This was posted 3 years 9 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBook] Free - An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defense Force Made a Nation (Save £25) @ Verso


A history of the Israel Defence Forces that argues that Israel is a nation formed by its army.

The Israeli army, officially named the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), was established in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, who believed that “the whole nation is the army.” In his mind, the IDF was to be an army like no other. It was the instrument that might transform a diverse population into a new people. Since the foundation of Israel, therefore, the IDF has been the largest, richest and most influential institution in Israel’s Jewish society and is the nursery of its social, economic and political ruling class.

In this fascinating history, Bresheeth-Zabner charts the evolution of the IDF from the Nakba to wars in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and the continued assaults upon Gaza, and shows that the state of Israel has been formed out of its wars. He also gives an account of his own experiences as a young conscript during the 1967 war. He argues that the army is embedded in all aspects of daily life and identity. And that we should not merely see it as a fighting force enjoying an international reputation, but as the central ideological, political and financial institution of Israeli society. As a consequence, we have to reconsider our assumptions on what any kind of peace might look like.

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closed Comments

  • +28

    Yeah nah. Bad timing or political whitewashing?

    • +6

      People should remember that the straw that broke the camel's back was an Israeli court approving the recent forced expulsion of 4 Palestinian families from their homes to make way for Israeli settlers on religious grounds. All in the name of religion. /s Argh!…

      My first thought was this thread should be pulled as it's obviously inflammatory but if Ozbargain leaves it there with the 2 linked sources above for people to read it might counter the propaganda value of this thread.

      • +4

        I think 53 years of living under israeli occupation may have had something to do with it as well.

      • +2

        I hate when religion crossed over to government decisions, or especially law. Not just Israel but other countries as well

  • +25

    Nothing like some good old propaganda.

  • -7

    Eretz Zion Yerushalayim

  • +8

    grabs popcorn, sits back and begins to munch away I sense that this deal is gonna be a hell of a ride.

  • +17

    People of every nation deserve respect, Israel is no exception. However, if they breach international treaty, invade places of worship and fire rubber bullets while people were praying there, they evict Palestinians from their homes, bombard Palestine, I think its quite simple to understand that they're wrong. Its quite sad to see that international media is showing double standards while reporting. Forget about affiliation, just being a human, I condemn Israel's terrorism in Palestine.

    • -1

      Do you also condemn the firing of over 2000 rockets into a civilian population?

      • +2

        From Hamas?

        • +3

          Yes, from Hamas

          • +10

            @[Deactivated]: If someone raids your house, damages your furniture, and physically assaults you,will you retaliate?
            they did retaliate too.
            Who started it all first, is the bigger offender. I condemn any loss of life, but Israel started it first, and they faced retaliation.

            • -6

              @sedi: You clearly have very little knowledge or understanding of the conflict in the Middle East. Maybe better to spend more time commenting on the best gaming pc

              • +6

                @[Deactivated]: And what exactly is there to understand……..Israel was founded using terrorism.
                And please don't say that is an anti-Semitic comment.

                • +11

                  @alidli: Anti Zionist yes, anti Semitic no!
                  uckFay Israel and it’s racist government.
                  I have no problem with Jewish people. They are beautiful people but the Israeli government and the Zionists are a nasty piece of work.

            • +6

              @sedi: A perfect example of people playing the victim and yet support a terrorist group like Hamas to attack Israel.

              • +3

                @gto21: One Man's Terrorist, another Man's Freedom Fighter.

                Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist in South Africa during apartheid

                George Washington was considered a terrorist in the war of independence against the British Empire.

            • +10

              @sedi: Hamas uses Palestinian as human shield. Including Children and Women. And will blame Israel for their death. You don't care for Palestinian. You don't want Jews to occupy Israel even if it means Hamas has control over it.

      • +9

        I condemn both sides.

      • +1

        What planet are you on? Have you not been watching the carnage going on in Gaza against the Palestinians?

    • +6

      They've breached it since their existence, it's creation is a breach. Since then they've been creating conflicts in the region all the time and never been held accountable for them.

  • +4

    Extremists on both sides driven by religious zealots, propped up by political opportunists. What could possibly go wrong lol

    • +2

      it's about land, religion is just used as the supposed reason

  • Oh boy

  • +8

    Ah religion. The cause of so much death and destruction.

    • Exactly

    • +5

      For me, religion gives me way of life. Its everyone's own perception and experiences.

