At 50c they are close to giving these things away. I have not tried this particular flavor but at this price I'll have to stock up.
NOTE: Bought some today (Sunday). Ticket price showed $2 but they scanned for 50c.
At 50c they are close to giving these things away. I have not tried this particular flavor but at this price I'll have to stock up.
NOTE: Bought some today (Sunday). Ticket price showed $2 but they scanned for 50c.
This was off the Woolworths website when I specified a Sydney postcode so it would be NSW at a minimum but would not surprise me if it is nation wide.
what's the difference? They're both chocolate flavour. same brand. Only 25g difference requires different packaging and a higher price?
They are delicious. Its like a kit-kat but crunchier with less chocolate
And not nestle. Win in my book.
hopefully they're not phasing it out as they're addictive
My understanding is that Loacker have just changed the packaging, so they are phasing out the current packaging.
What do these Gardena taste like?
Taste like a wafer covered in chocolate. Or as uncle roger would describe: yum
Think of the thinnest layer of chocolate you can imagine. Now make it even thinner and you'll get Gardena.
I haven't tried it but everything so far from this brand tastes good.
I'll take a punt for 50c lol
I've been buying these like they were going out of fashion at $0.95/pack. At $0.50/pack, I'll probably clean out my local.
Bought some the other day for the first time and it’s addictive for 95c. The ones I have expire in June 2021 but still are super crunchy and appeared fresh so they’ll most likely last much longer. They have an RRP of $4 so when the new packaging arrives, best price might be during half price sale of $2.
At my local Woolies the shelf price was $3 or $4 (I can’t recall) but they scanned at $0.50c
So shelf price may not reflect scanning price
That means you should have got them for free because of the scanning policy :-) Does that work when it scans cheaper than the shelf price?
How are they selling it these cheap? Not that I'm complaining. Absolute delish.
But also paranoid, what kind of chemicals do they use :D Oh well #YOLO
Maybe they have a secret partnership with Weight Watchers so once they have beefed us up they can then send is to Weight Watchers?
And they are imported from Austria, not exactly a cheap place to manufacture or ship to Australia from. Still, it's only wafer thin evidence of a conspiracy.
Italy and Austria apparently, depending on which specific product
same thing.
These wafers are seriously good. No idea how they make them so cheap but the chocolate on them tastes better than most things you could buy off the shelf.
The secret is the 33% sugar and 29% milk fats.
Don't forget the 5% allowance of cockroaches and rats shit.
Your daily recommended protein intake right there.
Tried the syd cbd Pitt st store got charged $3! :(
Yeah, they do that at my local too. You would think they'd use one big database for the State or at least Sydney but some specials are not in all stores. The other thing I've noticed is that they don't rush to restock once the specials are gone from the shelves.
thats dissapointing. you would think the website price is from head office
Metro stores are not usually included
@John Kimble: then they shouldnt show them when you check which stores have stock or add a disclaimer
@ChatCPT: Agree.
There is usually a disclaimer (at least in the catalogue), perhaps you can provide them some feedback.
That's because it is a Metro store which has its own pricing structure
Got these at $0.00, scanned up at $2.00, questioned the staff member who went off and confirmed to me that they were $2.00, I then showed the staff member a photo of the clearly marked shelf price of $0.50c. Ended up being transferred to another staff member who gave me them for free and a $2.00 coin for my troubles. 8/10 taste, 10/10 value.
Just cleared the shelf and bought 9 packs
Was that you at Macquarie park? Lol
Haha, no Innaloo, WA
Ah bugger! I was going to go there after work. Looks like I shouldn't bother with Innaloo now.
Better than "have a break".
Who else is addicted? 34 packs. Won't last long in the house 🐷
Shelf was cleared at Bankstown. Luckily, there were a stack hidden in the wrong section with no shelf label. Still quite a bit left.
Check expiry. Some on shelf already expired.
Did you buy them anyway?
A true ozbargainer would weigh up the costs of cheap bikkies vs the cost/odds of possible food poisoning and choose the cheaper option.
Seriously, with manufactured foodstuffs like this it depends on how expired they are - if they're only a week or so expired, they're probably ok - they usually have a shelf life of many months, so a week here or there won't kill you - most likely the quality will just be sub-optimal, but not dangerous.
i.e. its best when freshly made, then gradually degrades until its below the bar for what they would consider acceptable to sell - but its not like they turn rancid the day after expiry and will kill you.
I got these for 95c 2 days ago… boohoo. Good that I only got 4 packs…
I got 10 at 95c but still happy. Glass half full.
I wish they had the non chocolate covered ones but anyway I order 36 saving $126 lol .
These are terrific - definitely a more cocoa rich kitkat with less chocolate but a richer taste. Managed to pick up quite a few at local WW, were on shelf priced at $2 but scanned at 50c. Much thanks to OP.
These things are foul. There’s about a million of them left at Rundle Mall Woolworths. They are coated in a thin layer of greasy chocolate, like a poor man’s chunky kitkat.
Finally my store has something on a good clearance !
They taste awesome. Nation wide or just that woolworth?