Please Help, RSPCA Threatens Me after I Reported a Dog Burnt

I have been trying to help a dog in my area that was suffering in extreme neglect. Despite a polethria of calls from myself and other concerned local residents to the RSPCA the dog's circumstances did not improve. Eventually, I found the dog in it's yard with severe flesh wounds to it's body. I reported it to the RSPCA and an Inspector went and saw the dog and confirmed with me that the dog had been deliberately burnt! The Inspector further stated that the dog would not be removed from the property and that myself as well as everyone else who had submitted a recent complaint to the RSPCA are considered suspects and that we would be all under official investigation in conjunction with the police and that someone would be going to jail!

Has anyone else experienced issues with the RSPCA? I am extremely traumatized and don't know where to turn for help. I am alone and have no family for support. Please, can someone advise where I may be able to get legal or any other help??

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RSPCA Australia
RSPCA Australia

closed Comments

  • +16

    OzBargain is not the place to ask for qualified and professional legal advice. Please visit the legal aid organisation for you state, which in your case is Victoria Legal Aid.

    For your mental health (since you indicated you are extremely traumatised by the event):

    Mental health crisis helplines

    If you are in an emergency, in danger or you have seriously harmed yourself, call triple zero (000) for emergency services.

    If you are not in an emergency situation, but you need immediate help, call one of the following helplines that offer crisis support and counselling over the phone:

    Lifeline – call 13 11 14 for this free, 24-hour Australia-wide crisis support and suicide prevention service.

    Suicide Call Back Service – call 1300 659 467 for this free service for people having suicidal thoughts, family or friends affected by suicide and healthcare professionals treating suicidal people.

    SuicideLine – call 1300 651 251 for free and anonymous support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Victoria.

    Other counselling, online and phone support services

    • +13

      Thank you, just to clarify though I WASN'T asking for legal advise I was asking WHERE to get help and you responded. I have a starting point now so thank you!

      • If you didn't burn the dog you don't need help… sounds like the RSPCA inspector was pissed ! And it sounds like they seem confident it was not the owners.

  • +1

    Huh.. if you are not the bad guy why afraid? I dont get it… relax… they need to find the bad guy so help as much as you can…

    • -7

      Goodness, there must be something wrong with my American English here, sorry guys because you don't seem to be understanding what I am trying to communicate. To answer your question if you consider someone who continuously put themselves in danger trying to help this dog a bad guy well then I guess us American's have a difference of opinion on what is good and bad than you Aussie's.

      It's not about being afraid, its about the point that I risked everything to try and save this dog only to then be accused of being a suspect just because I reported her burns. How is that right? Did anyone even consider why it took me in the first place to report it??

      • +5

        I can see both sides here.

        On one hand, that throwaway comment seems a bit unnecessary considering the circumstances and that person could have been a bit more empathetic.

        On the other hand, it's pretty normal to be a potential suspect for anything that happens that you are involved or related to.

        As others have said, you have nothing to worry about and will be quickly ruled out. No big deal.

        • +7

          Thank you, but to me the inspectors comments were very intimidating and inappropriate. No one should EVER be made to feel criminalized when they are trying desperately to safe a life. What's worse is that i previously warned them that the dogs life was very much in danger but they failed to act.
          It is a big deal, not just to me but more importantly to the real victims, the animals themselves. Ultimately, in the end they are the ones who suffer the most. Thank you for caring though, I will try not to worry as much.

      • +5

        Just devils advocate, but if we're misinterpreting what you are saying (American English), then maybe you're misinterpreting what the inspector is saying.

        If they are not removing the dog from it's home, then I assume they have been satisfied that the owner is not the one doing it, but someone else (ie a neighbour) would likely be responsible.

        • +1

          LOL! Oh no, the inspector was very clear in what she was saying, no misinterpreting whatsoever on my behalf!!