      • I guess religion for individuals are helpful, its when large organisations and bodies move "in the name of religion" when things get problematic

        • +1

          Your understanding of the concept is spot on. 👍👍

    • Whatever you've been Smoking you really should Stop!

  • +9

    "Made a nation"… Through ethnic cleansing

  • +14

    Maybe I’m just a little cynical about the timing, but this is just straight up propaganda to support Israel’s disgusting treatment of the Palestinians, isn’t it?

    • +10

      this is just straight up propaganda to support Israel’s disgusting treatment of the Palestinians, isn’t it?

      No, it isn't. The book expressed the converse. Even if you haven't understood his thesis, the author's choice of words made it crystal clear what he thought of Israel's actions past, present and future. But it appeared you have not read a single sentence from the book before writing your comment and negging the deal.

      About the author, from the first sentence of the Introduction:

      I am the son of two Holocaust survivors from southern Poland

      First quotation of Chapter 1:

      Jews wrested the Palestinian homeland from its people by force, and will — have to — ward off confronting that original sin.

      Chapter 13:

      From the moment of its inception, Israel was intended as a state for Jews only, promising to treat others well, while not making them full citizens in any real sense of the word. As non-Jews, they would be lesser beings, existing in sufferance in the Jewish State.

      We have already learned about the many massacres and forced expulsions of the Palestinians before the May date, and later during the war, but it did not end there.

      From Afterwords: Could there have been another Isreal?

      The basic contradiction in Zionism — the wish to control the whole of Palestine while stating this can be done by a Jewish State — is there because it is impossible without genocide or racialized expulsion. Once a decision was made to control the land through settler-colonialism, then other choices automatically followed— the creation of the IDF and its military-industrial complex; dependence on arms exports and an (evil) empire (there are no other empires); and living by the sword. Once that happens, one cannot wean oneself from it. There is no way to turn swords into ploughshares.

      Israelis are unable to perceive peace, life without a military edge, without the need to kill, expel, maim, and harm large numbers of innocents and even die themselves, in order to defend their way of life, which is a way of fighting life.

    • +3

      I don't think this book is pro-Israel judging by the reviews or who it's published by.

      • +1

        referring to the timing of this so called deal post not the object being used to drive hate….

  • +6

    the state of Israel has been formed out of its wars

    Have a little war, capture some more land, never give it back……..tried and tested for centuries.

    • +2

      Awaiting for the Israeli extremist to down vote…..

      • +5

        Do you support what Hamas are doing or are you strictly against Israel? Genuinely curious.

        • +2

          You seem triggered with your talking “whataboutism” lol…..
          Why do you say “Do you support what Hamas are doing or are you strictly against Israel? Genuinely curious.” When I said “Awaiting for the Israeli extremist to down vote…..” I’m genuinely curious??? You are evidently bias as you jumped at me even though I said “extremist” lol

          ** is committing the crimes of apartheid and persecution against Arabs in the occupied territories and Israel itself, Human Rights Watch says.**
          In a new report, it says Israel has a policy "to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians", including those who are its citizens.
          Apartheid amounts to state-sanctioned racial discrimination and is considered a crime against humanity.
          Israel's foreign ministry has rejected the report as "preposterous and false".
          It accused the international campaign group of having a "long-standing anti-Israeli agenda" and carrying out an ongoing campaign "with no connection to facts or reality on the ground".
          Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the report.
          "It is urgent for the international community to intervene, including by making sure that their states, organisations, and companies are not contributing in any way to the execution of war crimes and crimes against humanity," he said.
          ”More than 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most of the international community considers the settlements illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.
          Human Rights Watch's 213-page report, entitled A Threshold Crossed, states that the present-day reality is that Israel is the sole governing power throughout most of those areas and that in the remainder it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule.
          "Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy," it adds.
          "In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas… these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution."
          Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the white minority government against the black majority in South Africa from 1948 until 1991.
          Human Rights Watch says that apartheid today is a universal legal term, and that the prohibition against particularly severe institutional discrimination and oppression that go with it constitutes a core principle of international law.
          "Denying millions of Palestinians their fundamental rights, without any legitimate security justification and solely because they are Palestinian and not Jewish, is not simply a matter of an abusive occupation," said Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch's executive director.
          "These policies, which grant Jewish Israelis the same rights and privileges wherever they live and discriminate against Palestinians to varying degrees wherever they live, reflect a policy to privilege one people at the expense of another."
          Human Rights Watch says the ICC's chief prosecutor should investigate and prosecute those credibly implicated in the crimes of apartheid and persecution.
          ”Last month, the ICC's chief prosecutor opened a formal investigation into alleged war crimes in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip since June 2014 following a request from the Palestinians.”

