• expired

Book Depository 50% Cashback (Capped at $10 Per Member) @ Cashrewards


Greetings everyone, I reached out to TA after seeing the Booktopia deal this week to see if there was any expected Book Depository deal coming up and he was generous enough to share that this deal will be live again tomorrow morning which is great :)

50% Cashback for all members starting at 9am tomorrow and running till 11:59pm, there's a $10 cap per member for Cashback.

Free Shipping available site wide as usual, but make sure to check Booko if you'd like to compare prices first.

  • During the 15 hour promo, 50% cashback for Book Depository is capped at $10 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 9am to 11:59pm AEST 09/05/2021.

  • Cashback is ineligible when using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

  • You must return and click through from Cashrewards every time you make a new transaction/purchase.

As always, enjoy :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Book Depository
Book Depository

closed Comments

  • Yesssssssssssss!

  • +1

    Any suggestions for good fiction book to maximise the value?

    Last time I got Dune which was really good.

    • +6

      The Asimov foundation series are also very good…

      • +1


      • +1

        Thanks. Got this.

    • +3

      I liked the hyperion and Endymion saga by Dan Simmons after i read Dune. Also, avoid the dune books written by Brian Herbert, they are not as fun as the main saga.

      • +2

        another big vote for simmons, hyperion is 10/10 - the stars my destination is cool too, or the 3 body problem?


        • +1

          The three body problem and the other two books in the series is a fantastic read. I have them all and loved it!!

          • +1

            @Bluberry: You can read the 4th book in the Three Body Problem series by Baoshu. The Redemption of Time. My local library didn't have it however I was able to request a ebook version from them and they bought it.

            • @imissbeans: i couldn't bring myself to read a fourth non-canon book by a diff author, but out of curiosity, how did you like it?

        • +1

          Thanks for tips.

    • +3

      Highly recommend the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

    • +2

      Murderbot, they're short novellas
      Sagas of Icelanders

    • +1

      I like books that tie in with games/movies I've watched. Last time I got Rapture which isn't too bad. $17

  • +1

    Awesome. Better than that booktopia offer

  • +2

    Free shipping too, this is great!!

  • +2

    Be warned, having issues with the quoted "dispatched within 5 business days" at that moment. After speaking with their support staff about it I won't be purchasing from the again. That said, nice effort from OP and TA.

    • Good warning, especially with pre-orders. I ordered a pre-ordered a book with them and after three months, still haven't received it while other online retailers had stock as per release date and they were shipping it. Cancelled with BD and went elsewhere.

    • Had issues few days ago with bookdepository.. Order pended although the website said there was stock… After contacting their CS, they said they were trying to acquire stock from their vendor and told me my order could be cancelled. So I told them not to cancel and will wait until they’ll have it. After few days, got an shipping email and finally got the book!

      • They have their standard email responses if you're asking why your book hasn't shipped yet. The pandemic may have affected their logistics but I can live with "we haven't got stock because we haven't received it yet" or "it's delayed because of the pandemic" rather than "acquire stock from vendor" or "we expect stock to arrive imminently".

        As SaberX, BD was very good (for price and shipping) before Amazon acquired them. :/

        • Yeah…. I also thought it would be better BD spoke out loudly and frankly from the beginning regarding the order/shipping status….

  • +7

    Don't forget to use http://booko.com.au/

    • Or try bookfinder.com

      • First time I've heard of bookfinder. What's the main diff to booko?

    • Thank you! I was always using Google Shopping and Camel3x to get an idea of a good price!

  • I agree with the comments - book depository times have really blown out these days. I did order one in the last Cash rewards deal and it took sometime to ship, it still hasn't arrived as the quoted time is by mid month? Definitely a lot longer than the good old days. I suppose it isn't an issue if you have no time issues.

    • Seems to be different case by case, my book from the last 50% CB deal was dispatched within 3-4 days and took a week to arrive.

      • +1

        alot of the books i was looking at had pretty long lead times, i just never used to experience this in the 2015-2018 periods… i think being bigger, and post amazon acquisition pricing isn't the 'cheapest' necessarily and fast speeds. Now you need to booko eveything as you just can't assume you'd be getting the lowest price…

    • it still hasn't arrived

      when was your order dispatched?

  • Ahhhh I just bought 70+$ worth of books from Books Depp last week 😭 at least the cap is 10$..?

  • Thanks OP - great timing 👍

  • Great! Thank you!

  • -1

    The Art of Ratchet & Clank maybe.

  • +3

    Interestingly (well, to me), the books I was considering increased in price overnight - by $6, $3.50 and $2.50 respectively. A number in my wishlist have increased in price since yesterday but none have dropped. I wonder if this is how they offset their cashback losses?

    • I noticed the ones I wanted are about $= more expensive than ebay. Also dont have my book from the last deal. So this deal looks less appealing

  • I actually found a book I wanted that was cheaper on book depository than elsewhere including amazon. After I ordered, the book is no longer available. I can only assume that is why book depository didn’t price jack it. Was also sweet that it was just a little over $20 so basically half price.

  • Ta TA!

    Another Pizza Hut $10 cap 100% cashback coming soon? :D

  • Thanks, $40 book purchased that otherwise would not have been.
    System works then it seems :)

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