          A very important point I must raise here is that the inspector had advised me PRIOR to seeing the dogs injuries and thus prior to even ascertaining the severity of the injuries that the dog would not be removed from the property. This mean that it had been decided that the dog would not be removed before the inspector even knew there would be a need for an investigation. In effect they knowingly left the dog in a potentially life threatening situation.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            reported it to the RSPCA and an Inspector went and saw the dog and confirmed with me that the dog had been deliberately burnt! The Inspector further stated that the dog would not be removed from the property

            Here you seem to say that the inspecter saw the dog before talking to you.

      • there must be something wrong with my American English here, sorry guys because you don't seem to be understanding

        its about the point that I risked everything to try and save this dog only to then be accused of being a suspect

        You seem to have some obsessive personality. You've probably told us a one-sided version of the story.

        What we know is that you "risked everything" to save a dog that isn't yours and it has already been investigated by the appropriate agency. Leave it to the qualified and trained agents to assess the situation.

  • +11

    Don't panic.

    If you weren't involved in adding harm to the dog then you have nothing to worry about.

    It does seem a very strong response from RSPCA and if anything seems that they are as frustrated as yourself.

    Just lay low and see how the situation unfolds. If you eventually need legal advice then follow alvians advice above.

    Good luck and thanks for your concern regarding the dog.

    • +1

      Thank you too for caring about the dog!!

  • +15

    That is unnecessarily heavy-handed from the inspector, and will discourage people from trying to help, or dob animal abusers in.

    A much better way to put it would be to request cooperation from people who made reports to assist with ongoing investigations.

  • +1

    God bless you for your compassion and understanding! I couldn't agree with you more!! Your point really concerns me too, what I am going to do next time i see animal cruelty because it's everywhere.

      • +1

        Enjoy your 24/7/365 mushrooms and lettuce.

        • Thanks mate! You forgot soy though, and vitamin pills.

      • +5

        Your comments remind me of someone. You sound very much like this other regular user before by the name of "thevofa", who used to always try to indirectly preach about veganism and pissed a lot of people off.

        Oh wait - your username… spelt backwards… hmmm….

        • Indirectly? One of us is failing then.

      • That's impressive… that means I ate about 10 land dwelling animals last year… yumm !!

        • Depends on the land dwelling animal: 10 elephants is impressive, 10 mice not so much.

        • -1

          No dude, typical Aussie consumes almost 100 per year, most of them being chickens. Offsetting the poorest billion people in the world who don't consume many at all. So go ahead and jerk harder.

          • @fantombloo: I do like my chicken. But I prefer a nice friendly cow…. I've heard they are actually pretty intelligent.. can't be too intelligent though to end up on my fork lol

          • @fantombloo: Only 100? Those are rookie numbers…Gotta pump those numbers up!

  • +2

    Record with your mobile phone any further conversations.
    Go to the police and make a complaint about animal cruelty, state that you reported it to the SPCA, and was threatened by the inspector.
    Find out this inspectors name and make a complaint about him to head office,
    Call your llocal newspaper, and tell them the story, call a Current Affair, this is outrageous

    • Oh my gosh, your bringing me heartfelt tears!!! Thank you so much!! This is just the help/advise had been trying to ask for! I had not even thought about making a complaint to the Police. Are you allowed to do that? I have written complaints about the incident to the CEO but they have NOT replied. I don't know if we have local newspaper anymore but yes i could definitely try calling a a current affairs yes!. I saw they did story on an ostrich who bit off some lady's earning so I am guessing they could use a story that has a bit more bite! Bless you for this!!

      • -1

        Don't go off complaining about the inspector. They are probably traumatised by this dogs condition and might be trying to scare anyone off knowing that they are limited in their abilities to act. You complaining will just jade them and ensure they care less in the future. TLDR; If you love animals then don't start hampering the investigation. In this whole incident you have forgotten it's not about you.

        I have been to pet shelters where the staff are so impacted by the animals condition that they see every new person as a perp, but I can see past that defensive mechanism and realise that working years in that business makes you like that. I still donate because it's about the animals, not about how I feel.

