Computer LCD Monitor Recommendation?


I'm looking for a monitor to use as

  1. Professional Photo editing using Photography CS3 (My partner runs a professional AIPP accredited photography studio in Perth)
  2. Use this exact same monitor to show clients their photos

Are there any 25"+ out there that are relatively light (to carry around) and be good quality? I'm looking at the Dell U2711 but reading reviews people seem to now like them as the colour display is average when it comes to photo colour clarity.

Happy to take suggestions of between $400 - $1200 for the monitor.



  • Resolution of the dells top monitors is unparlelled for the price at present, eg. 30" for °$1000.
    youll find nearly all monitors now are HDTV resolution, which gives indequate dot pitch on a large screen for professional work, though quite enough for watching movies or gaming.
    As for colour accuracy, brightness, and portability, the chunky dells falls short of what you can find on cheaper monitors.

    For most design professionals, the best setup is a couple of 24 or 27" viewsonic or samsung led screens on a dual-screen arm.

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