Hello all. Hoping someone can help me identify these little critters;
They showed up about a month ago, outside, hovering around my front door. They've been making their way indoors around tiny gaps, or when the door is opened. Haven't been able to find a source yet, but i'm hoping proper ID will help me find them.
I thought they might be common fruit flies, but they don't seem to have the red eyes, and are darker overall. Also thought fungus gnat, but doesn't seem to have the characteristic antennae or 'mozzie like' appearance. Not drain flies.
Tried some apple cider vinegar traps, caught none. They love the organics bin though. I tried some Richgro Beat-A-Bug spray after reading a post on Reddit about fungus gnats, and have been attempting to drench some nearby mulch with neem oil, but it hasn't deterred them. The more i look at them, the more i think they're not fungus gnats. Based on my failed ACV trap, i haven't tried any fruit fly deterrents yet.
Any ideas? Are there variations of fruit flies like this?
looks like a Gnat to me..