          “I note with great concern the escalation of violence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as well as in and around Gaza, and the possible commission of crimes under the Rome Statute,” the prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, said in a statement. She was referring to the court’s statute on crimes against humanity and war crimes.
          Ms. Bensouda’s office said in March, before the latest conflict erupted, that it had begun an investigation into mutual accusations of war crimes by Israel and Palestinian militant groups. That decision, which infuriated Israeli leaders, was largely welcomed by the Palestinian leadership and its supporters.

          Israel continued to impose institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians living under its rule in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). It displaced hundreds of Palestinians in Israel and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as a result of home demolitions and imposition of other coercive measures. Israeli forces continued to use excessive force during law enforcement activities in Israel and the OPT. Israeli forces killed 31 Palestinians, including nine children, in the OPT; many were unlawfully killed while posing no imminent threat to life. Israel maintained its illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip, subjecting its residents to collective punishment and deepening the humanitarian crisis there. It also continued to restrict freedom of movement of Palestinians in the OPT through checkpoints and roadblocks. The Israeli authorities arbitrarily detained in Israel thousands of Palestinians from the OPT, holding hundreds in administrative detention without charge or trial. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, including children, were committed with impunity. The authorities used a range of measures to target human rights defenders, journalists and others who criticized Israel’s continuing occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syrian Golan Heights. Violence against women persisted, especially against Palestinian citizens of Israel. The authorities denied asylum-seekers access to a fair or prompt refugee status determination process. Conscientious objectors to military service were imprisoned.

          Israel demolished 848 Palestinian residential and livelihood structures in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing 996 people, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). authorities said many of the demolished buildings lacked Israeli-issued permits, which are virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain, or were in closed military zones. The law of occupation prohibits such destruction unless necessary for military operations.

          Israeli settler organizations initiated, with the support of the Israeli authorities, forcible evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem.

          Israel continued to discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel in areas of planning, budget allocation, policing and political participation. According to the Adalah-The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Israel maintains over 65 laws that discriminate against Palestinians.

          In December, the Israeli Health Ministry began the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines that excluded the nearly 5 million Palestinians who live under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

          military and police used unnecessary and excessive force during law enforcement activities, including search and arrest operations, and when policing demonstrations.
          Military and security forces killed at least 31 Palestinians, including nine children, in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, according to OCHA. Many were unlawfully killed by live ammunition or other excessive force when posing no imminent threat to life. Some of the unlawful killings appeared to be wilful, which would constitute war crimes.

          On 15 February, Israeli forces shot and injured in the eye nine-year-old Malek Issa while he was returning home from school in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya. No clashes were recorded at the time, according to OCHA. Israeli forces were maintaining a violent and intense police operation in Issawiya as a form of collective punishment.
          Israeli forces frequently opened fire on fishermen and farmers in Gaza. According to Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, 12 fishermen and five farmers were injured.

          Israeli authorities conducted hundreds of raids throughout the West Bank to arrest Palestinians, usually at their homes at night. Those arrested were detained in prisons in Israel, along with thousands of other Palestinians from the OPT arrested in previous years. This violated international humanitarian law, which prohibits the transfer of detainees into the territory of the occupying power.

          Israel held 157 Palestinian children in prison, including two in administrative detention, as of October. Defense for Children International Palestine said that children were interrogated without their parents present and placed with adults in prison. Under international law, detention of children should be a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate time.

          Palestinian civilians, including children, from the OPT were prosecuted in military courts that did not meet international fair trial standards.

          Israeli soldiers, police and ISA officers continued to torture and otherwise ill-treat Palestinian detainees, including children, with impunity. Reported methods included beating, slapping, painful shackling, sleep deprivation, use of stress positions and threats of violence against family members. Prolonged solitary confinement, sometimes lasting months, was commonly used as a punishment.
          Israeli forces occasionally denied medical help for Palestinians injured during law enforcement activities.

          The authorities used a range of measures, including raids, incitement campaigns, movement restrictions and judicial harassment, to target human rights defenders who criticized Israel’s continuing military occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories.
          Israel continued to deny human rights bodies entry to the OPT, including the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT.

