I am considering a novated lease for the first time. My rationale is that I am in the highest marginal tax bracket of 46.5% and effectively its over 50% because my income also reduces my childcare subsidy. I don't urgently need a new car and I don't travel too many k's (maybe 15k per year) but I would consider it if the savings are substantial.
Most sources on Novated Leases come from the leasing companies and I really don't trust them at all.
No one really walks through the calculation - they just like to spruik how much savings you make. Most of the examples they use involve people with lower salaries which makes me extra skeptical of the benefits.
I am looking to buy a roughly $60k car and don't actually need finance, I am just trying to save on tax.
Does anyone have a good objective source for working through the calculation and tax implications?
Some of the main things I am unsure of:
Do I get to negotiate the price of the car as I normally would? Removing GST from the cost of a car saves about 9%, but I can probably get at least a 10% discount by calling a few dealerships at the end of the month.
Can I negotiate a competitive interest rate? I see a lot of 7% or 8% rate quoted, when I got just redraw from my homeloan at under 3%.
Can I just package the car? Add ons like insurance are probably going to be heavily marked up.
just something to consider.. with international travel, highly likely you'll drive interstate/intrastate more (so your km's MIGHT be off)