Credit Card Recommendations

Hi All,

I've recently graduated from Uni and just started working. I'm looking at applying for my first Credit Card and I'm hoping that the vast knowledge of OzBargain can help me.

I did a bit of research here and found that the popular choices are either 28 degrees, bankwest no fee credit card, or hsbc no fee credit card. However, whilst these cards are good, it would be great to see if anyone knows of any other options that are more suitable to my situation.

I would probably use the card on very rare occasions - only when work requires me to pay supplier invoices in advance before I make a claim. As such, each time I use the card would be for transactions around the $5,000 to $15,000 mark.

The 2 main features of a credit card I am interested in are:
1) no annual fee or annual fees that can be waived through the usual 'call in to cancel'
2) maximum rewards (points, frequent flyers etc)

Any help would be appreciated and I would also be really grateful for anyone who can post up any info on their own credit cards so I can get an idea of the benchmark of a 'good deal' when I see one.



  • the cards you have mentioned are all good..out of three only HSBC comes with rewards..but yuo said you want to spend 5000-15000 $ this in a single month? if yes then I think only platinum cards will have such a high limit..since you have just graduated so not sure if any bank or card will give you such a high credit limit !! but I have all these 3 cards and all are good !!

    • Can't provide credit card recommendations, but if work is requiring you to pay supplier invoices, shouldn’t they provide you with a corporate card or open a card with the business name. That would allow you to higher credit, considering you’re just out of uni; assuming no previous experience of full-time work.

  • you could go for the Qantas American Express Discovery Card.…

    But you might want to make sure there is no surcharge from your supplier with the card being an AMEX.

  • I might get a creditcard, i was declined last time by the commonwealth bank when they had the $100 back offer. Is HSBC easier with approvals, I am currently getting centerlink benifits. I am interested in the HSBC because you get points and because I might go over to bali so the travel insurance will be good as well.

    I looked at their site, the one with rewards is currently annual fee free for the first 1 year, is that the one you are talking about. Also what are the reward points like, is getting something decent achieable for someone who buys miserly?

  • Thanks for the comments guys, I ended applying for the following 2:

    Hope this thread will be able to help others like me!


  • AMEX offers rewards with no annual fee if you are a member of a professional body e.g. ACS, Law Society, CPA, CA etc. The draw back with AMEX of course is that it is not as widely accepted and when it is, you will find it likely has a surcharge unless its a major retailer.

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