I am sitting here at midnight and I heard a train horn. The station is about 25 minutes away from me. Why is it at night I randomly hear these train horns. Is it time to change my meds or do others hear random train horns at night even if they are not in a vicinity of one?
Do You Ever Hear Train Horns at Night. Even if They Are Some Distance Away?

Last edited 12/05/2021 - 09:36 by 1 other user
Couple months until settlement:)
The horns dont bother me at all, it's just always freaked me out how I am nowhere near a station or line but I would randomly hear them at night.
Mostly because freight services are more common at night time, and these trains have significantly louder warning whistles and horns than run of the mill passenger trains due to various reasons. Combined with much less other noise pollution around to drown it out, and you can often notice these more in the night than during the day.
However being that far away, it could be plenty of other machinery making similar sounds overnight, that you just associate with a train horn.
It has been my experience that the phenomenon you have described occurs when the weather cools down. I remember hearing train horns growing up, but I had also noticed that it would occur only in winter. I never really bothered to check until before replying to your post and it turns out that sound waves indeed travel farther on cold days.
https://www.discovery.com/science/Sound-Carries-Farther-Cold…yes when a weather change occurs and the barometric pressure decreases noise travels further. When I stay at my mums we always know rain is 2 days away when we can hear the trucks on the highway… normally you dont hear them.
I have a station about 1.5km from my home, I occasionally hear train horns but it's far more noticeable in cold weather due to the sound travelling further.
Thanks for the link and info. Makes total sense!
Yes, if the wind is going the right direction and cold, I also here cows from a good 5km away. those mf's are noisy through the night
Anyway you get used to them, even better when you lie in bed knowing you don't have to catch oneOnly one explanation, ghost trains
My first thought also!
Noise always carries further at night - so you'll hear sounds from much further away.
maybe its not a train horn
but ur sub conscious tell ing u to peeeeeeeeYes. Depending on wind - even though it is quite far away.
I'm assume less noise pollution at night, so you are likely to hear it… and maybe the wind was blowing from train location towards your direction.
Is this your new place?