        • -2

          I am MORE than aware that this is not about me thank you! That is why I have continuosly put my life in danger time and time again trying to save this dog. I have been threatened to have my face cracked in and have been threatened with a chain saw amongst other things by the people who had this dog. Not the RSPCA, me!! So please don't talk to me about the inspector being traumatized! You also seem to miss the point that if the RSPCA had of acted on calls from not just myself but many other concerned local residents the dog would probably not have been burnt! So tell me, how does it feel to donate a business that is the business of killing animals!??

          • @[Deactivated]: It's definitely the way you come across that irks people. You didn't actually read and comprehend what I said and that led you to make a stupid statement.

            For the dogs sake I hope something positive eventuates though.

  • +9

    We've saved, reported and fostered many wonderful dogs and cats with the rspca over the last decade. They do fabulous work and have been good to deal with.

    But On 3 occasions I've had to deal with absolute incompetent lazy morons. A useless inspector who was too afraid to confront horrible owners who were abusing and starving their pet so thought the little 13 year old neighbour trying to help was an easier target. I had to intervene and lodge a complaint about them.
    Another time we found 2 beautiful mastiffs running on the motorway and tried to catch them but they went into a fully fenced industry. Called rspca and their bloke came out. Gave me the leads and said I should catch them! Gave him a piece of my mind and complained about him too.

    There are incompetent aggravating people everywhere but don't let that get you down when you're doing good deeds. Send rspca a written complaint of your experience. Also write a Google review and someone should follow up. And keep helping those animals :)

  • +1

    Thank you so much for taking the time and care to share your experiences. I do know that there exist individulas within the organization who genuinley love animals and who are doing great wrok. To those individulas i send a warm big hug, Unfortunately, as a whole the system is a massive failure. The dogs, the cats, all creatures great and small deserve so much better than this and my God we can so much better than we have afforded to them! When the needs of criminal thugs outweigh the needs of the animal victims and of those people tryting to help the animls then it is time we had a hard look at ourselves and ask "what are we doing??".

    Apprecaite your advice regarding sending written complaint. This has alreday been done but alas to no avail. Many letters have been sent to those that one shoulld expect to care yet, no response. Yes, of course I will attempt a google review but i am sure you can apprciate that google reviiews can mysteroiusly disappear. I will aways help an animal in need and can only hope the same from others. Thank you again and bless you!

    • -2

      Your coming across like a nut who sends lots of people letters… just back off a bit and chill out with the god crap.

      • +1


    • +1

      What about social media?

      • +1

        thank you!, that is a great idea…everything is worth a try!

  • +5

    It's widely known that the RSPCA is a corrupt organisation. I used to work for a council pound/community rangers that had strong ties with the RSPCA and they would regularly join us on call outs. I have never seen such uncaring people. Unfortunately, the ones who genuinely care about animals quickly get spit out. If you think about it, how genuine can the RSPCA be? Their motto is 'all creatures great and small' yet they get a lot of their money from putting their 'stamp of approval' on animal products such as meat and eggs just so people can give themselves a pat on the back when supporting industries that kill billions of animals a year… how does that make any sense?! If you're genuinely worried about legal circumstances, you could try contacting the Animal Law Institute. Thank you for trying to help the dog!

    • Thank you so much for sharing your own experiences, that would have been tough to deal with. I used to work for a council too that had affiliations with the RSPCA. One of the rangers use to talk to me about how the RSPCA was selling animals on death row to University labs for experimental research. Of course this is well hidden from public knowledge.

      Yes, their "cruelty free" logo making a mockery of good caring people who want to make a difference, is a national disgrace! I guess, when you think of it I should not be surprised at all that they have tried to label me a criminal to try and cover up their own corrupt behavior. I just learnt about the Animal law Institute myself while researching and will be giving them a call, so thank you so much for everything!

  • If you have dog and skin is blistered then best is that you should comfort dog by giving him shelter, water and food. If 3 things are met then that dog will get confidence in you and will allow you to be approach by them. For blister you can apply home remedy is turmeric powder ( unadulterated), in back homes we used turmeric for all wounds when we were young and mom use on us as well as on our pets, but ensure that blister are not septic.

