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[Backorder] The Adventures of Tintin Boxset Paperback $199.95 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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The entire Tintin boxset in large paperback format is once again available at Amazon. Makes great gifts or as an introduction to Belgian/European comics for kids. Collects all 23 stories of Tintin's adventures with the exception of Tintin in the Congo.

Stories included in the set:
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
Tintin in America
Cigars of the Pharaoh
The Blue Lotus
The Broken Ear
The Black Island
King Ottokar's Sceptre
The Crab with the Golden Claws
The Shooting Star
The Secret of the Unicorn
Red Rackham's Treasure
The Seven Crystal Balls
Prisoners of the Sun
Land of Black Gold
Destination Moon
Explorers on the Moon
The Calculus Affair
The Red Sea Sharks
Tintin in Tibet
The Castafiore Emerald
Flight 714 to Sydney
Tintin and the Picaros
Tintin and Alph-Art

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • Price and store in title please.

    • +3

      Missed the mark on that one. Already fixed.

    • +11

      Ouch! $199, I bought these in Sep 2019 for $159 from AmazonAU

  • +3

    There was a bunch of these in Dingley reworx think they were like $30

    • My god that's bleeding cheap

  • i always want to ask, is tintin chinese? because the name really sounds like chinese name

    • +10

      Tintin is Belgian. There's never been a definite explanation of his name, but it's one that was found in European literature for a while.

    • +8

      Strange how you cant even ask a question without people negging you, I understand why you thought that as i have some friends with similar names including a girl whose name is tingting and yes she was chinese.

      • +7

        Get with it - faux outages is all the rage now. He wrote “chinese” so he’s a racist. To prove one isn’t a racist one must vigorously and vehemently demonstrate outrage. For tips, refer to 1984’s “Two Minute Hate” sessions.

        • +5

          I know what you mean, being of dark skinned I hate how any person especially white is automatically assumed racist for asking a question or making a comment especially against some ethnicities more than others. It actually takes away from the people who are actually racist as we group everyone into the same category.

          Another thing I find frustrating is how certain people who are from extremely racist countries or societies are so quick to target other countries or societies as racist but never call into their other country or society as racist and let it go as I guess that suits them . It only doesn’t suit them when they are the target of racism.

      • +1

        Does Tintin even look remotely Chinese to anyone?

        • +1

          Could have assumed it was a chinese graffic novel about western characters.

          • +2

            @MeagerDollarBucks: Indeed, it's often difficult to recognise Asian traits in Japanese anime portraying Japanese characters.

            • @AlexF: Yep comics tend to draw what people notice. When simplifying, which is the basic idea of comic style, they draw what's important and noticeable to them.

              So it's more like people draw themselves without emphasis on the racial traits that stand out to people of other races, because that's not what's most important.

        • I think at times when I was younger and having first started reading them when I lived in Asian countries , I did think tintin could pass for someone of Asian background. And at other times I didn’t think that. The comic wasn’t a very detailed in its drawings anyway so not really easy to tell for sure.

    • Also you pronounce it similar to French - along the lines of "taw taw" but with a bit more of a nasal sound

    • +2
  • I used to read tintin a lot as a kid but $10 per book hmm is it rlly worth the nostalgia haha

  • What's the size of the books?

    • +1

      You can see the sizing of the books here

    • +3

      this is the proper sized ones

      • Excellent find. Usually the half size ones are on sale, but it is great to see the full size ones at a great price.

  • +3

    Those who can't afford, this youtube channel has good collection. Just tap on videos tab

    • +3

      That's basically the TV series, which is funnily still up there.

      It's also on Netflix.

      • Only season 1 is in Netflix. Amazon Prime has all 3 seasons.

    • Awesome!!

  • +11

    Thanks, got one. If only the complete collection of Asterix & Obelix is on sale as well…

  • Amazon doesn't handle books well, I returned both book sets I ever ordered as they arrived with dents and scratches

    sold by Amazon, not 3rd party seller, and packaged well, but damaged when unpacked

    probably books handling at their warehouse sucks? I am not buying book sets from them anymore

    • +3

      Very funny as selling books is how it all began… How times have changed.

    • I’ve had the same thing. I’ve had two large coffee-table books and an atlas arrive seriously scuffed.

      These are books meant for display, so it’s an issue. In the end, I returned them, demanded a refund, then re-ordered from Angus & Robertson (for roughly the same price) and got pristine copies.

  • +7

    I understand why Tintin in the Congo isn't included in the collection, as it's aimed at kids, but it would be good to have the 'complete' complete edition for adult collectors. Herge quite famously went from being more conservative as a young man to left wing in his later years - it would be interesting to compare the earlier works with the later ones to see the evolution of his beliefs.

    • +3

      Herge has always being politically right wing inclined. This is much more pronounced in his earlier works (he worked for a strong right wing newspaper, some of his early Tin Tin books had really nasty things about Jews etc which in fact were removed from English translations we read today). In his later years he may have become a bit more right of centre as the political wind of the Europe was changing directions away from strong pacifism and he was just going with the wind. Still he never crossed the line in to left wing ideals. As seen from his later books he still accepted slavery etc and completely agreed with European domination in other parts of the world in racial means. Therefore saying 'herge' went from conventional to left wing is a completely misleading statement. Regardless of his political inclination, I love his books… I don't believe he had any strong political opinion anyways; he would have been probably going with the trend of the era like most of us do.