          Violence against women persisted in Israel, especially against Palestinian citizens.
          At least 21 women were killed as a result of gender-based violence.

          You must seriously be living in a echo chamber. Feel free to continue to down vote me but you can't change facts.

          • +6

            @Wystri Warrick: I'm not triggered at all and I haven't even attacked you. It's a serious question. I see a lot of anti-israel sentiment (which I understand) and I'm wondering if those people expressing their concerns feel the same way about what Hamas are doing.

            I'm not downvoting you either It's disappointing someone I consider to be a decent OzBargainer immediately goes on the attack.

            I admit I don't know enough about the situation or what's leading up to it. It's why I haven't taken sides and have asked for people's opinions. Assuming I'm some Israeli supporter is absolutely ludicrous.

            • +3

              @Clear: Apologies Clear. I thought you were biased towards Israel. In my above message I also included stuff that Hamas and the Palestinian government has done too.

              I'm not biased towards Palestinian nor Hamas. I'm concerned about the injustice and suffering that the Palestinian people are facing.

              You didn't need to include a screenshot, if you said you didn't I believe you

              • +1

                @Wystri Warrick: Thank you. What about Hamas killing Israeli civilians in the rocket attacks. I would assume that you're also concerned about the injustice and suffering of them? Obviously as a result of the crimes the Israeli government has committed against Palestinians.

                • +2

                  @Clear: I'm definitely concerned about Hamas killing Israeli civilians. Most of the rockets fired by Hamas are shot down by the Israeli military, however 7 Israeli civilians have already died in the current conflict. In comparison though over 100 Palestinian civilians have died, including about a dozen children.

                  • +1

                    @Wystri Warrick: That's a very good point. Israel has the Iron Dome but I didn't consider that Palestine has pretty much nothing to defend against.

                    • -3

                      @Clear: hamas however is well dug in and has used human shields for 30 years.

                      palestine is a shit hole because that guarantee's endless support for Hamas. Netanyahu has exploited Hamas for his own purposes, helped of course by the yanks, who always exploit these situations.

                      • -1

                        @petry: The CCP lover rears his ugly head again, I guess he wants to justify his Uighur "terrorist" propaganda by calling Hamas the same.

                        • @FKG: Flykiwiguy on 08/03/2021 - 01:21 new
                          -43 votes

                          No it doesn't - and why buy Chinese spy phones? They try and destroy this country, send em home I say

                          Flykiwiguy on 02/03/2021 - 09:41
                          -14 votes

                          China apologist here, how's the Labor camps treating you? Oh wait, you love china so you'll do whatever for them

                          Flykiwiguy on 03/01/2021 - 01:18
                          -15 votes

                          Give my data to China, I wanna be tortured in a labour camp woohoo

                        • @FKG: You have a stalker!

                          • @Ughhh: coming from a deliberate federal lawbreaking stalker thats a useful comment….

    • -1

      Waiting for Australia to give up all of its occupied land, starting with Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra ~

      • +4

        So you will be donating your place first?

        • It's only fair. Just like the "Palestinians" , the aboriginal people deserve their stolen land

          • +1

            @freshofftheplane: Excellent.
            I will call the Aboriginal land council and you can sign the deed over.
            Monday good for you?

  • +3

    While I understand some criticism of the right-wing jews. I notice a lot of people just ignore what Hamas, Iran, and some extremist Palestinian are doing.

    At the end of the day I rather Israel win the war than Hamas and Iran. Turkey will get involved at some point.

    Not all Jews or Palestinian are extremist.

    Thanks OP for the deal.

    • +10

      Blame it to the British….🤭

      • +2

        Let's blame everyone except Hamas. They are the protected terrorist group. 😭 And let's not blame Iran for supporting Hamas.

  • +3

    So are we all pro-Hamas now or do we condemn both sides?

  • -5

    If Hamas and Iran win, they will continue trying to conquer other countries. It will not be the end. Unless they conquer the entire world they will not stop.

    • +3

      and if Israel win…………..

      • -3

        The little girls that Hamas kidnapped, raped and forced to convert. Will be free and can return to their parents. Would you like it to happen?

  • +2

    Religion, should it bring the best out from one another?