    All dogs are microchip so owners are easily verified and so it will be your duty to support poor animal who is traumatized. So RSPCA can take any action on them and in case you want to adopt them then go to council and registered your pet thereafter under your name.

    Also you can do another thing is that you can call council help line and they will come and pick up animal from your home and will take next steps thereafter.

    I have received many stray dogs from the street who are lost ( they don't have tag to call their owners), best option was to call council and council van reach my home in 15 minutes and they identify from their microchip and deliver their owner and OfCourse they charge $ 300 to find and deliver their pets.

    Do good to those animals as few idiots don't know how to handle them or their owner have given this dogs to some friends because of change of circumstances and this idiots mistreated this animals.

    i have seen in Rhodes a chocolate Labrador about 3 year old ( which is a very expensive bread) was down to bare bones because the one of the house mate who was student has gone overseas and left care to this animal to their another house mate and they have left this dog on balcony of apartment to live and this poor dog was doing business right there for weeks and left with small bowl of food and water. I felt so sad and approch those boys and they refused to give it over saying its not their dog to take the decision.

    • Very sadly this darling dog had NO shelter whatsoever and caring local people were feeding her. But none of that matters now because the criminal thug who was in charge of her surrended her to the RSPCA and they killed her. Unfortunately, the council were no better than the RSPCA in helping this poor dog. After finding her burnt and learning that the RSPCA would not be removing her from the property, the very same place where she was burnt I called the council and asked for a welfare check to be done on her. The council's response was to repeat "are you a home owner" I could only assume they didn't want to help if I was a renter and not paying rates. The ranger never called me back so I called the police and asked for a welfare check, don't know if it happened though because the officer said she would have to see first if she could get permission.

      Heartbreaking! Please do not give up on trying to help the labrador, you may be the only person that can help this animal..

  • +3

    email RSPCA head office and put it back on them and the inspector. CC any animal rights govt authority or similar.

    Advise them of your calls (time and person you spoke to) and those of your neighbours (get those details).
    Blame RSPCA for not sending someone out earlier and because they did not, it has resulted in the dog's death.
    Let them know their job is to protect animals and THEY failed this dog.
    Tell them the inspector is threatening to paint you as a suspect despite your efforts to save the dog.

    If there is no evidence you have done anything wrong, its sometimes good to go on the attack.

    • This is really awesome advice, thank you so much!!

  • +1

    Thank you for taking action to report animal cruelty. I have couple different points of views. Firstly, after you make a report, any actions taken are private and confidential. You might be called in to provide your evidence. This doesn’t mean that you are a suspect. Investigator’s job is to remain objective and collect evidence.
    It may be possible that the investigation is very serious in nature and might go to court. That is why the investigator is discouraging neighbour’s contributions. They were probably fed that defence by the dog owner. In order to gather evidence of the owner’s role, they are showing as if they believe the owner. Trust me the investigator knows whether to believe the owner or multiple reports from multiple neighbours.
    In hindsight though, investigator should have just thanked you and told you that the matter is confidential. Scaring the public isn’t the best practice approach.

    • Sadly, this inspector believed the words of a thug and not the words of genuine caring local residents. It really is a severe kick in the guts to every responsible and loving pet owner in the country! The dog's blatant neglect and suffering was clearly evident to anyone passing by the property. No one could not see it. That an inspector could not see that is simply NOT plausible.

  • +3

    Sorry to hear of your awful experience - try not to take it personally as I expect this is standard for this type of scenario. If you have nothing to hide, you should be fine.

    I went to check on a family member at their home one morning, as they lived alone and was not responding to phone calls or the doorbell. When I got there, they were on the floor and unresponsive. I called 000 and attempted CPR until the ambos took over when they arrived. We were unsuccessful in reviving them. As part of standard procedure, the ambos contacted the local police who came around and I was not allowed to leave the premises until they (and a detective) had done their checks and was satisfied that it wasn’t a homicide, i.e. I was a suspect up until then. It was all cleared within a couple of hours, at no stage was I concerned that they would come to any other conclusion.