    • +8

      I never saw Tintin as aimed at children, maybe older teens. There is quite a lot of alcoholism humour involved.

      Congo should be included for historical purposes

    • Does that involve actually paying the IP owner ?

        • Never paid for any digital content ? Nothing no movies, no books ?

          I have some sympathy for the dead author view but thats not the way the law works.

            • -1

              @noskich: wow. i guess you justify this to yourself by saying that they only get x percent of the money so they shouldn't get any.

              what do you do for a living i assume you like being paid for your labor?

            • @noskich: Ever watched FTA TV? Publicly funded TV such as ABC? Listened to a commercial radio station?
              if so then I'm sure you've caught an ad or two, and in that case you have paid to watch the programming.

              • -1

                @2024: You want ads in your books, games and movies ok then.

                Thats not what was said btw. He said he never paid for any digital content. Seemed to be a point of pride that he steals the work of others.

                • @unifex: Yes it is as no stealing involved. A digital copy costs nothing, no cost whatsover.

    • I agree with you (not on the free part) that physical books are waste. Once you read them, there would not be much interest in reading them again. Probably good for libraries and schools etc. And on top of that 199$

    • +10

      ..Who the hell reads a book on TV or projector? Sounds awful.

      • +3

        This may not suit you but you have to remember for others the convenience and portability of a TV is more suitable. /s

    • You should read Farenhiet 451 when you get a chance :)

  • You can get the hardcopy version for $150

    • +2

      Are you going to tell us or keep us guessing?


      Whoops; Maybe I should look with my eyes and not my mouth. Sorry.

        • +9

          Compact versions not really the same

          Like having compact Where’s Wally books

          • +2

            @Twisty: You probably don't need a magnifying glass to find Tintin on each page though.

            • @maskedmustelid: It's pretty ironic that you mention that you don't need a magnifying glass…

              One of the reviews complained that a magnifying glass was not included! One of the main complaints about the compact edition is that it is too small.

              • +1

                @brotherfranciz: Can confirm, the hardback mini versions are completely impractical, they're way too small.
                Its not obvious how small they really are when you're purchasing online and its super misleading IMO.
                You kinda assume being a comic its 'normal' sized esp. if you stupidly assume its the same as the books you read as a child.

              • @brotherfranciz: I have the compact version and it actually came with a magnifying glass. 5he kids love it.

            • @maskedmustelid: Really depends on the person and not how these books where meant to be read / played. Just a cheaper way in my opinion but hey it must suit someone

          • +1

            @Twisty: fair point

    • Pretty sure that is the mini edition with badly redone lettering.

  • Good find

  • Don’t get this. Why so many upvotes? Are these collectables and increase in value over time? I know that tin tin + chinese dragon art got sold for quite a lot.

    • +1

      Doubt they increase over time. Not this edition - but good to own for a Tintin fan

    • I'm with you its not a limited edition or anything special . The owners of the IP are probably worried about the Chinese who probably are already mass producing it for peanuts getting a share of the profits .
      Surely for $200 they can at least afford hard cover lol :)
      I can guarantee one thing this is heading south dramatically .

      • Yeah $200 is hefty, especially if it’s printed in China. With this price tag, I don’t think it is.

  • -1

    Ummm hardcover is cheaper lol

    • +1

      Hardcover is compact version.

    • And also a whole lot smaller. I've owned the small hardcover and the only good thing about it is it's compact for travel reading.

      • +1

        That sounds like another way of saying it is good for nothing:) who the hell lug a box of tintin books with them while traveling?

  • Are Thomson and Thompson gay?
    It wasn’t until I was older that I realised their names meant they’re not related and they just choose to look identical

  • LOVED this, tried to read it at kostka, but the book was in French, why??…groan

    I suppose getting that Readers Digest Handy-Man massive book as a bonus made up for it, went in the super deep end to get that book, just saying

    Nun running the joint was a nasty piece of work

    • JUST SAYING!!*
  • +1

    As an aside, would be nice if that second film ever sees the light of day

  • FYI; it’s also missing Tintin and The Lake of Sharks on top of Congo.
    I had this gifted to me in early 2000’s, then someone broke into my house and stole this entire box set of books and a sports jacket. They left my laptops and headphones etc, but took this and my favorite Dodgers varsity jacket… I still haven’t forgotten it. Wish I could afford to pay 200$ for this though

    • Lake of sharks was great, any idea why it's missing?

      • +2

        Tintin and the Lake of Sharks, was a 1972 animated movie that was later adapted into a comic book. It was not written by Herge.

  • "introduction to European/Belgian comics"

    Such as what? Out of curiosity. :)

    • +2

      I grew up reading a myriad of European comics including Tintin, Lucky Luke, Asterix & Obelix, Iznogoud, Johan and Peewit, Benoit Brisefer and Spirou. All were good reads and I'm still very fond of European comics of the period.

      • Thanks for that! I've only heard of Asterix & Obelix out of those, which is, along with Tintin, my favourite. 8-)

  • Tintin in the Congo is loved by the Congolese people. Take that

    I read it (lucky my local library has the complete collection) and didn't see anything 'deliberately racist'

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