NSW Dine and Discover Vouchers - Not Eligible for Specials Unless Paying Cash/Card

Hi All,

First world issue here.

I've run into a couple of stores lately who will not allow me to purchase their specials or receive rewards using the NSW Dine and Discover Vouchers.

They say it's paying customers only for these deals. I would understand if it was a % discount voucher the store created to attract customers. I was assuming a $25 voucher would mean the government would reimburse $25 to the store, dollar for dollar, like cash.

Could anyone working for a store confirm if this is the case?


  • -1

    I was assuming a $25 voucher would mean the government would reimburse $25 to the store, dollar for dollar, like cash.

    yes https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/dine-discover-nsw-information…

  • My guess is specials are typically paid by cash so that they can undercut some of their taxes by just not being as transparent with their sales. But they can't do that with the voucher as its clear cut how much money is coming in, so they want it to cover the big ticket items? Could be wrong though.

    • +2

      I wondered the same thing. but for some it was cash or CC, but no specials for Vouchers for the restaurant. I felt like a I was I was getting the death stare for showing a shop-a-docket! LOL!

  • +1

    I've not had any problems with shops accepting the vouchers with their acceptable payment methods (e.g. Credit Card).

    I would say those that only accept cash have 2 general ledgers running, one for ATO and one for themselves ;)

  • +6

    They do not deserve your vouchers.

    I used mine at the local RSL the other night. 1x $25 voucher got 2 house drinks (beer, wine, soft drinks) and 2 generous meals.

    There's no reason to exclude those specials and they are reimbursed the full $25 in cash. Much better off rewarding those businesses who want to earn your business and give you good value for money by doubling the voucher.

    • Yupe, take your business somewhere else.

    • Yeah i wish they made it clear in advance.
      I went to a rowers club the other day and they were friendly and assumed I was using a voucher before I asked. No issues.

    • Thats so cheap. What RSL?

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