I got a strange bill from Dodo - check it out:
Previous balance as at 07-Apr-2021 $65.00
Balance carried forward: -$65.00
$0.00 Balance
New charges for billing period
08-Apr-2021 - 07-May-2021
(includes GST of $6.98 - see page 3 for full details)
Where did the extra $70.00 come from? I did a bit of research. Evidently, Dodo has moved from post billing to pre-billing, so you are paying $70.00 for next month as well - but do not make it clear. I can't get anything out of Dodo - they only want to sell me stuff and need to wait till Monday to get the full story. But as a bill is, it's simply laughable.
Have others had a similar experience?
what did they say when u called them
always wanted to post that
I got this, give me ur d3tails, account, credit card, password, measurements, home address and I'll call for you