  • +7

    Supporter of ‘Palestinian’ jihad uses 2009 photo from Afghanistan to claim Israel is committing war crimes…

    • Picture may be fake but it is well documented that Israel used white phosphorus in the last war in Gaza

      • +4

        Well documented where? You're brain washed

          • @zemphism: So Israel used smokescreen shells with minimal amounts of white phosphorus until 2013 which have since been replaced. Good find.

            • @freshofftheplane: The fact that they used them not enough for you buddy? And I’m brainwashed…. haha.
              Israel should be wiped off the map for its bigoted, racist treatment of the Palestinians. There is no place in this world for Apartheid

              • @zemphism: There's no apartheid. There are two million Israeli Arabs living in Israel (20% of the population). There are 14 Arab MPs in Parliament. These are the facts, not your brainwashed views that are full of hatred. Keep dreaming, Israel will never give up.

                • @freshofftheplane: There's no apartheid???
                  I shouldn’t post replies to people that have been head kicked by a donkey. They seem to not want to believe what multiple human rights organisations have been echoing for the last 50ish years

                  • -1

                    @zemphism: Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately you can't dismiss any of the facts I mentioned, therefore my comment stands. No apartheid, only hatred and anti-semitism.

      • 'While condemning Israel, the European Union pledged more than $4 million in "humanitarian aid" to Gaza. In 2008, it provided Gaza with $55.6 million. In addition, European Union member states pledged more than $41 million, including $10.5 million from the British government's Department for International Development. Japan pledged $10 million, and terror-struck India said it would send $1 million. Norway has announced a pledge of about $4.5 million, while Australia is adding $3.5 million in addition to the $32 million it gave in 2008. Additionally, other countries sent tons of medical and humanitarian supplies. This more than meets the UNRWA emergency appeal for $34 million.'

        fox news believer…

        monies largely went to Hamas and have done for decades….appalling social conditions breeds terrorists and is great PR.

        • +1

          This is from the same website and the same article that you copied and paste. Which was published over 10 years ago.

          "Yet the Israelis relied on Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s promise that the money would not reach Hamas or be used for any terrorist activity–even though Fayyad has little control over Palestinian Authority funds in Fatah-controlled West Bank, let alone in Hamas-controlled Gaza. Not long ago, Fayyad himself stated (and not for the first time) that controlling Palestinian finances “is virtually impossible.” Besides, promises by Fatah leaders that they will stop funds from going to Hamas are dubious at best."


          • @gto21: yes even Israel gave the palestinian's money and Netanyahu is now merely aping Sharon to avoid jail.

            'on Sept. 28, 2000, Sharon took the highly provocative step of visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the most sacred place in Judaism. Israeli politicians had long avoided it because of its political sensitivity — it's also one of the holiest sites in Islam.

            Palestinian rioting erupted the next day, which turned into a full-scale uprising, setting the stage for another major confrontation between Sharon and Arafat.

            Sharon's many critics accused him of sparking the violence. Yet Sharon's stock soared among Israeli voters and he became prime minister in February 2001 elections with a pledge to crush the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.'

            Netanyahu has destroyed Israel's reputation internationally for his own interests and its demise is now inevitable. America will abandon it because it no longer serves a purpose, as happens to all its dumb allies.

            • @petry: Were you criticising the fox news believers?

              • +1

                @gto21: I always criticise anyone who watches or reads anything associated with murdoch…… if you want to make judgements based on lies, then you can never be trusted.

                its ironic that as free speech is being legally removed the right to lie is legally protected here.

                • +1

                  @petry: You're criticising fox news believers while you clearly show sign of not reading the full article that you copied and paste. Or you did read it, and conveniently left out the part that goes against your position. You did exactly what you accuse others of doing.

                  The reason I asked the question because I gave you the benefit of doubt. I thought surely I misunderstood him. Unfortunately for you, people do verify sources and claims.

                  • -1

                    @gto21: fox news believers are not to be trusted because they believe lies.

                    can't verify anything on fox because lies are lies.

                    they still pump out global warming is nothing to worry about except for some years the entire insurance industry has been factoring in global warming in their risk calculations.

                    these are so alarming for australia that the federal government has quietly underwritten the australian insurance industry so as to enable insurance to be obtained in a number of states.

                    where's murdoch's retraction of his fake news? because every australian tax payer besides subsidising murdoch's shit directly is paying already for the consequences of a fact his business still lies about.

                    as for your other made up accusations well who cares really….

