JB Is running another short deal on their Telstra plans
Usually $500 gift card, this one is $800 off an iPhone on their $99/mth plan over 12months
Not the best deal they've ever had but pretty decent
Ends 9 May
JB Is running another short deal on their Telstra plans
Usually $500 gift card, this one is $800 off an iPhone on their $99/mth plan over 12months
Not the best deal they've ever had but pretty decent
Ends 9 May
Agreed. For the average user in a city, you can easily get away with a plan with decent data from another carrier for under $250-300 /yr (I'm personally paying $150ish /yr)
Not a terrible deal by telstra, but not as great as it looks at first glance.
curious .. what $150ish/yr option do you have?
Spintel. 5GB plan which is about $15/m, with the first few months discounted. Plenty when you have wifi at home and work, and a reasonably short commute.
Agreed. Assuming you’re paying at least $50 if not $60 more than a regular plan - that’s $600 to $720 over the 12 month period. Ends up being only a $200 to $180 discount. Rubbish deal.
Depends if you need telstra - i do a lot of rural work and have been on vodafone for a short stint recently and they are utterly hopeless
Why not Boost?
Not enough data on their plans unfortunately
Yeah. It’s the only drawback.
So for e.g iPhone 12 Mini 64gb $1200 - $800 = $400 plus $1200 over the 12 months
Total$1600 you end up paying.
However if you are happy with boost plan with 80gb per year may as well get iPhone for $1200 + $150 Boost sim plan.
Total $1350
Thats a big if. 80GB per year vs 150GB per month. If you dont need the data, there are obviously cheaper deals than this one
1200 is rrp ,normally you can get it for 1000-1050 if use gift card or discount code…
Using the cheapest price I could find for an iPhone 12 128gb from a reputable dealer - Officeworks $1377
Over 12 months:
This deal = $1,765
Deal w/ $10 discount / month = $1,645
$69 plan w/ $300 gift card = $1,905
Above w/ $10 discount / month = $1,785
Outright, using a cheaper plan e.g. $30 months from Circles = $1,737
Overall this deal comes out a bit cheaper than other options, so not bad if you need a phone right now. You end up paying "full price" for an iphone at $1,377, and then $268 for the plan over 12 months.
Can i ask how you get the $10 discount/month please? I don't need a big plan so that would be interesting
Jump onto Telstra online chat after you have signed up and ask for it to be applied. JB's I've been to have made me aware of the discount instore, so if Telstra tries to refuse, just make them aware of this and say something along the lines of you only signed up because the $10 discount was available.
JB regularly doing $59 with $400-$500 GC
I did the calculations for the $500 GC too, even though I haven't seen it for awhile. Didn't include them because currently unobtainable. This deal is still better than $400 GC. Save $60 total if you wait for the $500 GC.
JB had the $500 on $59 2 or 3months ago, wife is on it
@quikstix: Like I said, good for someone who need a phone right now. If saving another $60 is what someone needs then by all means wait for another $500 deal
@bloopzorm9: As far as i can tell the $10 chat discount is hit or miss mainly miss for those looking at using that. TBH i am considering this deal myself but meh who knows
@quikstix: I think it now has to be done at point of sale (ie in store). Telstra only runs these extra $10 port-in-discount deals every now and again, according to a JB staffer I spoke to about this last week.
not seen this for a while but I will ask in store
can you get a price match and price off that I wonder!?
I imagine JB would price match since they want your money, but I doubt they would price beat.
I have called multiple JB HI FI stores and Telstra and there is no $10 port in credit being offered currently.
Or just go for the equivalent Amaysim plan ($30) and save $828 over the course of 12 months and you don't have to deal with Telstra's absolutely useless customer support.
Amaysim has 5G?
You want brain cancer and your mind read?
True though, thanks for pointing that out.
thanks for the downvote whoever doesn't understand sarcasm.
ozbargain rule #42 always take sarcasm as serious
ozbargain rule #3 always downvote someone when they get upset about being downvoted
Used to be a good deal when Telstra didn’t charge voucher reimbursement cancellation fee.
Those were the days ;)
Can I use JB gift cards to pay for the remaining cost of the phone after the $800 has been discounted?
Yes, why not?
My first time using JB gift cards I got from the ANZ credit card deal so not sure haha! If it works out well, I'm getting the 12 pro max for less than $219 cash out and reimburse the phone bill to my employer. I'm keen!
Great deal in your situation, I wish I would get 100% reimbursed! Also, you’ll get a proper tax invoice for the full amount, it will just show that you paid for it using a $800 gift card plus the gift cards you already have - this may give you another tax saving if you decide to write off the cost of the phone as a tax deduction.
I was going to get one of these plans through jb hi fi however I worked it out that it’s better to buy individually. I recently purchased the iPhone 12 max through the ebay sale with 15% off which was $250 discount so come to $1416. I then purchased the 240gb boost 12 month sim in the same sale for $203. So all in I was $1619 for phone and 12 months of data in the large plan.
I thought about this but had the boost plan last year and the data wasn't enough
150gb / mth is overkill but rather too much than too little
You dont get 5G on Boost
Noting also for people who want same number eSim, say to add to your Apple watch cellular, all MNVOs like Boost don’t provide it. You have to use the main carriers.
Don't forget new iPhone release possibly only 4 months away…
That's why I'm hesitating. Might wait for another $59 deal
Not necessarily terrible if single person in house, needing less than 150Gb per month. Use plan as home internet. Sign up for cheap Boost for phone.
$99/month home internet
$150/year for phone plan with, e.g. Boost
$400 for iPhone 12 mini
Any better options?
avoid, you're signing up to a overpriced plan to get a discount off a product at full rrp, wait for another eBay 10-15% off sale & save up to $300 off iphone 12, then sign up a plan that suits you.. imo