is a no no.

    • thanks for reply. but my shop doesn't have any nudity images. all models are wearing lingerie.

  • theres a page somewhere on ozbargin becoming non 18+.

    there was a bit of arguement, but most people were like 'meh'

  • +1

    I wondered what I had missed out on!!!

  • A nipple counts as nudity. Thus, because your site has nudity it is banned. Remove the nudity and your site will be unbanned.

    • Thanks for pointing that. So how i can get my site unbanned after I remove those picture with nipples. Sorry but I am very new to ozbargain!

  • Do you mean I am able to make a dispute to ozbargain?

  • If you looked 1 paragraph further in that page you will notice that sites displaying nudity are banned. This is a bargain site for people of all ages.

    • Thanks for pointing that. So how i can get my site unbanned after I remove those picture with nipples. Sorry but I am very new to ozbargain!

  • +5

    Boobies <3

    • And apparently they are to be held by BARS. :)

  • +1

    I googled your website. All I can say is, no offence but I can see why it was banned.

    • thank you for doing that. I am trying to remove those images

  • He appears to have removed all of the see-through imagery, could not find anything R-rated hehhe

    • Thank you for checking it for me. I am waiting for my site is unbannded so that I can offer our members great bargain deal!

  • I am still waiting for my site to be unbanded…

  • Did you start a Talk with a Mod forum thread?

    • Yes he did. I don't know why we are having the same conversation there as here. We've been going back and forth removing nudity on the site.

      • +1

        Maybe lovestation can send the models my way and I will re-shoot them in their outfits.

        Note: I may just cover rude bits with my hands

      • heh..does appear the odd image rep would to cull beyond a cursory glance. Still, a Good job rep + mod; all keen buyers I'd say would've done a look-up of your site, and consequently can access any sale items.

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