    • I very much appreciate what you are saying to try and make me feel better, thank you. No, I most definitely have nothing to hide. But the RSPCA do and that is what concerns me greatly! To what lengths will they go?? I obtained a document under the Freedom of Information Act to try and get information on the dog and was mortified to read all these blatant lies about myself in it.

      • perhaps you could sue for defamation

        • thank you, that is a question I will be asking the lawyers. In the end those who contributed to the suffering of this extremely brave and beautiful animal must be held accountable.

  • +1

    Unfair situation to be put in. The bottom line is that there is no evidence you (or the other people reporting) done anything wrong. Their investigations would show this.

    It would be a very bad look (not to mention costly) for the RSPCA and police to go down the path of prosecution with no evidence.

    Nonetheless, the threat of investigation and having to defend yourself in that situation must feel frustrating, like you're been gaslit.

    As others have said, it is Definitely worth seeking professional help if it is affecting your thoughts, because that can run you down (weaken immune system) and negatively impact your daily life.

    There may be free/low cost counseling services available in your area if you are low on money or cannot access other medicare services (like a bulk billing GP).…

    • Exactly, thank you for your understanding! Yes, the inspectors threats were completely unjustified and not needed particularly when I was already trying to deal with the threats and stalking by the people who had the dog. I informed the inspector I was been threatened by these people and the inspectors response was " I am not interested in your personal opinion!"

  • +4

    I'd just steal that dog.

    I know of a little dog called Shaggy who lived out a very nice life after being liberated from people who kicked in her teeth.

    • Apparently, several different people tried that but the dog was returned every time.probably in fear of their life.

  • While in the past they did good work I hear more and more issues with them! But I would not panic at this stage.

  • +1

    Cut off all communication with RSCPA and if they contact you again instruct them to talk to your lawyer. RSPCA has investigation powers (ie they can enter the property where the animal/owner is) but they have no right to threaten you. They can initiate prosecutions but they can't send anyone to jail, only a court can do that.

  • Well said, thank you! The RSPCA have no right to threaten anyone, especially those who are putting so much at risk to try and save the lives of the very animals that the RSPCA is meant to be protecting!

  • -2

    I got abused again tonight in the car park where cat lades are trapping cats. they accused me of feeding them, I was actually doing my bottle run I have not done anything wrong, keeping animals from suffering. How do they think they survived up until, now and are in good shape? I cant even walk to my shops without getting abused by them. I have got a feeling they might be putting them down.

    • keeping animals from suffering. How do they think they survived up until, now and are in good shape?

      Are they desexed? Are they producing more homeless kittens in the street, killing native animals?

      • whether they are or arent does not stop them being hungry., through no fault of their own. No animal goes hungry in front of me

        • +1

          they accused me of feeding them

          No animal goes hungry in front of me

          So I assume you were feeding them? If you get abused walking to the shops, you've obviously done it enough for them to know you.

          Whether you like it or not, having wild cats kills off a lot of native wildlife. You feeding them doesn't stop them hunting, in fact it gives them more strength to hunt other wildlife.

          They probably are putting them down. Do you think it's because they are horrible people and they enjoy killing cats? No, it's becuase they are pests and because there are not enough people willing to take them in. If you're willing to feed them, why not take them in and care for them? Just remember to keep them indoors.

        • +2

          You're allowing the continuation of homeless hungry cats by letting them back into the streets, why not adopt them? . No offence, but I hope you see the bigger picture and long term.

  • I stopped buying RSPCA raffle tickets, it was badly run and I didnt trust it, they have outsourced it

  • That is horrible, I am so sorry you are going through this.

    • yes it was not nice getting abused and accused

      • Yes, it is an awful feeling to be accused when you are trying to bring light into the world and humanity. Stay strong and hold your ground on behalf of these cats!

  • I know it is really sad. I use to volunteer for them many years back until I saw the ugly truth of what goes on behind closed doors. Still over the years I have had to report countless cases of cruelty to them because what other option is there? Clearly, we need a better option, things must change!

  • OP came, blamed everyone but themselves, and left.

  • Thread closed as OP disabled account

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