Decent quality golf clubs < $250 - I missed out on the 1daysales special :(

I've been slowly dragged into golf. I have always thought it was a retirees only game but have since found that it is quite fun having a hit and losing all of my golf balls in the space of 3 hours. I would like a decent quality set (all irons/drivers etc) to make me play better :P.

My $20 ones just don't cut it anymore…..


  • :(

    Need moar Golfing bargains!

  • +1

    Absolutely no idea what they are like….. but this came in my inbox today…..…

  • Thanks Andy, will have a look.

  • I bought TaylorMade R11 Driver for my dad. $279. Might be too expensive for you since you are just starting. New model R11s driver is coming out in a few month but that will cost $400+.
    I don't think this will help you much but I hope it does

    • He is after a set, not a single club.

      • Ohh my bad. Didn't read properly.

  • +1…

    ive been thinking about getting these and finding a club to have a round at myself, not sure how these rate though

    • That is over OP's budget though.

      • a little, but who knows its been around that price for a while, i doubt they will run out

        • +1

          Thanks Tal_Shiar. That's perfect for me and I can extend the budget a little more for that set. It's gotten only good reviews and it has everything I need.

          I knew OO had golfing deals but don't remember seeing the Wilson one there.

  • +1

    Hey JayM,

    Not sure where you are located but you may want to check out GCO if you're in Melb/Syd/QLD.

    Link to some sets:…

    These guys are very good and I've bought a heap of stuff from them in store. You can easily get a buggy/balls/shoes thrown in as part of the deal so it might be an overall better deal than just the set alone.

    If you can try and stretch your budget to the EVO set, I would highly recommend it. A couple of buddies I play golf with both have the set and it really is a great deal.

    • I'm stuck out here in Canberra where nothing ever goes! :(. Looked at the Evo package and as awesome as it looks, I don't really want to spend $400+ on golf clubs until I start getting serious (and good for that matter :)). Thanks for the heads up though.

      • Completely understand mate - For your price range you should strongly consider some second hand clubs as well. Not saying that the Wilsons are bad or anything like that it's just that you may end up getting that 500 set for 250 :)

        Ebay is not bad if you can pick up otherwise postage is a killer. Try gumtree as well - saw some greater Razr X Irons for sale at about 40% off and the guy "claims" to have only used it for 5 rounds :O

        Good luck and enjoy the golf!!

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