You don’t know where it came from or how it got here. What would you do?
See the poll options below.
You don’t know where it came from or how it got here. What would you do?
See the poll options below.
Tbh if you crush it a bit they would be indistinguishable from the herbs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it was in the herbs!!!
Pasta di mosca…. ecco!
take the fly out, and walk into a teleporter together
And don't overcook the pasta
And SALT the pasta
Venus Flytrap
Where's the option for "burn the house down"?
Need a poll to distinguish I’m a he or she too
My wife would burn the kitchen
"Waiter, there's a fly in my soup"
"Yes sir, the chef was a tailor."
Remove the fly and continue as if it were never there. Not going to let a fly waste a minute of my time.
Has there ever been a bigger first-world problem?
Plenty of flies in the third world.
But I doubt anyone in the third world would bother to ask this question
neither do first world chefs
Which isn't a good thing, eating flies is not a good idea.
@GG57: In third world countries you wouldn't be able to tell if you had. Its pretty common in Thailand with the amount of flies going around and cooking on the street.
Plenty of flies in wheat fields.
Not enough pasta
just scoop it out and pretend it never happened, continue cooking and then feed your family and friends and tell them you aren't hungry and will have some later…
First I'd turn the stove off, then I'd walk to my desk and grab my car keys and head out the front to my car. Once in my car I'd start the engine and begin to drive. While driving if I note a fly in my car I'll open the window and shoo it out. While driving I'll keep my eye out for anyone distressed and offer some assistance. If they're distressed due to a fly in their food I'll ask them to dispose of the food and join me in my random drive. I'll do this until my car is full of distressed people at which point I'll drive back home and finish cooking my pasta. If those distressed people want to join me and eat my pasta, they are free to do so.
This happens once or twice a week, it really eats up my time. I wish flies would just go away.
Lol too good. I'm dying 😭😭😂😂
But did you take the fly out of the pasta water or not?! It seems like you did not, as there was no 'remove fly from water' step here.
Was this a way of showing these distressed individuals that their fear was irrational - that they were more powerful than they thought, and could in fact eat flies?
And not just eat flies, but enjoy life, live happily, and experience ultimate fulfilment that they had never dreamed of?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg.
Eat the pasta with the fly. Extra protein.
How much protein is in one fly?
An adult house fly has 197g of protein per KG.
An average house fly weighs in at about 0.012g.
So I'm guessing about 0.002364 grams of protein per fly.
Approximately 20% by mass. As to how heavy they are, depends on the size. Is it an adult or a child fly?
a teenager.
Is it an adult or a child fly?
shouldn't OP be answerin
Isn't a "child" fly a maggot?
Technically yes, but I should probably have said adolescent as JV said. There are small flies and sometimes in summer you get ones the size of a 5c piece…
@ATangk: JV actually said "teenager".
If talking years, a teen-aged fly would be well and truly dead.
Even using days, the "teens" could be toward the end of their life.
@ATangk: When I was a boy, they were the size of a thruppence, and we'd fight over who gets to eat the fly.
But that was "When I was a boy"…….. I'm now a girl!!
Also whether it's European or African.
Isn't a child fly called a wriggle?
Don't know, but safer for all vegans to wait for the fly-free fly version…
Can't vegans eat flies?
I thought they only didn't eat animals and animal products?
Insects are a part of the animal kingdom
So how much extra pasta should I cook up for the fly?
need one more option
burn house down
I'd throw a spider into the pot and it would eat the fly.
and maybe then throw in a bird
Isn't that ubsurd
To throw in a bird?
Throw in the bird
To catch the spider…..
@Guybrush57: More like a slightly less archaic typo. The song's not that old. Still have a kids' album LP with Jon Pertwee (third Dr Who) singing it - although probably a cover…
Reminds me of the time I was at a local restaurant:
Me: "excuse me waiter, there's a fly in my soup!"
Waiter: "sssssh!, or everyone will want one"
"Serveur, il y a un mouche dans ma soupe!"
"Eh bien, vous avez une meilleure vue que le reste d'entre nous…"
If you are within 5 secs rule, you will be okay.
he took over 5 sec to post this i bet
Your logic and common sense will dictate what you'll suppose to do 🤣😷
The only issue with common sense is that its not very common.
What does your gut say?
My answer is the second option, my wife's is the last one.
