Zietsch Ginger Beer 375mLZietsch Ginger Beer 375mL 6 pack on special
$ 1 .79
6 pack Unit Price$0.80 per 1L
Made in Australia from at least 95% Australian ingredients
Zietsch Ginger Beer 375mLZietsch Ginger Beer 375mL 6 pack on special
$ 1 .79
6 pack Unit Price$0.80 per 1L
Made in Australia from at least 95% Australian ingredients
Would like to know also
How do you check stock in your local coles?
Walk in.
Link? 😋
I'm guessing a lot of people wouldn't have heard of this company, but it used to be called "Zietsch Brothers" and they were/are the local soft drink manufacturers in Grafton NSW (my home town) from around the 1880's and still going. Still operating out of Mary St in Grafton I think, bit of an iconic family company in the NSW Northern Rivers. Buy Australian! Suspect that the massive discount is because Coles are running out the brand? Hopefully not the case.
Family business taken over by investment firm nearly 10 years ago. (AFR)
Buy Australian!
Made in Australia from at least 95% Australian ingredients
Assume this is 95% water and sugar, with 5% imported ginger?
Link is dead?
Link is only dead if you login to Coles online first.
https://shop.coles.com.au/a/product/saxby-zietch-ginger-ber - the link may suggest that Saxby are now associated with Zietch's?
I had no luck tracking this down at any store I tried. Most had not even heard of the brand.
Anybody know any stores that have this? I can't even see the product page on their website because it limits my results to a specific store/location and google doesn't find this product either
what's it like compared to Bundaberg Ginger Beer?