Block Ads in 9now Streams on Apple TV

Has anyone been able to block ads in 9now streams on Apple TV? I tried using the profile but the ads still play.


  • -2

    I tried using a sledgehammer and everything stopped playing.

    • +1

      I looked for the sledgehammer plugin without luck. Any links?

  • +3


    • This was the first thing that came to mind for me.

  • +3

    TBH, sometimes the ads are the best thing to watch on 9

    • +1

      sometimes the ads are the best thing to watch on 9

      probably has more thoughts put into them too.

  • Does this mean there's workarounds for other FTA apps?

  • Pretty sure the ads are embedded so can’t be blocked.

    • +2

      They're definitely not embedded. Matt's 9now Kodi addon plays 9now streams commercial free (same with 7plus). It also doesn't do ad insertion during live streams either. Absolutely brilliant way of ad-free television (even if a little dubious).

      The obvious evidence of this is the run time listed in the app is without the adverts.

      • Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

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