She is the borderline germaphobe. Ie (and these are all pre covid) shoes off inside, no outside clothes on the bed, wipe down all surfaces and cutlery in restaurants before use, the list goes on…
Some of the above I agree with, some I think are just unnecessary.
Sounds like your wife just have some common sense?
What lead you to having to have a discussion about outside clothes on the bed?? The thought has never even crossed my mind that I would throw a dirty jacket on the bed.
Or are you being literal, ie after coming inside you have to change your shorts and t-shirt that you wore outside when you ducked out to buy groceries? That would be an interesting concept I haven't heard before :)
Or are you being literal, ie after coming inside you have to change your shorts and t-shirt that you wore outside when you ducked out to buy groceries? That would be an interesting concept I haven't heard before :)
This. 🤦♂️
I’m pretty sure that came from China
No offence. I’m Chinese myself but not from China
@John Kimble: There's an interesting observation in Vietnam, Vietnam! (1966) by Felix Greene, where he describes a U.S. soldier "teaching" some villagers the importance of hygene by bathing a baby, only to be interupted by a woman storming over, grabbing the basin he was using, and wandering back with it muttering about pigs who'd wash a baby in a bowl used for food preparation.
"Hearts and minds" indeed…
Switch off stove. Tip out water. Throw pot and pasta into the bin. Go get KFC.
High level strat here
Did somebody say KFC?
I don't care
i want it..
Fish it out and eat it before everyone else in the house wants to share/their own…
Discard the wife and half the house.
Fish it out with a pair of chopsticks like how Mr Miyagi would probably do it.
Thats exactly what I did. And thats exactly how this topic got posted.
Wife didn’t complain?
Dont ask Dont tell.
Leave it in, it's nearly done…
If you fish out the fly then ensure that the pasta boils (i.e. is maintained at 100C or more, by definition) for at least 1 minute, you can be sure that there with be no living organism left in that pasta/water; because all DNA and RNA is 'thoroughly denatured' (AKA 'rendered totally fu##ed') at such temperatures. Importantly this does not mean that you can 'heat anything to 100C then safely eat it'. Food that has become contaminated with 'heat-stable' toxins, for example, will not be rendered safe by heating to 100C. There will be nothing 'alive' left in the food (no dangerous/infectious organisms), but the aforementioned heat-stable chemical toxins will still be there, and will still be toxic.
Flies do not carry/contain any heat-stable toxins.
Waiter! There’s a fly in my pasta!!!
Fly experiment: hold a fly underwater until is “drowns”. Once lifeless bury in a small pile of salt and wait for it to come back to life.
Your missing a poll option that I would have chosen…
Remove the pasta (throw away) and continue cooking the fly.
I tried revising for additional polling options but it didn’t work. Maybe a mod could help?
Forget it. The joke would be too old by then.
All leftie warmunists here should not hesitate to incorporate the fly in their meal.
Haven't the lefties here switched to an insect diet, as strongly recommended by your masters at the UN, to "save the planet"?
No real commitment eh …
i know people are having fun with it lol but in all honesty lets say that it was not a fly and it was a roche? sheeeit id throw everything out including the pot. why do we see flys as cleaner insects anyway? coz they fly? they still sit and feed on dog poop and other shit. just as dirty as roches and might carry disease.
Also smaller with less visible turds - not saying they are cleaner but that probably influences perception.
Sweet Jesus strikes, 'in all honesty' get outa' town with your alarmist BS will you please? If you are legitimately suggesting that you would throw away any cookware you own that has ever been touched by a roach (I have assumed that is the word you were going for, rather than an allusion to rocks), I advise you to chuck it all away right now. Given that you reside in Sydney, most likely the majority of your cookware has at least 'had a roach scamper over it' at least once; no matter how 'clean' you think your house/apartment is.
Cockroaches are actually extremely clean insects. They are dirty and diseased when they pick up and eat crap left around in unclean kitchens:
I don't understand why people have no qualms pumping their homes full of neurotoxins to kill these insects when they just need to keep a cleaner house.
Hire bikies to take care of the fly
Your missing the option to add cloves to hide it.
add more flies to make it more uniform
A fly….. people eat with sticks and grubs in it. …. a fly
How about if it’s a larvae of some description? Does that make a difference?
Literally the most gripping OzBargain thread in existence…
Put the fly in rice to dry it out and prevent water damage.
The 'I vomit' option should be added
… throw the fly a life preserver
Fish it out and pretend it never happened.