                    • +1

                      @petry: You're not a trustworthy source of information. Whether you intentionally or unintentionally only quote part
                      of articles that suit you. Both ways your not in a position to criticise others.

                      • -1

                        @gto21: Thats funny - i quote facts and because you don't like the facts you assert they are cherry picked facts because the sources I quote are apparently in your mind contradictory.

                        I can criticise all fox viewers because currently i have that right, although fox viewers don't want any Australians to have that right for much longer.

                        You can only personally attack me because the facts support my statements, and clearly thats not part of the discussion. Attacking is attempt at silencing truth, as practised by our prime minister.

                        • +1

                          @petry: No need to get upset, not my fault what you quoted backfired on you. If it's good enough for you to quote. It's good enough to use against you.

                          • -1

                            @gto21: not upset about anything you make up mate - quote's were relevant to the thread but not to you.

                            you didn't like the content so you attacked me

                            • +1

                              @petry: Why were you sloppy? I can think of a few reasons. You did not read the whole thing? You did not understand what you read? Or you did it on purpose? Which one?

                              • -1

                                @gto21: if you want to keep going on about whatever it is reckon you need to explain what you mean by sloppy and irrelevant? otherwise it's just an unfounded personal attack…

                                • @petry: Anti American and anti Semitic CCP troll

                                  • -1

                                    @FKG: Flykiwiguy on 08/03/2021 - 01:21 new
                                    -43 votes

                                    No it doesn't - and why buy Chinese spy phones? They try and destroy this country, send em home I say

                                    Flykiwiguy on 02/03/2021 - 09:41
                                    -14 votes

                                    China apologist here, how's the Labor camps treating you? Oh wait, you love china so you'll do whatever for them

                                    Flykiwiguy on 03/01/2021 - 01:18
                                    -15 votes

                                    Give my data to China, I wanna be tortured in a labour camp woohoo

                                    • @petry: How much to sell out Australia you Chinese hack?

                                      • @FKG: Flykiwiguy on 08/03/2021 - 01:21 new
                                        -43 votes

                                        No it doesn't - and why buy Chinese spy phones? They try and destroy this country, send em home I say

                                        Flykiwiguy on 02/03/2021 - 09:41
                                        -14 votes

                                        China apologist here, how's the Labor camps treating you? Oh wait, you love china so you'll do whatever for them

                                        Flykiwiguy on 03/01/2021 - 01:18
                                        -15 votes

                                        Give my data to China, I wanna be tortured in a labour camp woohoo


  • +11

    A female Palestinian reporter said Thursday that a member of the Hamas-run border patrol in Gaza beat her with a tree branch for not wearing an Islamic headscarf last month…

  • +7
  • +2

    Cheers OP, snagged a copy! I'll be def giving it a quick read, as the CEO of the company I work for is an ex-IDF Officer. One of the coolest (and richest!) guys I've ever met. He'll be a big B Billionaire when our company lists on the Nasdaq next year. I personally love Israel and Jews, and in my opinion God gave that land to the Israelites some ~3500-ish years ago, so that Palestinians have no right to occupy it. Just my opinion of course.

    • +14

      Jesus, there are some weird folk on OzB

      • +6

        Based on a recent poll about 25% are antivaxx here. Imagine if this deal had an ebook about the COVID jab…

    • Kinda curious as to what this guy will say if he actually reads the book, because uh… It's probably not going to say what he thought it was gonna lmfao. I'm extremely skeptical that he'll actually read it though, because this comment reads as a trolling attempt/inflamatory to me…

      • You have me wrong, friend, I am a history buff and I have been hooked by this book from the very get-go:

        "My father resisted for some weeks, but after realizing that he might spend years in prison, agreed to serve as an unarmed medic and was sent to one of the worst battles of 1948, in the Latrun area, at which almost 2,000 Israelis, mostly Holocaust survivors, perished; so too did a large number of Jordanian troops. Many were buried in mass graves; having just arrived, their identities were unknown.
        How my father survived this hell I will never know. He never spoke to me about it or admitted that he had refused to serve in the army; later, when I became an officer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), he was ashamed to tell me about it. I only know this part of his story because his communist brother, who admired him for his stand, told me about it; he wanted me to appreciate my father’s courage. This revelation affected me deeply."

    • I can never take any argument seriously if the foundations of the argument is "God did this…". For example, it can be argued that God gave the British Royal Family the land so they own it. Just my opinion as well of course

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